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RACING COMMISSION FOR ILLINOIS Bill Introduced in Legislature to Bring Sport Under State Control Senator John T Deiivir who represents one of the Chicago districts in the upper branch of the State Legislature Introduced two hills in the Senate at Springfield on Wednesday that are of interest Mo racing folk The bills were drawn by William E Golden a Chicago attorney who is secretary of the Austin Association chairman of various committees of the Austin Heights Neighliorhood and Improve ¬ ment Association and chairman of the Parks and Boulevard Committee of the South Austin Club They were introduced 611 request by Senator Ddiivir who represents a West Side district including the locality in which the Hawthorne track Is located locatedOne One of the bills provides for the appointment of a state commission of three momlicrs to lie naiind by the Governor to supervise and govern horse racing in Illinois under certain conditions described iu the bill This bill provides that a percentage of the receipts of racing associations shall be set aside for the use of the state and devoted to highway im ¬ provements The author of the bill estimates that the state would derive a revenue of 1000000 an ¬ nually from this source should the proposed legisla ¬ tion be enacted into law lawThe The second bill is supplementary to the racing commission measure and provides for the adminis ¬ tration of the funds accruing from the operation of the first bill billSenator Senator Deiivir is quoted as saying that lie intends to push the bills While I did not draft the bills no organizations are back of the measures so far as 1 know said he There is no such movement back of the racing bill as is behind the boxing bill 1 intend to make a personal fight for the racing bill It seems to me that racing could lie revived under the same sort of regulations ns would safe ¬ guard boxing Since I introduced the bill many members of the Legislature have told mo they thought it was a good thing The thingThe full text of the racing commission bill which with its companion bill was referred to the Com mittee on Itoads is as follows followsA A BILL for an Act to establish a State Itnclng Com ¬ mission with authority to license Incoriwratcd associations to hold race meetings and to make rules and regulations governing same and re ¬ pealing any and all Acts or parts thereof con ¬ trary to any and all parts of this Act ActBe Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Illinois Illpresented in General Assembly AssemblySECTION SECTION 1 1 That a commission which shall be styled The State Hacing Commission shall lie appointed by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate 2 The Governor shall apiKilnt three persons who are members of the State Public Highways and Itoads Commission who shall hold office for the term of six years or until their successors are ap ¬ pointed and qualify Provided that as soon as tnis act shall be in force and effect the Governor shall immediately appoint one person for six years one person for four years and one person for two years and the President of the State Public Highways and Koads Commissioners shall be president of this commission Provided further the General Asscm ttly shall appropriate sullicicnt funds for the support and maintenance of this commission until such time as it is selfsupporting selfsupportingSECTION SECTION H 1 No person shall lie eligible to hold a com missionership or any ollice or position under this act who is directly r indirectly interested in any racing association horses trainers jockeys drivers or anv person firm company or corporation dealing manufacturing or controlling any or all material of any kind used or to be used by any association licensed under this act and the Governor shall remove from ollice any commissioner officer or em ¬ ployee that may hereafter violate this section It shall also be the duty of the Governor to remove any commissioner officer or employee from office or employment under this act who is guilty of receiv ¬ ing directly or indirectly any commissions interest or gratuity of any kind from any source whatso ¬ ever except as provided for in this act actSECTION SECTION III 1 Before entering iiH u the duties of his ollice each of said commissioners and the secretary shall make and subscribe and file with the Secretary of State an affidavit in the following form formI I do solemnly swear that I will supixirt the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois and 1 will faithfully discharge the dfities of the commissioner or secretary of the Slate Itaclng Commission according to the best of my ability and keep this act free from all causes of just criticism and attacks and I will devote all my time as said commis ¬ sioner 2 Said commissioners shall receive for their services Two Thouiand Five Hundred 2500001 Dollars per annum and said commissioners shall appoint as secretary a person who shall lie secre ¬ tary of the Slate Public Highways and Itoads Com ¬ mission Said secretary shall perform any and all duties such commissioners shall assign him Said secretary shall receive a sum not to exceed Two Thousand 200000 Dollars per annum All sal ¬ aries under this act shall be payable semimonthly 3 Said commission shall use any or all employees or persons now or hereafter in the employ of the Stale Public Highway and Koiids Commission neces ¬ sary to perform the duties imposed on this coin mission 4 The headquarters of this commission shall be the same quarters as are used by the State Public Highways and Uoads Commission CommissionSECTION SECTION IV 1 Said commissioners shall provide separate and distinct Iwoks free from the records of any other state commission and in said Iiooks keep a true faithful and correct record of all proceedings which shall be open to tho public and make complete annual reports of all proceedings to the governor and Senate 2 The YEAS and NAYS shall be taken and en ¬ tered on the record of all proceedings of said com ¬ missioners upon any and all questions 