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i ROCKAWAY CLUBS NEW COURSE. New Yotk. March T. - The Roekaway Hnnor. - Club, which will open the amateur season of horse - racing on Long Island, will have a new course th.-season. " Its one dav of racing is to be. held Sntnrda.. . April 26, at Hewh-tts Bay Park. Tbfat is abonl two mile- hom the old course :tt Cedarhurst and wi-nia.le " possible through Ibe courtesy of Carlton Macev. Mr Macev has tendered the use of some Of Inland and the offer will enable those in charge to lay r out a flat coarse Of a mile as well as two steepb-■ base courses, oae ol which will be for hunters wit 1 in,-: and rail, a- this class "i race has always been . one of ihe features of the Roekaway meetings. The brush course will be aboat«a mile ami a halt around J with tin- hoi-e- in plain Mow for ihe entire distance. There are somi feg grades to the course, hut tii-will add rather than detract from its merit, for .1 I will mean bteepJechasing iu tin- full sen-c .•: ii-word Tin- -nl - sandy throughout with a gooil II turf and good drainage. A track rail i- lo be pri iil.-.l hi ihe turns and through the h eslreteb, and ihe style of himps and their location have he -u " I Missed on by lie- clab working in conjunction wl h h representatives of the Hunts Committee under whose auspices Ihe meeting will be held. The program which will be announced in a few v das. will include three steeidecbaaea, two of whch l! will he for hunters, forum- of these, the Hewlett -Park Cup. the purse and plate has been donated by Mr. Macev. The Roekaway and ih - Cedarhnrsl Cups, two llmi honored features, will be r.-lained and a race f j 1 galloways, one for hack- ami hunters on tbe la I and an open race al a mile will complete the Offer iu. The work of construction is even now well under * wav. and will add • more place to a list gron i- linger ea.-h season devoted to the development o! raring under bigbly desirable, conditions.