Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1913-05-10


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PIMLICO FORM CHART PIMLICO MD FRIDAY MAY 9 1913 Seventh day Maryland J Kkcy Club Spring Meeting of 10 days Weather clear Q I t Q FIRST RACK 58 Mile S13UU O JL J J Net value to winner 320 set second 50 third 30 Leys Owners Knuiv Odds Strt 7994s WOODEN SHOES wn B 111 2 2 2J l t I1 I4 Troxler J O Talbott Talbottr roioo 7928 ROBERT OLIVER w r 10U 1 3 37094BULGAiR 3l 3i 3 2 k Butwell R Parr Parri 7094BULGAiR wil i 109 5 1 1 24 2J 31 c Turner J 1 MeCafferty MeCaffertyf 79 58 MILKY WAY w f 101 G 5 53 42 4 = 4 ° Wolfe R T Wilson Wilsonif 8028 KETTLEDRUM wif if 112 4 4 4 r5 5 53 lireyer J S Tyree Tyreei 7880 MOLMA i 109 nrv 3 G G G fi C W Median W P Scully Time 24 48 102 Track fast 2 mutuels aid Wooden Shoes 300 straight 250 place 210 show Robert Oliver 370 plane 2SO show Bulgar 240 show Equivalent booking odds Wooden Shoes 50 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 5 to 100 show RiJlx rt Oliver S5 to 100 place 40 to 100 show liulgar 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Burgomaster Breakdown trained by J Johnston JohnstonWent Went to post at 300 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driving WOODEN SHOES showing line speed from the start moved up to the leader with ease while rounding the last turn and taking the lead drew away in the stretch and won cantering ROBERT OLIVER linlshed gamely under a drive and wearing BULGAR down outgamed him for second place ilULGAK showed much speed early and set the pace to the last turn but tired badly in the final drive MILKY WAY ran fairly well The winner entered for 1200 was bid up to 2000 and sold to the Quincy Stable Q T O SECOND RACE E 3 34 Mile 9 722 112 C 124 Purse 400 3ycarolds and upward O JL O J Selling Net v value to winner 320 second T 0 third 30 Horses AWtPPSt 14 IA str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 7997 MAGAZINE wn S 120 13 12 11J5 31 2 I3 A M thews P M Walker 440100 0005 AMBROSE wu 3 107 8 1 2l 1 H 2 = Troxler Greentree Stable 3120 31207939SHORACE 7939SHORACE E WB 9 117 4 9 S 4t 3 31 Stirling R L Johnson tW5 8070 ARRAN WSB 3 107 12 11 7 t 71 7 = 4 W McDottP Musante 3S 7883 O tT BUSTE1R w 5 112 13 5h G 5U D HoffmanW D Althouse t tS5ir S5ir UiVUY IRAIA WB 7 110 2 2 ink 2 51 6 Robbing Beverwyck Stable 10J 7993 = HERM1S JR WB 4 112 5 7 3J 5i 4J 7J Deronda J J Korb 11 118029TOM 8029TOM HOLLAND v 7 112 G 5 C1 S1 Si 8J Ford G E Bruner T 77 7B AVIATOR WB 5 112 94 4 fink 9 91 vVolfe R I Miller 4710 7748 KINDER LOU w 3 105 11 G 12il2a 10 10 = Pickens Mrs E Farmer t tC010GRENIDA C010GRENIDA WB 5 112 7 S 10 II2 11 11 J ConnollyAIlss A M Marrone t 7957 FIRM w 7 120 3 10 9n10l 12 ° 12 ° J Bauer H H Figart t tOC05 OC05 GOLDEIN VALE w 3 108 10 13 13 13 13 13 O CaldwellJ A Walker t ttMntuel tMntuel field Time 23 48 115 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Magazine 1080 straight 490 place 340 show Ambrose 300 place 270 show Horace E field 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Magazine 440 to 100 straight 145 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Ambrose SO to 100 place 35 to 100 show Horace E field 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner II g by Mazngau Pink Rose trained by P M Walker WalkerWent Went to iK st at 33 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MAGAZINE was bumped into and shuttled back at the start and was forced to go around on the ont Mtle but closed a big gap and finishing with a rush drew away into a long lead in the last eighth AM ¬ BROSE probably short showed much the most early speed but tired badly