3 Said commission shall have power to make additional rules and regulations not provided for iu this act for the proper conduct of every race meet ¬ ing authorized under this act and may investigate any or all acts of any licensed association author ¬ ized by this act or the conduct of persons or per ¬ sons and shall have the right to enter orders rules or penalties justified after said investigation investigationSECTION SECTION V 1 It shall lie the duty of this commission to issue a license to any corporation incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois for tho purpose of conducting running or harness racing meetings in the order of their incorporation Such licenses and corporations shall be subjected to this act and any and all rules and regulations made or passed by this commission 2 It shall be unlawful for any person flrm or corporation to conduct or bold any racing meeting of any kind anywhere in this state until first duly IneoriMirating and receiving a license from this com ¬ mission 3 Said commission shall issue a license to cor ¬ porations and in no wise discriminate In favor of any corporation but no corporation shall receive a license to conduct a racing meeting whose officers directors or stockholders are interested directly or indirectly financial or otherwise in any other racing association associationSECTION SECTION VI 1 It shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation to conduct or attempt to conduct any horse racing meet on the seventh day commonly called Sunday or after dark or between the first day of Octolier and tho first day of May MaySECTION SECTION VII 1 It shall l c lawful for said commission to Issue a license to one corporation to conduct a running horse meet and one for a harness horse race meet iu each county in this state after all provisions of this act hfive been complied with and an additional license shall be issued to a corporation for each 300000 population but at no time shall two running race meetings IK allowed on the same days in any one county or within a radius of 100 miles of each association associationSECTION SECTION VIII 1 Said commission shall apportion equally the legal days of racing permitted under this act be ¬ tween all duly licensed racing associations without discrimination 2 It shall be unlawful for this commission to al ¬ low or permit arty association or corporation to con duct a running race meeting for a longer time than thirty thanthirty 30 days for each association iu any one year 3 Said commissioners shall have the right to refuse a license to any corporation wltose officers or directors after an Investigation are proven not to be men of honor and business integrity Any asso ¬ ciation refused a license shall have the right to ap ¬ peal to the Circuit Court of Cook County The said commission shall have equal rights to appeals appealsSECTION SECTION IX 1 Every association licensed under this act shall charge each and every iierson a minimum admittance to the race tracks and grandstands of one 100 dollar and said association shall pay to the treas ¬ urer of the State Public Highways and Konds Com ¬ mission every thirty days ten per cent 10 p c of each and every dollar so collected Any race association its officers or directors violating this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than one nor more than three vears In the state penitentiary or a flue of two thousand 2000 dollars or both provided representatives of the press and only necessary employees and members of this commission shall be permitted to enter free but no others 2 When a racing association has received a li ¬ cense to conduct a racing meeting it shall provide an additional enclosure where will be permitted automatic registering machines in the care of the necessary competent attendants who shall act as temporary custodians of moneys deposited by persons and all moneys so deposited shall bo subjected to reasonable rules and regulations made and passed by said racing commissioners and no other method shall be permitted Each association shall cause to be collected 5 per cent from all sums dcposited and the association shall pay 2 per cent of such 5 per cent to the treasurer of the State Public Continued ou third page RACING COMMISSION FOR ILLINOIS Continued from first page Highways and Roads Commissioners every thirty days A No person shall ho permitted to cuter this additional enclosure unless they are over twenty one years of ape and each association shall cause to lie paM hy each and every person an additional minimum admittance fee of one dollar 100 Ten per cent 10 p e of all moneys so collected shall be paid by the association to the treasurer o the Stale Public Highways and Roads Commission every thirty days daysAny Any association its officers and directors violating any part of this section shall be subject to the penalty of a line of live thousand 5000 dollars or for one to live years in the state penitentiary or both provided bona flde representatives of the press and members of tlje said commission shall have ac ¬ cess to the additional enclosures without cost and no others othersI I Anv county or state fair association in the State of Illinois may make application to said state racing commission to accept or take advantage of anv part of or all provisions of this act and said count v or state fair association shall state in writing what section or provision of this act they elect to accept and said state racing commission after a thorough investigation of said written appli ¬ cation shall issue a license to said state or county fair so far as it applies to the part of this act that the said state or county fair association elect to accept and said state or county fair association by such acceptance shall be subject to all the rules and regulations of such racing commission and all provisions and penalties for failure o said state or count v fair association to faithfully comply with any and all parts or provisions of this act so ac ¬ cepted ceptedSECTION SECTION X 1 It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit