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JOCKEY CLUB TEMPORARILY ENJOINED Order of Federal Judge Restricts Governing Organ ¬ izations Sphere to New York New York April 18 The temporary injunction granted bv Judge Julius AI Mayer in the United States District Court forbids the Jockey Club the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association and the ollicers and members of both to exercise any iiuthor Ity or jurisdiction in any way over racing in any part of the United States except with New York state Hoth organizations and their ollicers are also restrained from interfering in any way with any horse horse owner race track owner trainer or jockey participating in any meeting not sanctioned by the Jockey Club ClubThe The order is made returnable April 25 before Judge Mayer when the ollicers of both organizations and of virtually every other racing association in this state must show cause why the Jockey Club and its auxilliary associations should not perma ¬ nently be restrained from exercising any ollicial influence on racing outside this state stateThis This Is the first response of the Federal Court to the petition of the Maryland State Fair Associa ¬ tion whicii controls a race course at Laurel Aid and which thrqugh Alanager Harry D Hroxvn pre ¬ sents the plea that the Jockey Clubs influence over racing Js virtually an illegal combination in re ¬ straint of trade to quote the petition Attorney Grant Fox represents the Maryland organization organizationThe The temporary order will not have any serious effect upon racing at Norfolk Pimlico nor upon tin race meeting which opens today at Havre de Grace although this is one of the meetings author ¬ ized by the Jockey Club and conducted under its rules and regulations Stewards have been ap ¬ pointed by the Jockey Club for the Havre de Grace meeting to see that its rules are enforced The ollicials of the meeting have also been appointed under the approval of the Jockey Club ClubUntil Until the matter has been threshed out in tho Federal Court the jurisdiction of the Jockey Club H all meetings usiinlly under its sanction will probably be recognized by courtesy courtesyAttached Attached to Judge Alayers order as it was filed in ihe clerks ollice were atlidavits by United States Marshall William Henkel that subpoenas had laen served upon August Helmont HelmontAttorneys Attorneys for the Jockey Club and the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association may file affi ¬ davits within four days before the return of the writ