HORACE E closed a big gap early and linlshed fast and the same applies to ARRAN 0 U BUSTER finished close up LADY IUMA set the early pace and tired In the stretch drive The winner entered for 500 was bid up to J 00 and sold to A Simons SimonsScratched Scratched S0572Little Jupiter 107 77793Water Welles 112 7739 Our Nugget 110 S07G Hans Creek 107 S057 Uncle Obie 110 110Overweights Overweights Golden Vale 1 pound Q I Q I THIRD RACE 34 Mile 95722 112 0 124 500 added 3yearolds and upward O JL O JL Allowances Net value to winner 435 second 75 third 50 Indcx Horses AWtPPSt k li Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 0430HORRON w 3 105 3 3 Si 2J 1J 1 J C Turner A Turney 105100 8033 TARTAR w 3 10S 2 u 2k 1 2 2 = Wolfe R T Wilson 115 7929 RINGLING v 3 101 1 1 5 4 4 = 3i Robbins Beverwyck Stable 29 8033 MEDIATOR w 5 IIS 52 I1 3s 3s 450 Clement W Martin 1S5 7927 UNION JACK w 5 115 4 4 4J 5 5 5 W Ward II B Bonfield 92 92Time Time 23VS 47 114 Track fast 2 mutnols paid Horron 410 straight 240 place 230 show Tartar 250 place 240 show Ulngllng 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ilorron 105 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Tartar 25 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Ringling 05 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 c by McGee Josie L trained by W M Martin MartinWent Went to post at 409 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driv ¬ ing HORRON ran in close quarters on the inside for the first quarter and was taken back and moved up on tlie outside while rounding the last turn then came fast and easily disposed of his opposition in the last eighth TARTAR raced MEDIATOR into defeat in the first half mile but tired and gave way when the winner chaKenged RINGLING began slowly but closed a big gap and finishing with a 111811 the ru should improve her MEDIATOR showed speed and set the early pace but tired after running a fast half halfScratched Scratched S079Scally wag 102 Overweights Ringling 1 pound Q O O FOURTH RACE 2 Miles S114 49 S 149 Steeplechase Purso XK 4year O I O ohls and upward Allowances Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 did Horses AWtPPSt 4 7 10 13 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kqniv Odds Strt 7990 BUCKTHORN w 7 149 2 2 1 1 l k 2 2 1 J Lynch B McLennan lh 100 100799iHIMVTION 799iHIMVTION iv 4 110 G 4 2l 2i 21 I1 1J 215 M HensonT E Davis G5 8031 OLD SALT w 4 127 7 5 3 3l 3 32 450 31 J WilliamsG R Tompkins 7S 7S78282KLY 78282KLY YANKEE w 4 137 4 i 5 5i 4l = 4 = SJ 4 E Wolke R T Wilson 3J 8131 SEVEN STAIRS w 4 137 5 3 4l 42 5J fi 5 5 E HensonBroadholIow Stable S7 7752 SIR CLEGES w S 149 1 1 O1 Ctn C 5s PuupC Brown J O Talbott 03 803 1 SVRWOOD w 10 147 3 7 7 7 Fell 1 Hendsonll Fiippen 1SS 1SSTime Time 351 Track fast 2 mutneis paid Buckthorn 590 straight 2iO place 200 show Himation 250 place 240 chow Old Salt SI 10 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Buckthorn 195 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Himation alt 105 to 100 show showcda cda trained by W Hogan HoganWent Went to post at 438 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving IMTKTIIORN led under restraint most of the way and responded with a good burst of speed when called on after taking the last fence and was going awny at the end IIIMATION fenccdwell inH showed much ip d all the way but was tiring at the end OLD SALT is a safe fencer and was a forward contender until In the last quarter where he tired but outstayed FLYING YANKEE The latter was unruly anil hard to ride and was repeatedly taken bark but appears liki a highclass jumping prospect SIR CLEGES was pullfd up