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NOTES OF THE TURF. rhe proBoectf r..r the passage of the proposed racing commission legislation in Minnesota are coo- ..I. red E I. chairiiini Milton Yoaag of the Rentacky State Racing CommbisJou, sis lie beHeves Ike nr.ul ruling i.i the Mew Vork Stiprewe Court n ike qnestkM of oral betting will practicallj dnoMe the value of thoroughbreds in this ntry. The hh. ho senate ru-iK-d through the anti-book making bill iiuuVr snoiieasion of i In- rules by uaani inons vole. It has Lone lo lit,- In i i -." present form l be Mil g«ies into effect Juee SO. h does not permit »f pari mutuel betting, though h bi erpeeted ■in iiiort will lie made in i in- boose to Incorporate thai feature. At Perth, Weal Australia, Isidor Pertotoia, ■ lobacconisj and handbook man. aas ftned .S250 for baring made ■ bel with a domestic serranl in a ■bop on the Perth Cap. The trouble arose because the girl insisted that ih odds laid against Sparkle ware hi to I, while Peristole paid her at U to 1. arious feature of the .mm- Is that Perlstein .•an neithei read nor write, and employed outside iViks io ii ake up his l» t Tinj; l k.