Sixth Race [6th Fort Erie, Daily Racing Form, 1913-07-11

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SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3ycarolds and upward Selling 3170 142 5 115 BERNADOTTE b o 3 102 By Contestor Reality J A Thompson 9360 FtErie 1 116 l50good 6 93 11 10 7 5 4J 2 Ambrose 11 Howdy Howdy Muster Jim 9139 FtErie Im70y 152 slow 4 90 7 5 G 4 3i 31J Neylon 8 McCreary Clinton Flel 1 9335 Hamilton 34 113 fast 50 113 12 12 12 12 121F Adams 12 Yorkvllle SImeoe Uoseiuary 8581 Toronto 1 116 147 fast 22 97 5 5 5 5 52 5lDcronda G PlateGlass FSlght BwaTumbo 8504 Toronto 1 l40slow 298 1061 643 3 51 63i D McCthy 7 Horron Flabbergast Buakln 7624 Charlesn 1 14 211 fast 3 111 435 Fell E Martin G Monocacy E Light Talecarrler 7576 Charleston 1 l43mud 6 112 8 7 7 5 S5 5s E Martin 10 Good Day Cterpart Chil King 7443 Charleston 51 f l09slow 65 110 4 4 3 2 Il E Martin 10 Fuchsia Anna Claire Syosset 7356 Charleston 34 l16goodll20 105 2 2 2 2J 2s E Murttn 7 Good Day Syosset Beth Stanley 7197 Charleston 34 116 fast 85 102 2 3 3MASTER 3 31 2l E Martin 10 FHudson GoodDay BethStanley BethStanleyBy MASTER JIM b e 4 106 10693GO By Ornus Desdemona H A Fitz Jarrell 93GO FtErie 1 1lG l50good 185 104 5 G 3 4 31 3J Olert 11 Howdy Howdy Benmdotte Fil 9119 Connaught 1 l42rast 115 110 3 3 4 4 4 571 Gross 7 LMEckcrt Chemuliio JMonck S507 Toronto 1 116 l49slow fid 110 6 2 2 2 2 2J Small 1O Apiaster Hatteras Hash 7S62 Pimlico Im60y 140 fast 115 5 3 3 3 2 41 J Wilson S Oaklmrst Spellbound B Dipper 7662 Jamestown 7S l2Sfast 60 110 3 7 S G 6 6IS J Wilson S CUerryola Armor Merry Lad G649 Tamest n Im70y 14S hvy S 110 5 5 3 2 2J 2i Mondon 10 Servlcence Granla Troy Weight 6609 Jamestn 1 116 IMSg fast 31 105 6 1 2 2 61 54 Tealmn 9 Supervisor Banorclla Accord 6584 Jamestown 1 1408 fast 40 113 10 11 9 10 Sl 573 Mondon 11 Colonel Cook Napier Dynamite 6434 Latonia Im70y 151 hvy 1910 108 9 2 2 2AFTERGLOW 1 I1 1s Goose 10 Patruchc Love Day Lassie LassieBy AFTERGLOW b c 3 102 By Ben Brush Incarnadine J W Schorr 9359 Fort Erie 34 l16good 183 103J S 7 4 34 3 Buxton 8 Glint Kus McGill Love Day 9156 Fort Erie 341lSKlov 7 102 7 7 G 41 57 Buxton 7 Hold Cap York Lad Grosveuor 9235 Hamilton 34 113 fast 4 92 10 9 8 G 6TJ Neylon 12 Yorkvllle Simcoe Koseinary 9290 Hamilton 34 l13fast 95 102 6 5 5 5li 52 Buxton 10 Visible Simcoe Tessup Burn 9140 Connaught 34 l14Vfcfast 1110 97 1 4 3 21 2i