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i j I ! ! , j , - : i I i . . , 1 i . v TRYING TO CRIPPLE THE POOLROOMS. Manager Pons Adopts Drastic Measures at Charleston — Heavy Rain Changes Track. ibaili-suui. S. c. February St . The embroglio iHiw.-eii the Palmetto Park Management ami iln-poolrooai service people reached an acute -i;nr tlii- : • fii in. n. a when .very precaution was resorted i- bj Mauager 1. .1. Pons to prevent Ibe poolroom* rram obtaining the desired inl.iinaliou. In addiib-u to the eonfuaiug uietbial of ruuulug Ibc race* out ••. their regular onler. the official reaull uuanl wa- ,|is pens,.. I with anil the n-ili- were » s:.-d in -m.ili characters oa blackboard Ibis was ihaie with a vi.-w io preventing anyone outalde the tni.-k ea closure from obtaining the rcantta with strong glasses. . p--.iielll was lesoile.l lo during the afternoon l-v Manager Poua ami ibis wa* the ;iu noun, eieeni that no . -1 1 i i i . — t..i tomorrow* racing would be mv.-u mil t..i publication and that race goers would not be acquainted with the probable starters until they bought a program at the track the following day. The announcement that no entries would be iv.-n .nit caused a protest from the news paper em respondents here ami they sought oat Man Bger Pons with a view to having him rescind his or der, but to their importunities he remained obdurate until after the closing race, sshea he iaformed the newspapei men that Ibex could have the entries minus the weights. According to Mr. pons, the cu tries without weights will be all the available ad ranee information relative to the racing here aatil the i Iroom service trouble Is a.ljiiste.i. A steady rain of almost deluge proportions during the night made riein eomiiiions anything bin pro pit ions. The wet weather prevailed throughout Uu-day and served lo reduce the attendance t small numbers. The bettiag als, showed a bi: slump. The Tennessee Stables representatives were eunspie nous during iln- flay. Horses from ibis establishment accounted for half the card of sU races. TJhe trio 1 were ridden by Muegrave and were favored ones in the liettiu-. The stables sue. ess began when Mis-Wiiters took the opener in a sharp drive with Uar arood and Ave I he sturdy 1-ont was at home in 1 the going that prevailed and won the third race, while Pliant furnished the other victory in the closing dash. It is unlikely that the layers bad ■ profitable experience this afternoon, as ii.- favorites seined, while several horses smartly backed fat secoad and third places helped in the dlmhilshiug of the layers bankrolls. Todays loss, however, trivial compared with iln successes that the rin has enjoyed during the past week. V 1. Seluille. who is presidum Judge, broke int.. , the ranis ..I th. wtooimc owuer- dttling Ibe after noon through the vletory ot Armor in the fourth race. Heary Uotcitisou. wiaaei of the fifth race. Changed bands after the running, when Sam Louis raised hi entered price of 00 to 0i at which ! fiU!" C. H. Wolf let Mm 2c F. H. dair today sold to John E. Madden tb. btiv Continental. « bicli raced last -• tsoa In the ■ ...lois of R T. WilSOB. She will be retired to the ? Madden farm at the conclusion of the Charleston meeting. lie stake blanks for the Latoaia ind Douglas Park k meetings w.i distributed imosg the hoi ernes this afternoon. The rich offering of the Kearacky asao elation have attracted the notice oi minx eastern owner- and abend] everal have mob known their ,. intention oi hipping to Kentucky. Thomas F. Sheedy and Frank E. Brown an aotoajj those who ha vi decided to take in the Kentucky meetings. Chlag Hare, manier of the Dufftrin Park and a Hillcnt meetiBgjt arrived from Havana yesterday. : !!■ BBnoaaced that tht meetiags at those tracks will begin on the civic holiday, August 1. sad continue ; through usut and September. No parse "t p-than . will be given at either of the saeetlngs with oces lone! overnight handicap ol 00 valsx W H. Riley srrived from Columbia today with uiaee Kimball and Terrible Daa. It wa- ■ loppy ibis morning aad most of the train • is at Palmetto Park confined their work to bed exercise. These work outs look place lifted * Three eighth in 38. II.. peed Banoretla Three-eighth* In is. I- extra good. Blanche Frances Half mile in ;,|. Liked the ;;-• inj;. Hlue Mouse I bree 1 1 ii:i-i I. 1 1 in 1:23. la belag K 1 1 allied - low Iv anil look- ;;oo.i. futtvhuiik Half mile in .".:;. Will race well in bis ■raj -tart. Dr. lute r Half nine iii l:illl. Kghtlag lor hi bead Il. ua I in;. Mile in !:«♦. Liked I lie geiug. i;ibboiis Three quarter* in 1:21. Likes the goiag. : I..I0111110 lhree i|iiart.-i in 1 :£,. I. iked the go lag and is al hi- best. Ma Salaam.- Half mile in .".li. broe/.itur. May Bride Half mile in ."..:. Shows soreness. Merry Lad -Mile in 1:53. eaateriag. Pleas.- v--i|es Three •ilitli iu 40. cantering I an run in muddy gaiag. Pretty Molly Three-ejuartera in 1 :■.:;. Is beiag t i rained slowly: shows soreness. Key Half mile in 51. Liked the u;oiii. Royal Tea Three-quarters in 1 :i"i». Likely to im 1 prove iii bis next Btart. S|io|m Three-eighths in ■.■ . Liked the goiag; i- hi . xtra good. lro Weight Three-eighths in St. Looks good; I: is traintag slowly.