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GOSSIP FROM JUAREZ TRACK. An Easterner Seeks to Buy McLomorc Stable — Sea Cliffs Good Showing — The Weir Juveniles. El Paso, Texas, March 22. Wad.- i. 1., nn n baa been a-ke.i i. m eastern iiunnan. whose ideality has not as .i i.een made public, to let ■ price oa in- racing stable, consisting principally of iln- iisiiui three-year-old Illy truly and the i" year-olds Paw, Jeorge, Prnea, Kick and Chris. and also the cuotraci be iioids on the aerrlcea of iockej Hroth. II. and his trainer T. B. Mamfocd now have the natlet under eonatnerathNa and will an nounce their deciaioa within the next few days. The contract Mr. McLemore holds on Groth will expire on January 25, 191 l. In ease the deal - • through, the Texaa turfman will only be out « i rac inu 1. 1 this season, as be has a crop of yearlings 1 liK ranch and these will be handled by Mumfor.l wbea thej an two-yearTOkls next season. Truly. the star of the stable now that her great sister Meadow has gone back iii form, has won several races at the Juarea track this season and hi regarded as the besl of the three-year-old Bines that have raced here tins winter, barring th" flying Pi Zareta. Paw la the -itin_r~ only whining two-yeai old so far and. while undoubtedly a speedy gelding. be has a bad knee and iiK ankles are also 0 I. The deal proposed oulj corers the younger liorses. Meadow and Sterliu not being in the trade. Mr. Mel.. -more On- a toil be is especially pr id ol this season, ii being a sister to Meadow and Truly, by Leonid Boilj layman. 11. baa «ated the latter ■tare Lark to Leonid, hut Belie Rankin, the dam of Steriin and l.a.l Rankin, has been smi to be mated with Meelick. The daughter of Handball is .--Ic.i.d in foal within the next few day-, either a coil or a lilly by Leonid. if the deal for Mr. Mela mole- young horses goi -■ through, Groth will be seen In the saddle in K-n tuck tiiK season, as it 1- -laieil that the turfaaan who iv after this Texaa stable intend-- to race al Louisville and Latonia this spring and aomrner. Groth has been ihlim; here as Hgbl as 100 pounds. A. 1 . McCafferty, % h . baa been racing Suffragist, Dominica, Lad] Young, rraaale and other perfonners al Juarez, will campaign bis b table in Kentucky ilii- -•I g and summer. Thla hi the Brat time in about twentj years that a 1 1 1 — ■ veteran Texas horseman ha planned to race on the Kentucky tracks, and while in- regards Dominica and Suffragist as good enough to win at Louisville and Latonia. he is really going once nuue to Kentucky to pick up a good horse or two to add to his stiin to race al Juarea next winter. Dominica, now in the Mc Cafferty stable, was hied bj George 3. Long t Bash ford Manor Stud. She will go la. k to her native heath wirh a creditable racing record. lia::iLC won no less ihan nin" races last sea -■ :i as a Bve-yeai old. Suffragist, right now, is .1- good as he ever was and appears aide to run in an aorl of going, it" he lands tn Kentucky in as good form as he is al Juarex thi- winter, this son of Voter m;. lie a useful horse ill selling races of a mile and less. A C. McCaffertj is a brother to J. J. McCaf-lertj and C. C. McCafferty, both of whom ha •■ hen prominent on the running tart. ruder the skilful handling of Henry McBaniel, the aeven-year-old gelding Sea Cliff has regained his good racing form. During the present Juarea n tin;: this sun of Clifford baa won live race-. In on. of these he ran ■ aaihj In 1 :.ts. which was :u-fastest time if the meeting for thai distance. Soa Cliff has now ■ racing record of twenfy-flve victories. As a two-yeai old In 1908 be won the Albany Stakes, Adirondack Handicap and four ether racos. He did not race at all in this country as a threc-reai old, aa II. P. Whitney campaigned htm tbit aeason in England, where be won twice. As a four yeai old in I9M he won four race-, while as .. five-year-old be won only twice. Last season be wan eight ti - as 1 six-year-old and was in the money in fifteen other starts. The son of Cllnor.l has no* won Sll.isi; In -takes and parses during his career to dale In this country. Sea Cliff will not race in Kentucky the coming spring as ln-ohii.i and trainer, Henry McDaniel, will again ship his Btable to the Coeor dAleae track In IdaiKi. Delaney, a stable companion of Sea Cliff, hi now rounding Into form and there are several promising two-year-olds in the McDaaiel barn that ma rae better on the circular track In Idaho lhan oul of the chute at Juarea. Mr. McDaniel will visit Kr tuckj in the fall and pick up aotne material I t next winters racing at Juarea, and ■ ol presenl string will rest through the winter on one of the blue grass faraaa until the spring o 1914 Mr McDaniel intends to try Delanej races of .1 mile al Alan. The once speedy sprinter appears now to do hi- best racing at the end ol a contest and does not leav the port with the das sling speed which marked his racing as a three vear old. Mr. McDaniel -ay- in regard to side stepping Kentuckj thi- season: "I feel th.n : must go where I can win. even if the purses are smaller. I know thai my lior-e- are not jr . d enough to race with success at 1 lavtlle am! La tenia this season and 1 have decided to go where there i- a chime to get the money." Tin- fin ml- of John otiutt will he pleased to learn that that Kentucky turfman 1- noa a prosperoua farmer in Oklahoma. Sim-.