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SEVERAL MARES BOOKED TO BALLOT. Lexington, Ky.. February 24.— Ballet, now on his way to America from England, i- advertised to -rani ii Hamburg Place ihis season :n 1250, with Ihe n n vision that the fee will he refunded should tin- mare fail lo prove in foal. T. C. McDowell has alr.a.u booked one of hi- marcs to thi- great horse, 1*. h Hitchcock has booked two ami T. I*. Hayes iv.o The horse i- advertised a- tin- property of John c Madden, with no indication that others are Intel e-ied in him with tin- master of Hamburg Place. The Thoroughbred Record, referring editorially ti Iln- -ah- of f.alloi say - "About tin- biggest and certainly one of the mo-r bem -rn ial things has happe I In ■ thorough bred way. since the passage of the Hart Agnew law in N.-w iork. i- the purchase by John E. Madden of Ballot from the Keene estates and the immediate return of this beautifully bred son of imp. Voter and Imp. Cerito to this country. The sale was co-i sammatcd this last week, when Mr. Madden re ceived a wire from Mr. s. Hanford, of New York. one oi iln- executors of the Keene estste, statin,: thai he had cabled Lord Beresford, the Keen, reo.,. -i mative in England, at Xewmarket, to deliver Ratio! to Mr. Msddens representstlve, ami space wa- Immediately reserved for the horse mi the steamship Minneapolis, which -ailed on Tualatin I Ballot will be brought directly to Hamburg Place, upon hi- arrival in Sew York. ■ Ihe porchase of Ballot is hut another evident-of the ime faith that Mr. Madden has -hown at all lime- in ihe futnre oi tin- American turf and Ken lucky i- indeed to be congratulated on possessing a man who i- sportsman enough n inn so great i horse ai thi- time and bring him p. this country. from which there has beea such ;ln exodas of great horses in ihe la-t few years. Tin- return of Balk I should prove a genuine stimulus io tin- thoroughbred bleeding Industry and will go a long way toward counteracting tie effect of the exportation of Bock Sand. Adam Meddler, etc. •The snee. ■-- of Ballots -ire. Voter, with -tricii-Atnerican bred mar.-, a- witness The Manager, br Voter Braceglrdle, -is .-, pretty good Indication of Ballots eti. -me suitability for our mare-, and we bespeak for tin- horse tin- patronage and success thai Mr Miiddi lis sportsmanship and goner,, - i r v deserve."