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■ _ — _____ — . — " KENTUCKY STATE RACING COMMISSION CARRIES OUT ITS PLAN FOR INCREASING STAKE AND PURSE VALUES AT ONCE I f * of 1 j . • " " * :l J ] • i i , ; i . Lexiagtoa. Ky.. March in.- The Keataeky SRnte Ita.iu Coiamissloa. with all it- members present i-xcepl Johnson S. Camden, who forwarded hi- prox.t from N.-w Vork to thalrmaa Miltoo Vouag. ara* in session for -i hnn- thi- afteraooo. Tie- greatei portioa ni the time was given over to a discntssioa the amendment i" nth thirteen inmosed at .In-last meet lag rcqoiriai that a: leant si. "ii ls» a. .. I !.. each stake and there be ii" parse for I -than stum al Latoaia ainl Louisville tracks, wlHi ■ , sTMl added :.. -t..k.- and 30 !•• parse, a- the minimum for Lexii gtoa. Ih. N.-w !...iti-villn Jockey Cllth eater d i opiKMiltion to the adoption t this ateasOre. Com missioner Charles I. Jrainger. who i- |M-ceidcnt . the New I. ni-i!!e luCkej 111., and Heneral Manager Man .1. Winn making tie arguments. In lae end tin- amendioeul was a.lo|iled and Ih • New l.oiti- ville Joeke.i cini. tl i one ol the ronr a-so.-n- lioiis licensed i-. give raVe meetings in ihis -i.-. ,■ that had not cotuplietl with ii- proviskms. was givea i prion ot ilecbtriiig off ii- stake* to which less than si.niMi has been added, or adding the sum In i-ai-h aecessar.i t • eonrorm to tie- rule. Oeneral Manager Winn will announce later whai the .luh will do in thi- matter. Sixty days for racing were allotted for tin- spring season :n Ken tuck j as follows: Lexington Eleven days. April 20 to May fc Chun-hill lio.-.n- iiiiin.-n days. ia 10 to May 24. Douglas Park- Twelve da s. m.i it, i.. Jaae 7. l.ainna Twent Pair days, .Inn.- .» to .inly 5. It wa- repret at ■■ to tin- .•otniui— ion that ii-Clarence !.• l.i.- ilesircs lo give a oae-day maiini-ra.c in.itin-. on her innate grouads in April, al which no aiii.iis-i.u i- in in charged, thi- priae In each race to be a sHver cap. a resolntion was adimted iin iwsrmissioa lo Alt-. Lehus to hold the ateetiag. and i: «;i further reaidved that tin- win ■ , mi- .if such mps m races will laear aa ptaaltli r therefor. ■I. Kccne liaingertielil appeared as attorney for W. C. Daly of Now York, and presented a petition for his reinstatement The matter was passed until the aexl meetiag, A rule making the owner responsible for the weigh in- borse carries in any race was adopted An amendment to rule 107 allowing an apprentice li ii-- i" a hoy who ha- not ridden a winner a a recognised meeting, was adopted An amendment t" rale 107 giving an apprentice the right to claim tin allowance for a period of one year from the .hit ol hi- having tirst ridden a winner, which allowance i- not re apph in handicaps and oaly lo apply to his track employer, wa- adopted An amemlinent lo the rule- tiing a maximum tine of 50 where no maximum amount had been pro iih, 1 by the rules, was adopted The following was offered as a new rule: "The weights :n the haadieapa shall he publlcl.i posted bj K:30 a in. of the da] 011 which the Weights ale lo he anuoiine. .1 . " Ii wa- proposed to amend rule 142 -" thai it shall read ""When any -urplu.- occara from a selling race winner beiag advanced over the entered price given • ni i in- program, -aid amount -hall he disposed of as follows: uri per renl shall .. to the second borse, -to per cent, -hall remain in the treasury of the a— oeiaiion where tin- race is run. and shall he known as the advance tutu;. When the same -hall ai tm to the mini ii, mi -uni provided for purse races on tin- -evetal itaek-. -aid association shall give an extra race railed advance money selling race, the same t" he given on the second day there iltir and each -iieeeeding day should he fund be sufficient . " The co lission adjourned subject to i lo- call of Chairman Young.