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SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling HUSKY LAD ch g 5 103 103SMI By Kermis Braw Lass W F Cisco SMI Conght 1 11 150 fast 15 105 4 4SS21 3 = 3s Ambrose 1 Ineniiellna Aiiaster B Di pcr SS21 Douglas 31 l13Vfast 34 107 S G pcrG GJ Tojihan 10 Verona Amoret Afterglow Siill Douglas 34 12fast 42 109 10 10K10S 10 G Teahan 12 Theresa Gill Kiva Amoret K10S hurciri 1 11G 4S livy SO 107 G GSS1C 9 9 = = AV Amlress Milton B Man Mack Just Red SS1C Cliurciri 1 110 47good 7 109 1 5 G1 C Peak 7 Dick Baker Sleelb Oreen 8277 Clmrclil 1 11G 49Kiillil 5 IOS 1 175GC 1 I3 Goose 7 Dick Baker BChance Beautiful 75GC Charlen Im70y 4S mud 1110 103 3 37T40 5 5iGoose f Armor Law Wiggins Lvamenef 7T40 Charleston 1 43 good G 103 G G74t 41 53 Buxton 0 Spellbound Col Cook Hoffman HoffmanIS 74t Charleston 7S 129 last 1S5 114 5 IS 2 Goose HHutcblson RIIGray SWHlll 7450 Charleston 7S l2Sslov 4 107J 1 2 45 Goose 7 CoICtMik Spcllhoundj MiiJs Jonah 7420 Charlen 1 110 l4Sfast 2J 107 3 2 2 Cooso 8 Supervisor Azo New River RiverBy HOWDY HOWDY b g 0 108 108S021 By Ossary Sinorina W Woodard S021 Toronto 1 11C lV tfist 31 112 1 12 i c Turner 7 Hasoii Mimesis Chad Rnford RnfordS 8109 Lexington 34 l13fast 295109 7 7SO S Si W Andrews Just Red Kthelda Fllowman SO I xglon 1 1lC l4C fcfast 4i 113 i iVMS 21 I W Amlress 10 Rash Bit of Fortune Tom King VMS I xgton 1 11G l45 fust 31 110 4 5i King5i 7iIiW AiidresslO Forehead Floral Day Supple 7017 Charleston 7S l29good 7 ir 5 57C01 7 = G Goose 8 Ciittyhunk S Hill II Hutchison 7C01 Charleston 31 l14 fast 310 100 4 41 Zh T ICoerner S V Strouie C Buadicy Toddling FAIRY GODMOTILER ch f 3 89 89S9SS By Hippodrome Handmaid C T Halsoy S9SS Connaught 34 llGfast 10 100 G 0 3nt 21 Ambrose 1 Joiuiull Planter Dynamite SS50 Blue Bon 1 l42fast 8 96 5 4 4 41 471 Deronde 7 Big Dipper Ilasson Ella Grane S722 Blue Bon 34 l15V tfast 30 90 13 13 13S240 0i S5i Montour Irt Spellbd Rightey ClothesBruh S240 Pimlico 1 l121ifast IS SS 5 G 2 2i ink Ford 12 GTreasure M ileage Hans CreuS 8113 Pimlico ImlOy l4fast 205 90 11 11 10 10S057 01 10 JFord 11 Hedge Rose Agnier McCreary S057 Pimlico 31 l15 4fast 27 105 1 G G77S1 4l McCreary4l 431 Montour 1U Brynary Little Jupiter Bryn 77S1 Jamcsn Im70y 147 good 7 85 4 3 2 It 1i Montour S ShNorthcut Cynosure Camellia 7775 Jamestown 7S l30mud 2J 95 5 4 3 3LOVE 2 2 Nathan 7 Mdinette NaruoeJVJr Tackle TackleBy LOVE DAY b c 4 108 108SC47 By Poep oDay Lovelight J Hochreln SC47 Toronto Im70y l45 l45sfast = sfast 58 115 5 S 7 7S5S3 53 3 ° Obort 10 JHHoughtonSGift Spellbound S5S3 Toronto Im70y l4Gfast fid 103 5 7 C CS50C 4J Spellbound4J 553 Hopkins 10 Klwab