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FORT ERIE ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track good Racing starts nt 245 p m Chicago time 145 XKuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maiden Apprentice allowance First Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Allowances Track record 84542 1 00 2 101 Ind Horse Wt Kec AWt AWtUan 9521 Beau Perc 105 102 104 104X725 9311 Osaple 110102 111 720 9330 Perpetual 115 115101 1 01 107 720 9521 = Rustling Brass M115 101 103 715 9311 Scarlet Letter 110103 KM 710 9522 Miss Waters 99 103 104 104X705 9424 Patty Kegan 107 102 104 104Second 700 Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Canadianfoaled Hand Track record 90700 137 5 100 9455 Havrock 114141 5120 51209312t 9312t Sarolta 3 112 9455 Caper Sauce 104 140 11 112 9312 = Kockspring 4 112 93121 Ondramon 112 142 4 110 1109312s 9312s Maid of Frome 3 92 92H H Giddlngs entry entryThird Third Race 5S Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 84542 100 2 101 9521s Peacock 99 102 107 725 9077 Steilata 111 103 108 720 9521 Kcdron 109 105 100 715 9521 John P Nixon 112 105 108 090 Behest 109 109105 105 100 075 075Rags Rags ch f by Marta Santa Utterance 107 Amazement ch c by Ogdcn Un Unterock terock 110 Fidelity ch f by The Commoner Salaire Io7 Bolala br g by Boanerges Aala AalaLala Lala 110 Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds Selling Track record 84384 143 5 100 100Kavenal Kavenal 114 725 Cogs 100 720 Gcrrard 92 150 102X715 102X715I I Hasson 97 149 105X710 = Miccosukee 95X703 Counterpart 91148 97X705 97X705Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingMaiden Maiden Jockeys Track record 04240 111 3 112 Montcalm G 113X715 Blue Jay 3 97X710 Love Day 100 113 4 115X710 Lady Sybil 102 112 G 111 710 Chryseis 113 112 4 110X705 Black River 101 114 4 112 700 Burning Daylight 112 115 4 112 700 Aunt Alice 107 113 4 4Mileage 110X095 Mileage 113114 4 4Garden 110 095 Garden of Allah 110113 3 3Orowoc 100X090 Orowoc 90 115 3 3Lucille 95 085 Lucille III G GSixth 100 085 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 3470 142 5 115 9520 Napier 102 145 4 108X725 9525 Rash 100 145 5 103X720 9450 Henry Hutchison 110 144 C 101 720 9525 Marie T 93 147 3 80X715 9421 Pop Gun 103 l50s 3 85X710 9520 r Pliant 100 144 4 97710 9425 Toe Stein 112 l49h 5 109X710 9130s George S Davis 9 95X700 9458 Tom Hay ward 112 l4Su 7 100X700 Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yardsyearolds yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 3470 142 5 115 9525 CLINTON 9525s L M Eckert Eckert952G 113 140 8 1070715 952G Adolaute 103 145 4 101X715 9425 Hedge Rose 105 140 G 1000715 9421 Big Dipper 95 145 3 101X710 1525 Working Lad 112 143 4 105X710 9400 Strite 112 153 4 100 705 92S5 Mud Sill 103 144 5 104X700