Neylon 1 Jouqull Jewel of Asia Uosemary 8990 Connaught 34 l15fcfast 135 97 8 6 6 61 51 Neylon S Incision Chemulpo Jessup Burn S962 Connaught 34 115 fast 15 102 8 8 7 7nk 7J Neylon Flex Upright Tho Knmp KnmpG 8S21 Douglas 34 l13fast 6910 95 9 8 G 41 31 Neylon 10 Verena Auiorct Chapultepec 8768 Douglas 34 l12fast 5 103 3 3 3MYCENAE 2 11 I2 Buxton 10 PhyAntoInte DanhorryTBello DanhorryTBelloBy MYCENAE br g 4 103 By Mazagan Sweet Marjoram J M Cooper i 9560 Ft Erie 1 116 l50good 6 91 122 3 95 aMDerondc 11 HowHowdv Benmdotte MJIn 9125 FtErie 1 116 l51mud 15 100 7 7 C 1 2l 3J A Wilson S Woodcraft Xapier Hedge Kose 9314 Hamilton 1 1S 156 fast 7 107 9 10 10 5 71 61 Derondc 12 Hasson McCreary Marie T 9138 Conght 1 116 l49fast 4 99 6 6 G 6 6 G J Deroude 5 Big Dipper Rash Husky Lad 9016 Connaught 1 l42fast 30 103 G 6 7 7REPUTATION 5 3l 31 Snyder 8 Gold Treasure Effendi LoveDay LoveDayBy REPUTATION ch g 5 106 By Standing Reality J P Bickell 9515 Fort Erie 34 l15good 3 10S 5 2 2 2 2 Buxton 7 Camellia T Sayers U Lloyd 1357 Hamilton 78 l27fast 10 115 322 2 6 7 3F Adams s C Kruui JI Marion Daisy Platt 95376 Pimlico 34 115 fast 3J 10S 5 2 2 2 23 Fain 8 Sal Volatile DParadelL Cloud 95001 Jacksvllle 58 l01f fast 5 1011 4 6 6MARIE 5 3l 1 = Fain 15 Barneylgoe DickBaker Mnson MnsonBy MARIE T br f 3 90 By Ogden Mariti P M Civill 9525 Ft Eric Im70y l47good 30 S3 4 5 6 5 42 22W Ward 10 Clinton L M Eckert Uash 9423 FtErie 1 116 l51 mud 10 95 4 4 5 5 6s 6i Montour S Woodcraft Napier Mycenae 9314 Hamilton 1 1S 150 fast 40 9SJ 459 7 C2 3 A Wilson 12 Ilassou McCreary Judge Mouck 9118 Connaught 34 l15fast S 91 r 5 4 41 3 Neylon S 31 Marlon Shawnee Kavciial 9036 Connght 1 1S 15G fast 20 93 6 G 3 6 6 6 Johnson 7 Azo Kash Judge Monck 8960 Connght 51 f l09fast 7 95 10 S 7 61 77 Nathan 15 Kosemary T Sayers B River SS79 Blue Bon 34 115 fast 12 97 5 3 3FONT 2 3l 6Ji Nathan 11 EmllyLee InclsIon VcnetnStrouie VcnetnStrouieBy FONT br e 7 103 By Hastings Bollegardo Tennessee Stable 9483 Fort Erie 34 l15good 10 113 7 12 12 91 S2 Buxton 12 Daisy Platt Star Gift 3H EditU 8250 Pimlico 1 141 fast 16 107 799 7997SS3 9 81 781 Obert 10 Elwah Ralph Lloyd O Era 7SS3 HdeGce Im70yl47slow 910 112 6 4 4 3 21 3s Musgrve S 3Iary Ann K Stairs Setback 7785 HdeGrace 34 116 good 910 120 1 4 4 3 2l Teahan G KMeteor Ch Seed Madrlgallan 7774 Jamestown 34 l16mud 1310 108 2 4 3 I1 I2 Teahan 5 Fatherola Rye Straw Eaton 7762 Jamestown 