in the hist half SARWOOD fell at the eighth jump SfralilHd S03IShiiinon River 145 O i O O FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 92002 130 3 112 000 added 3yearolds and upward Q JL O e Selling Handicap Net value to winner 525 second 100 third 50 Ini1 v Horses AWtPPSt 5ft JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Oilrts 80775 APT SWANSONWB G 108 3 4 4 2 1J I1 Butwell E F Cooney 1 9 BLWAII wn 4 104 I 4 2 2 ink 2J 2l C Tumor W M Martin G 80 EL ORO w 7 112 2 1 5 r 3 t 3 35 FMrothor N K Beal 215 5 JUDGE MONCK w 5 10T 1 2 Ink lt 4 43 4SI Wolfe W P Austin 1C5 0 NIMBUS wit S 108 S 5 3nk Snfc n 5 5 IFrach H G Bed well 3S5 Time 24 48 114 l41 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Captain Swanson 550 straight 280 aw 220 show Elwali 590 place 300 300liiiivaunt liiiivaunt Equivalent ll llkiifg liking kiifg kiifgids odds ids Captain Swanson 175 to IdO sfYaight 40 to 10 100 place 10 to 100 show Elwali 5 to 100 ilae 50 to 100 show El Oro 35 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br h bv Solitaire II Saeharisa trnheil by E W Hiffner Went to i ost at 501 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won iMly second and tlilrd driving CAPTAIN SWANSON was saved under restraint for tlie lirat half mile then ran Into an easy lead after entering the homestretch and won easing up ELWAH was a forward contender from the start but was much used In racing JUDGE MONCK Into defeat and pave way readily to the winner EL ORO closed a gap and finished fast and gamely JUDGE MONCK quit after going a good fiveeighths in the lead and will do better NIMBUS showed speed but failed to stay The winner entered for 500 wus bid up to 1005 and iMiught in Q T Q A SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards O JL O tt and upward Selling Net Str Fin Jockeys Owners 1 3U 3 ° 2 23 H Derond H G Bedwell Bedwelli 5 1 1s li i lh 2 Robbins P W Ashe 8059 LEWIN w 3 100 4 2 5J 6J G 5 3J Halsey 31 Foley Foleys 8002 HASSON w 3 108 1 3 2 2 3s s i 4i Frach R G Martin 0024 ABSCONDER WB 5 113 S 7 GI 41 4 = 3uk 5 McCah McCahey J Williamson WilliamsonJ 7900 WAR HORN wr 4 11G S 7 t SJ 7J J C G R Hoff HoffmanH Meise 0017 DAINGDRFIELD w 4 113 3 4 4 5J r 7 7 Skirvin Oak Ridge Stable 8080 WOODCRAFT WB S 110 G G S1 9 SJ 8ns Wolfe W G KinffDodds S001SUPEJRST1TION WB S 111 5 f 7k s 9 9 D Hoffman I S Tyree 1G5 Time 24 48 l14l 142 144 Track fast mutuels paid Pardner 1310 straight 3SO place 330 show Hoffman 290 place 270 show 90 show Equivalent booking odds Pardner 555 to 100 straight 00 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Hoffman 45 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Lewin 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner BedwellWent B c by Cuuard Lady Bache trained by II G Bedwell Went to post at 541 At post 9 minutes Start poor and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing PARDNER was saved behind the pacemakers for the first half then moved up steadllv while round ¬ ing the far turn and finishing fast outstayed HOFFMAN iu the stretch drive and won going away HOFF ¬ MAN dashed into a long lead in the first half and set the pace fast but tired in the last quarter LEWIN ran under restraint to the stretch turn then closed a gap and finished fast and gaining HASSON and ABSCOXDER tired after running prominently to the homestretch The winner entered for 800 was bid up to 1305 and bought in inScratched Scratched S133 Elwah 10S Overweights Hasson 1 pound

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913051001/drf1913051001_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1913051001_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800