Chester Krutn Parduer S50C Toronto 34 Il4slow 31 109 7 7 7S359 G5 5i Small 8 Hoffman Gold Cap Fred Levy S359 Church1 1 Im70y 145 fast 1C 10G 7 9 7 7S25G 5 55J Gruss 11 Melton Street Al Bloch Wander 7S1S3 S25G Churchl 1 11G l49mud 1C 107 7 7 7 41 47 Gross 9 Wander Forehead Bon Chance ChanceQi S1S3 Churchl lm0y l44fast G 100 577 577S110 Qi 10i4JGross 13 Just Irtd Melt Street Forehead ForeheadG1 S110 I xgton lm70yl43Vfctast 12 108 G G G GS027 G1 44J Gross 0 Bonanza Spindle Banorella Banorella4s S027 Lexston Im70yl44fast 19 IOS 5 7 G GGOLDEN 4s 3J Gross 8 Floral Day Spindle Marsbon MarsbonBy GOLDEN TREASURE blk p B 105 105SS57 By Golden Link Udali E Horton SS57 BlucBoh 1 18 lr Gfast 12 102 3 3 4 4SSOrt 2 3J Dcnuler 7 liattcras Rash Azo SSOrt BlueBon 1 1S l55fast C 108 4 1 1 1S77S 4s 4iJJ Wilson 5 My Fellow Rash Pandorina S77S Blue Bon 7S l2Sfast S 110 12 10 G GS091 51 7 Killwth 15 Hasson Ralph Lloyd Tomiuil S091 Delmlcr Ab5S 110 hvy S 112 112S593 3SJ Tomiuil3SJ K Gritiln Toddling MJean DofPrldgewr S593 Delniitr 1 110 212hvy 4 120 120S23S 431K Gritlin 5 Cuttyhk N Lad Dofltridgewr S23S Pimlico ImCOy l4Chvy 24 111 9 S 8 8S24G 35 st3SC Turner 0 F Mulholland Stairs Blackford S24G Piihlico 1 l42fefast 32 102 H 9 9 9URSULA 1J 2nk Robbins 12 F Godmother Mileage II Greek URSULA EMMA b f 4 101 101SSO By Broomstick Admittance Doerhoefor West SSO Connaught 3 l15Vfast K 112 5 7 7SS24 7 ° 1 Robliins 8 Incision Chemulpo Jessup Burn SS24 Douglas 1 110 148 fast 11 101 441 44185S9 3 3 J Callahan C FIorDay Tcciimseh DuchDaffv 85S9 Douglas 1 110 l4ufast 35 105 S 7 7 7s 71S J McCabe 12 Wander Bonnie Kloise Jabot 8100 amrchill 34 l15hvy 10 IOS 4 8 8S359 4 4 ° i J McCabe t M errick Jabot Anna Patricia S359 Cliurchl Im70y 145 fast 21 105 5 1 1 1S2SO 4i 45 Kederis 11 Melton Street Al Bloeh Wander S2SO Churchl 1 11G l50mud 1110 107 312 312S200 6i 6IS Goose S Mocklcr Supervisor Servlceiice S200 Clmrchill 1 l40fast 34 104 2 1 1 1EFFENDI 11 I1 Kederis 13 FI Day M Ann K Trojan Bella EFFENDI br h 7 10G 10GSSOO By Previous Hatasoo S Louis SSOO BlueBon 1 1S l55fast G 104 1 2 4 5 GJDeniiler i My Fellow Rash Pandorina 8754 BlueBon 1 1S l5Cysfast 5 114 5 2 2 2S5S 2 = 7s J Wilson 11 Apiaster L M Kckert Stairs S5S Toronto Im70y l4Gfast fid 105 454 454SM7 51 G ° Halsey 10 Klwah Cluster Krum Pardncr SM7 Toronto 1 116 l49islow 285 114 2 3 4 4ORBED 9s 9i JWolfc 10 Apiaster Master Jim Hatteras HatterasBy ORBED LAD b h 7 105 105S9C3 By Smile Orbed Maiden M Folcy S9C3 Connght 51 f l0ni fast 15 113 10 13 13 lOUJHalsey 13 Satyr Billy Collins M Johnson 8152 Pimlico 1 116 l4Sfast fid 110 12 11 9 9i 1021JHalsey 14 Stairs McCreary Ctittvhunk 8113 Pimlico ImlOy l4rfast 1 110 4 4 5 