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CANADIAN STAKES TO BE INCREASED. Raring Associations in Dominion Making Ambitions Preparations for Approaching Season. Charieatoa, s. c. February 17. -The raeiag a-s,, clattona in Canada are making preparations for their mooting* the 1 ling mamir, News from I In- Dominion is to the. effect ilmt the coaaiag season will Bad in leased 11111 -■• and slake values, the over nigh 1 purses ranging irom ;ihi upward, while the lived events will he materially Increased in value. The Ontario Jockey Cluh. which always has been liberal lo the horsemen, will have a number of vain aide the eiilraii.e and starling lee- t . which will he placed ai ■ n 11, iin. il Bgure. In other words. 11 will eiist horsemen only .$."1 to enter and SIR ad dilional to stall i:i the Toronto Cup. to Which .-.".nun will he added. Windsor will Increase tin-value of ihe Frontier stakes to 13.580, ami the Belle Nl,- I., B2.580. In fait, nil Hie slakes will have greater values than ever before. Walter O. Parmer has announced that be will add a valuable piece of plan- in the Bdenwold Stakes, named for hi-larin in Tennessee. This even is for two-year-olds. The inaugural meeting of the new Hack :il Itllawi will be held in .Iniie and Ihe management is already making preparation* to give the meeting a great send n«. Bumor has -i h,:,i Allie I. lea, general manager and racing secretary ..1 the Hamilton Jockey lul . iv ill s,.n,. |M ;, similar capacity for ihe Con n.iiighi Park Jockey Club. Iliis would mean that piaeih ally ihe same etlieieiit staff of dtcial* will he .-! Ottawa as ai Hamilton. As yel no announcement ha- been made by the new eliih a- to what stakes will he tun al it- meeting, luu ii i~ presumed thai thej will in in keeping with ilu.s.. offered by ihe other clubs on the circuit. Wiih I be report that racing is to Ik- reaaaaed mi some of ihe metropolitan tracks iins aeason comes the news that A. B. Hade, who has served as starter Bl all of the Canadian Itaeing Association tracks lor several years past. ma. oaViate oa the Jot-key Clun Hacks in New York. In connection with this report i; is said that c. .1 Fitagerald mat succeed Mr. Hade mi ihe Canadian tracks, Mr. Fitagerahj has imi tilled ihe poatttoa of starter for a aamher oi .Mais, iii his prime be was considered one ,11 the most competent men that ever released a harrier ami he always had the eoiiiiilenee .,1 horsemen and public, it was generally supposed thai Mr. Fltzgei aid had permanently retired as ., racing mtieial and in nn were of the opinion that .lames Milton would in- the one selected to sneceed Hade, if a change shonhl he made. Mili.ui is one of the younger gene ration of starters and has shown thai he i- .1 capable man Hi- work at Havre r|e .raee and Laurel last fall and at Palmetto Park his winter ha* been ex i-elleni. Il may he that ihe .Inckev Club iiinv -elm 1 Milton. I: I- known thai August Belmont ihiitUs highly of ihis young mans work. In that event Hade would of course remain in Canada.