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KENTUCKY OiTLOOK GRAND BTST HORSES IN COUNTRY NAMED EOR CHURCHILL DOWNS STAKES. Thiity-Eight Nominations. Including the Cream of Amen, an Thrce-Year-Olds, Received For Historic Kentucky Derby — Brilliant Season Assured. l.o»ii~ iiie. Ky.. March 8. -General Manager If. .1. Winn "i ihe Sew Louisville Jockey Club, win. at lived homo Fridaj night from Juarea, Mex.. w h--1 -■ iin- wiatet moiling of Kf.i dajra under his manage mi in will end ii Banter Sunday, announces thai for iIm- ii-ii i-ii h stake events to be decided this pring :ii i Imiiliili Downs, ihe total number «•! entries m. tat received is H2-. The average la satisfactory i" i ii, mi Winn awl wholly ii] to hi- es i- • -i :i r ii.ii-. ll - xa.vx -h i- not number-, tat class, are araat. and our eatriea enabrace every table oC prominence in America and consequently ever thoroughbred racer of the hihe-i excellence. The imtionk for the thirteen -days meeting :it ttte Downs beginning »u May HI mold net be brighter. The eoirlea fot the thirty-ninth Kentucky Derby. in even which will this yeai be rtli . 7. « ii. include the pick of the fleets , ik ee-year-olds on this • -i.m jnelil. I |i to liii-— lime thirty two hale |i!:l!i in ,1 belated mails trill bring the names of ul i, .i-i si more.* The Kentucky Derbj eligible* embrace Hawthorn, llili,,-. Ten Point, Vanki Notions, Leochares, Kl Ialouuir, Lord Marshall, Judge Wright. The Widow M i. Brookfield, Xash Cash, Chilton King, Rlug- liug, Uncle Hart. Doaerall, Frederick I.. 1 Steppa, Strenuous, McCorkle, Prince Hermia, Sam Hirscb. Jli- Majesty, Foundation, Flying Tom, High Star, Buskin, Gowell, Floral Park and The Finder. .....iiel Winn is enthusiastic over the outlook tor i he re-establishment ,t racing in this country. Everything, lie sa.i s. indicates a glorious revival. 1 1 will nunc about through the parT-mutuel method. The bookmaker is virtually i memory and before ,-,ii_ v, ill nave complete j passed. Colonel Winn prwtiets. lii, :nu as , ■• ■niin, t, ,1 in Ketitucky, cornea ci,—er in tin- English idea, and the re-esiaMishmeni of the ■,,!, 1 1 on ,i -mi lar I teal thy, manly baste, would, be i- certain, be liailed with rejoicing by hundreds of tbonaands oi good citiiena in New York i mi elsewhere ihroiigboni the country. He says there is no danger ol a revival of racing:, where it i- ii, in under the ban, through technical evasions. rtactug nnder in regnlattons of ;i commission stc-h ii- filreeta and protects ihe sport In Kentucky wnnld meei with popular approval along with the puri-iiiiii, ul method ni wagering, lie feela sure. Colonel Winn K gratified over the taccess of the J ha ret meeting .unl be ii the future of the sport there is absolutely established. The increased :it iinilnn • this winter baa been tine to the large number of l on r bus attracted to Mexico by raring i,f ii tenet lor kind. James Bit tier, the ., w York millionaire grocer. who own- the Empire City course, and who in Inter ested in the Jockey Cluh Juarez, accompanied Col ■ in i Winn here and departed today for Ine east. I I ion his arrival there he will look Into the |n,ss; trill ty of :i revival of racing tl Empire City the • -••hums summer. Colonel Whin will go to Lcxing ton tomorrow to attend Monday** meeting of the Kentnefcy Btate Racing Commission.