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WASHINGTON JOCKEY CLUB OFFICERS. Washington, P. C Fenrunry IS, The Washington J Jockey Club, though ii has been nuaMe to conduct 1 a race meeting of its own at Ihe Bennina course since 190H, when a bill was enacted providing Im 1 tin "widening of the Bennlng roaffl," i- -til alive. It will be remembered that a rldei went along with 1 that hill which uarried a prohibit Ion against book-making that wiped out the sport. The stockholders J met thi- wei-k ami i lected ihe following board of 1 Uuslmiii and ..iti.ei- President, Samuel Boss; vice-president, Edward A. Mitchell: secretary and treasurer. H I. Pets, of f New York, and Ihe trustees, William Corcoran i liii-ii-. Edward V Mitchell. Samuel Ross. II. Rosier Dulsnev. W. I.. Hibbs, I! A. Johnson S. S. liowianil. W Iiiurv Blair. George Howard, Henrv i li. iv Edward Morrell. II. I. Pels, N. s Siropkins, John K. Wilkins and il W. Fuller.