- settling 111 that siat.-he has married ad baa an Interesting family. Mr. Offutl was tor fears manager of the Meadowthorpe stud in Kentucky, which was owned by hi- late brother-in-law. Col. -I. L. Pepper, and while he had charge of the place, such stars a- Kings Courier, King Barleycorn. Kentucky Colonel. Whiskey King, Black Venus aad Tar Excellence were foaled then Mr. uffut. raced Roxaue. which, after running sensational races, waa —id at auction to the In. Stephen Sanford of Amsterdam, N. V. for 0.00 . From tin- Bey won with Boxane and realised from ber -ale. Mr. Offatt purchased ih. faun he now own- in Oklahoma and he ha- named the plac. after tin famous daughter of PerWase. Ii is inter. -tin- to horsemen to note that Roxane is bred on her dam- side 1 h like the great l11 Lane.- She was out of Ondina, whose dam a-Bllss, a sister Beatitude, the great granddam ol the ■nia II. rbj winner of 1912. 1 Vppiegate will nol race Hound the r1«l in. nl the spring meeting al Churchill Downs Thej had intended to 11.11 the noted mare a time or two during the closing days of the Jockey Club Juarea meeting i.ui when the weights came out for the li.i- Repnblicas Handicap, the last stake feature 01 the meeting tin assignment waa more- than bei owner I hough I the daughter of Laekford should race under and so her trainer. V. 11. Buckner, wis ordered to !. t ap on her. She will reach Louisville ready !•• race this spring in the best of company and ready for a long and severe campaign. it nay be expected that she will race in events like th,. Clark Handicap at Churchill Downs and the .sm.iKHi Kentuckj Handicap u Doughta Park. * h --till 1 ossesses dazxliug speed. |- 11 w.ii baa won with live two year old- al tie- Jockey Club Juarea coarse this season, a total ,,1 eight ra •- His uveuih whiku- include old Rosebud iini itH a* wi. Aunt Mamie, Bdltb A.. Ida Lavinia and Delia Mack. Three ..1 th.- collec Hon old Itosebud. Aunt Mamie and L.lilh are |. Uncle while Ida Lavinia Is a daughter ol sarion awl Delia Mack i- by Tie- Omimoner. I he latter which is tic latent In the string to gradual! !p,i, 1 i,,. mabien .la—, coat onl 30 as a yearling ■11 public auction and Ida Lavinia was purchased also ai auction for S2:.n. The three youngsters In 1 iicle were all purchased bj II. C. Applegate, Mr w.ii- racing partner, n private sale, the tic. 1., in- bred at John E. Madd.-n- Hamburg Place, a-ben nele was in the stud during In- stay in Kentucky. The Weir I w o x .ar old- will no doubt cut some figure al lexington and Louisville this spring, old itosebud look- as If be may be a bigh- elass gster. So far he has mel nothing that could even tesl bis real racing ability. All of the W.-ir youngsters are good l osl actors and quick breakers from the barrier and in this respect tbey will ha-,,- something on the two year-olds in the .aih races In Kentucky this spring, espeeiallj those which have ihme no winter racing and have never ■ be b !ii. r a- yet. This v.-t, r.m trainer appears to have .1 promising season before him and ii ma be that Old Rosebuds performances will ultimatel draw as much attention to his st.ibl as in the days when the great Boseben was ■ mem Is r of his ■ -laid Isbment. Jockey P. Borel, who has been absent 1 v the saddle al Juarex for more lhan a fortnight. »a an attack i»1 rheumatism, mean* to resi up 1 ilng to Kentucky ■■ i: A| 1 ■• gal . v bo holds Brsl 1 all w ! I» services. Borel thinks that with ■ few weeks 1 1 be will be in the besl of riding condition and will go 1 1 Lexington In plenty ..I time for the op Kentuck racing season on April 20. Us thinks he will be able to ride al llghtei wel Kentuck than at Juarex mh- season, where hi ha had difficulty in keeping lown to [10 pounds Id- stable hi- 1 Derh candidate this season. II - i int m El Pal Ih,. , .. ,,- ir in. i John I. .we ilccbiev i-thai -|..-."!v son "i o-ihr Joe in Ibe big rac. which js i,...i,;,i,! ..- LI Palomars owner. C. v. Clark, i„ mixions to -e h - colors carried In Ibe D .bj . IO.