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I ■ [ , [ . . I 1 j 1 A COUPLE OF BETTING ANECDOTES. Charlie Kcnh..lts. talking of turf davs that were. mill a good story of how the late John Dalv won something like 2,088 at Betawonl Park just because be coppered a superstition. Daly had been watching Ihe lenses warm up. and he was particularly impressed with the move of Cobourg, which raced lor the Canadian turfman, Joseph B. Seagram. Calling his coinniissioiier to him, he asked him lo lind out the price agaiust the bora*. "He** 15. o and ::." reported the commissioner. aftot a visit p, me ring. P.ut youre not going to play him. Hes number thirteen mi the program." "Bel iin a thousand straight and a thousand ■ place." iplieily returned Daly. The bi was made, bin ihe commhsiewef could not refrain from another warning when he reported ihai ii was on. "Yourre tossing that money ott trying to heal such a hoodoo.* wa* his next volunteer warning "Jusl bci me another tnaamand straight and a il sand a pla.-e." wa- the waj I al answered thai warning. The he! Was obediellll.V pressed bv tile colllinis- sionei ami Col rg won. The sailing away of On Wells for iermanv brought to mind one of his races al Saratoga when he wa* beaten by Cary. a 58 10 1 shot. Qotltefa Walls was explaining hookmaking 10 a near- coiner 011 tin- turf when a piker came along and bet him 85 to show on Cary at 12 lo |. As Walbauni banded ihe ticket that called for Jtt!5 or nothing to the player be s:1id n the greenhorn: "Now, that is the money yon wain to grab, lake all the sin ker money Mr. Piker heard tii" remark and it nettled him so thai In dug up .1 her live. "Jiisi l,-i ige have five 011 Ciry straight." lie said, much as the liltle bm would say, "Youre another." Walbaum smiled a lie passed out the pastehnar.l thai called for 8225, and nudged the pupil tbai he was initiating Into the mysteries of Imokmaking After the race hail Is-en mn and the piker had collected he strolled around to the front of the hook. Looking up 10 Walbaum ami his pupil on th,- block he called "ii "Here yon man, dont forget that sucker 1 icy. I pin a ten sp.,i i„ ,!,,- book and I am ju-i liking away three hundred and twenty, hunt let the sucker in. .nm g.-t a way." New York Telegraph.