ask make induce or attempt to induce any other person or persons to wager money or a security on a horse or horse race anywhere inside or upon any part of the property of any licensed racing associa ¬ tion It shall be unlawful for any person to take or receive directly or indirectly money from any other person or persons for the purpose of wagering or placing money for said other person or persons except as provided for in this act 2 It shall be unlawful for any person to act as commissioner for the purpose of solictiug money from females or males on the premises or grounds of said association Each and every jterson violating any part of this section shall bo expelled from the enclosures and be subject to arrest and a penalty of 2tH for each and every offense offenseSECTION SECTION XI 1 Said commissioners shall have the authority to exclude any and all undesirable persons from entering the ground of any racing association li ¬ censed under this act 2 Any and all associations licensed under this act shall pay to the treasurer of the State Public Highways and Roads Commission immediately all tines and penalties imposed upon any and all train ¬ ers drivers owners jockeys or other attendants under the jurisdiction of said association No tines or penalties shall be remitted or vacated by any rac ¬ ing association Any and all persons dissatisfied with any rule regulation or order imposed by the ollicers directors or employees of any racing association shall have the right to appeal to said racing commission any and all persons dissatisfied with the ruling on all question so appealed to said commission shall have the right to further appeal to the Circuit Court of Cook County CountySECTION SECTION XII 1 Any part of or any whole act now in force and effect contrary to any part of this act is hereby repealed repealedThe The companion bill is as follows A KILL for an Act to establish a State Highways and Uoads Commission with authority to create build maintain police and light highways roads bridges and i ower plants and to make rules and regulations governing same and repeal any and all Acts contrary to any and all parts of tills Act ActHe He it Enacted By the People of the State of Illinois Represented in General Assembly AssemblySECTION SECTION I 1 That a commission which shall be stylod t State Public Highways and Koads Commission shall be apixdnted by the Governor with the advicc and consent of the Senate The Governor shall ap ixiint three persons as such commissioners one of whom shall be a civil engineer of high standing and two others shall belong to separate political parties all of whom shall hold office for the term of six years or until their successors are appointed and qualify Provided that as soon as this act shall be in force and effect the Governor shall immedi ¬ ately apiwint one person for six years one person for four years and one person for two years The commissioners shall immediately after their appoint ¬ ment and duly qualify select one of their members to act as president Provided further that the General Assembly shall appropriate sufficient funds for the support and maintenance of this commission until such time as it shall be selfsupporting selfsupportingl l The Governor shall appoint with the consent of the Senate a secretary who shall also act as treasurer and whose term of oflice shall be six years unless removed for cause as provided in this act Said secretarytreasurer shall perform such duties as tile commissioners shall assign hinu beside being custodian of any and all moneys received and to give such additional bond as said commissioners may require J For the carrying out of the purposes of this art said commission is hereby created a municipal corporation with all powers by law now vested Jn municipal corporations of this State StateSECTION SECTION II IINo No person shall be permitted to act as such com ¬ missioner or secretary or any employee who at the time of his apiKiintmcnt or any time thereafter Is in any way connected directly or indirectly with any person linn company or corporation manufactur ¬ ing controlling or dealing in road or bridge building material implements or machinery or road repair material or any substance or material to be used under this act The Governor shall have power to remove any and all commissioners or secretary who shall directly or indirectly share or attempt to share in any manner or form in contracts or purchases of supplies suppliesSECTION SECTION III 1 Before entering upon the duties of his office each of said commissioners or secretarytreasurer shall make and subscribe and file with the Secre ¬ tary of State an oath in the following form formI I do solemnly swear that I will support Hie Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Illinois and that I will faithfully and impersonally dis ¬ charge the duties of the office of commis ¬ sioner or secretarytreasurer of State Pub ¬ lic Highways and Koads Commission to the best of my ability and keep this net free from all causes of just criticisms and at ¬ tacks and I will devote all my time energy and attention as said commissioner or sec ¬ retarytreasurer and shall enter into bonds with security to be approved by the Gov ¬ ernor in the sum of twentyfive thousand 2 0000 dollars fob the faithful IHT foriinince of this duty as such commissioner or secretarytreasurer secretarytreasurerSECTION SECTION IV IVEach Each commissioner shall receive for his services Jive thousand 5000 dollars per annum said secretarytreasurer shall receive a sum not to ex ¬ ceed live thousand 5000 dollars per annum for his services servicesSECTION SECTION V 1 Said commission shall have power to appoint uch oilier additional persons and employees as are only necessary for the proper discharge of the pro ¬ visions of this act and fix ail salaries and compensa ¬ tions for such employees All salaries and compensa ¬ tions shall lie payable bimonthly 2 All employees tinder this act shall lx subject to the civil service laws of this state provided how over this section shall not