51 Ri Halsey 11 Hedge Rose Agnier MeCreary 8030 Pimlico 34 l14VfCtist 19 115 3 4 47G7G S3 58J Ilnlsey 13 Nimbus M Moments Deduction 7G7G Jamesn Im70y l4G14fast 8 110 5 2 4 47G31 72 ClHalsey 10 The Scjuire Pliant Blue Mouso 7G31 Jamesn Im70y l47fast 3 110 211 Ci G53 Halsey S Camel The Squire Bine Mouse 7408 Juarez 1 110 l4Gfast 95 107 1 1 1 12 I3 JJalsey G Abound Orpcrth Flving 7378 Juarez 1 140 fast 3J IOS 6 2 2 272ft 2 J 2J Halsey 7 ShootSpray Baby Doll Kl Pato 72ft Juarez 1 110 1501 ooil G 107 2 7 4 4MYCENAE 7 712JHalsey 9 ShNorthcut LMKckert Gelico GelicoBy MYCENAE br g 4 103 103SSS3 By Mazagan Sweet Marjoram H G Bedwell SSS3 BluBon 1 18 l5flfast CO 101 S 7 7 7SxOG 10 101S Deronde 10 NaughtvLadCoIslon LM KMert SxOG BlueBon 1 1S l55fast GO 97 5 4 G G KMertG Gs7Deronde li My Follow Rash Paudorina 7914 ILUeGrace 34 l13fast CO 107 9 9 97SS3 9 9i7iDeroiida Star Gif t Frog Mileage 7SS3 HdeGce Im70yl47slow SO 107 1 S S S7S30 G3 MileageG3 GIS Ddrombi S Alary Ann K Stairs Font 7S30 HdeCce Im70yl45fast 40 97 5 G 5 57SOS G FontG G Deronda C DMacdonald Kl Oro Floral Day 7SOS HdeGrace 34 115 fast 40 101 7 10 103 It Deronda 11 Fred Levy Garry Star Gift 7614 Charleston 1 44slop 8 101 4 3 3 22 SiJ Deronda Toddling Stairs Pliant 7600 Charlen Im70y l45fast 15 97 7 9 0 10 10 JMontour 10 Spellbound Col Cook Chorrvola 7543 Charleston 1 l44ligood 45 90 5 3 1 1751S 1i Chorrvola1i I1 Deronda Sei Spa ks Syosset Com Touch 751S Charlen 1 116 150 good 135 105 5 G 4 4MOONLIGHT 31 313 Van Boten 7 BlMouse Cuttyhunk Montagnto MontagntoBy MOONLIGHT b s 4 100 100S07G By Beacon Light Princess Orna Mrs W H Frey S07G Pimlico 1 l42fast 251 IOS 10 10 10 10i Frey10i 10 = iXathan 12 Kd Granev Stelcliff Rock Fish 7781 Jamesn Im70y 147 good 0 100 G G 7 73 7iTealiari 8 FGmotber SNthcut Cynosure 7708 Jamestown 7S 128 fast S 90 G G 7 7C373 72 C ° JMontour 8 Blue Mpuse Malitine Cynosure C373 Lntonia 1 3S 219g fast IS 97 2 1 2 2G314 41 41 ° Nathan S CousinPuss SisterFIorcnce Frog G314 Latonia 1 316 159M fast 315 101 G G G GGOG9 9 9 B Stecle 10 CottslnPnss Sis Florence Kffendl GOG9 Latonia 1 1S 153 fast Go 103 2 S 9 9FIEL G KffendlG 42S Nathan Carl Club J Louis Dick Baker BakerBy FIEL blk ffi 3 91 9177S1 By Fatherless Lizzie H A R Breslor BreslorG3 77S1 Jamesn Im70y 147 good 7 90 1 S S G3 GTS Nathan 8 FGmotlier SNthcut Cynosure 7703 Jamesn 1 11G l50good 12 95 7 S S G3 CynosureG3 G8VNilhan 8 Pliant Clem Beachcv Kmilv Lee 777 Jamesn 1 110 IMS fast 20 95 471 Godmother2i 51 5 3 Nathan 8 Caliph O Km Fairy Godmother 7578 Charlen 1 1IG l50mud 2 SC 1 1 2 2i 4el Deronda 7 Stairs Annie Sellers Wood Dovo 7530 Charles n 1 1S l5Cgood 31 91 3 4 4 4 41 Deronda T Klla Grane Pliant Frog