apply to said commis ¬ sioners or secretarytreasurer secretarytreasurerSECTION SECTION VI 1 The secretarytreasurer shall be permitted to receive money from any source whatsoever and by appropriation donations gifts or taxation and all moneys received shall be deposited in reputable safe banks and all such money and interest shall belong the people of the State of Illinois for the sole purpose of Imilding public highways roads bridges l iwer plants and to maintain rcpatc light police and keep in firstclass condition any and all proper lies of said commission also all other necessary ex penes penesIT IT No money shall Hx paid out until voted by wild commissioners signed by the secretarytreasurer and countersigned by the president of aid com ¬ mission missionSECTION SECTION VII 1 The said commissioners shall provide books in which shall be kept a true faithful and correct ntord of all moneys received its source and dis ¬ bursements of their proceedings which shall bo at nil times open to the public and shall make com ¬ plete annual reports of all their proceedings in eluding expenditures and receipts of moncv to the Governor and General Assembly 2 The ayes and nays shall be taken and entered upon the records of alj proceedings of the said commissioners upon any md all questions or policies policiesSECTION SECTION VIII 1 Said commissioners shall have power to take over and control build pave light police repair and maintain and make rules regulations governing any and all public highways roads or streets any ¬ where in the state excepting existing Iwulevanls in cities and build any and all necessary bridges repair light and maintain the same to connect any and all of said commissioners roads and highways 2 Tlie said commissioners shall have sole charge and control of all highways roads and bridges and power plants and the right to regulate trallic and impose lilies and penalties for any and all violations of such rules and regulations or the destruction of any part of or whole properties under the juris ¬ diction of said highway commissioners 3 No public highway or road or private road shall be built repaired or maintained anywhere in this state except on the written consent of the said public highways and roads commissioners provided this section shall not apply to cities towns or vil ¬ lages 4 Such highway commissioners are hereby vested with iM vor to take and acquire title to such pieces or parcels of land as may be necessary and may proceed to procure the condemnation of the same in the manner prescribed in the act of the General Assembly entitled An Act to Provide for tho Ex ¬ ercise of tiie Right of Eminent Domain Approved April 10 1S72 The provisions of which act are hereby extended to said highway commissioners commissionersSECTION SECTION IX 1 Said commissioners shall have the power to raise money by general taxation for the purpose of creating building maintaining improving and re ¬ pairing public highways roads and bridges power plants and necessary buildings purchase of material and necessary expenses of said commission author ¬ ized under this act All taxes levied by tho said commission shall lie levied at the same time and in the same manner as taxes are levied for other state purposes but the aggregate amount of taxes levied for any one year shall not exceed the rate of one per cent on eacii dollar 1 Any and all state highways roads and bridge taxes now or hereafter authorized to be levied or collected shall be paid to the treasurer of the State Public Highways and Koads Commissioners CommissionersJJ JJ Said commissioners shall have power to issue bonds payable in twenty years but at no time shall an amount exceeding ten million 510000000 dol ¬ lars be outstanding at any one time timeSECTION SECTION X 1 Said commission shall have power to hire or employ any and all necessary labor to build con ¬ struct repair maintain police and keep in first class condition all state public highways roads power plants bridges and necessary buildings 2 Said commissioners may also let by contract or enter into contracts with reputable persons firms or corporations for the purjiose of building state highways roads bridges power plants and other necessary buildings and pay for the same out of all funds receivable by said commission 3 Said commissioners may use for the purpose of preparing road material any and all safe sane inmates of public or penal institutions of the State of Illinois 4 Said commissioners shall have power to pur ¬ chase all necessary material machinery equipment and necessary supplies to construct build repair police bouse light any and all state public high ¬ ways roads bridges power plants and any neces ¬ sary buildings buildingsu u Said commissioners may take and control any water site stream or river for the purpose of build ¬ ing power plants to furnisli electricity and power for the proper lighting or heating of said highways roads bridge and all necessary bnildings now or hereafter under the control of said commissioners and for no other purpose whatsoever whatsoeveri i Said commissioners shall have power to make any and all other necessary rules and regulations for the proper control and protection of all property under their jurisdiction not provided for in this act actSECTION SECTION XII XIIAN AN ACT to establish a State Highway Commission defining the duties thereof and to make an ap ¬ propriation for experimental purposes Ap ¬ proved May IS 1905 In force July 1 1005 AN ACT to provide for the election of Commission ¬ ers of Highways in Counties under township organization and to legalize election of official acts of such us were elected in the year 1S74 1875 and to fix the compensation of the Treas ¬ urer of sucli commission Approved and in force April 15 1S75 1S75AN AN ACT to provide for the appointment of a Good Ronds Commission and to make an appropria ¬ tion therefore Approved May 15 1003 In force July 1 1003 1003All All these acts are hereby repealed and any part of any entire act now in force and effect contrary to any part of this act is hereby repealed