34 l15good 95 113 7 6 3 I 11 Teahan S York Lad Camellia Double Five 7736 Jamestown 34 l14fast 12 114 6 G 6 4 31 Musgrve G HHutchison Eaton York Lad 7618 Charleston 7S l28good 21 102 3 3 3 4 3l 43 Montour 5 TowFIeld Coppertown EGranj 7603 Charlen Im70y l47good 12 110 1 1 1 1 1 I2 J Wilson G Nty Lad Idleweiss Halderaan 7575 Charleston 34 l15mud 7 108 5 5 5MISS 5 41 44J Montour 5 Grosvenor Tarts Sherwood SherwoodBy MISS JONAH ch m 5 104 10495GOFtETlu By Heno Luckless J W Hedrick HedrickG 95GOFtETlu 1 116 1 50fgOod 40 3S 9 S 5 G iX G5 E Scharf 11 HowHowdv Bcrnadotte MJim JMEO FtErie Irn70y 1 30slow 30 105 7 S S 8J 5 5S1E S1E Scharf MollieS HHowdy LofLngden 9358 Hamilton 7S 128 fast 8 108 7 S 7 5 G 5 = 1 E Scharf MIccosukce K Lloyd Lord Einui 9222 Hamilton 1 l40Vsfast CO 103 10 8 S 9 72 64 K Scharf 12 Jacinielina Gerrard Woodcraft 9116 Connght 1 18 156 fast 50 100 276 7 7 7 E Scharf 7 ILestrade LGeorge Tcquelina S96I Conght 1 116 150 fast 60 101 1 10 S 10 102 10B Scharf 12 Jacquclina Apiastcr H Lad 8SS3 BlueBon 1 18 l5Gfast 40 102 2 8 S 6 6 7lE Scharf 10 NaughtyLadColston LMEckert SSS3 Toronto Im70y l4Gfast 75 101 G 4 5 5 9 921 E Scharf 10 Elwah Chester Krum Pardner 8301 Toronto 31 116 slow 7 107 7 7 7LAD 6 4 lb E Scharf 13 Mawr Lad Jonquil Black River RiverBy LAD OF LANGDEN b g 9 108 By Algol Lai of Iiangden R E Watkin 9525 FtErif Im70y l47good S 1UG 5 7 7 8 7 = 7 H Hoffman 10 Clinton Marie T L M Eckert 94GO FtErie Im70y l50slow 15 107 984 3 33 32 Small l MollieS Howdy Howdy Hasson 9357 Hamilton 78 l27fast 20 120 7 7 7 G 41 45J W Knapp S C Krnm M Marlon Daisy Platt 9222 Hamilton 1 l40ysfast 15 110 4 10 10 10 12 10I3JC Turner 12 Jacquelina Gerrard Woodcraft SSS3 BlueBon 1 1S l5Gfast 10 109 3 6 6 8 Si 8 D ConnollylO NaughtyLadColston LMKckert 8778 Blue Bon 78 l28fast 15 102 2 11 8 S 8 63 R Brooks 15 Jiicnuellna Hasson RalphLIoyd S5S3 Toronto IniiOy l46fast rid 108 188 7 7s 7 ° Moutour 10 Elwah Chester Krum Pardner 8507 Toronto 1 116 l49ftslow 5710 111 455 7 61 7J Snyder 10 Apiaster Master Jim ITatteras 8465 Toronto 34 115 fast 46 111 3 9 11 S2 Sl R Hoffmanl2 DrNeet Magazine JHHglitou S250 Pimlico 1 141 fast 363 112 3 7 G GMISS 7 72 8 Butwell 10 Elwnh Ralph Lloyd O Era EraBy MISS JOE ch f 4 104 By Islington Rose Prim M J DonohucJ 8324 Fort Erie 34 117 good 100 105 5 S 7 G1 Obert K Cowl Gold Cap Iliuckles 5734 Hlllcrest Ab38 59i fast G5 105 22 A Hanover 10 Adriuclie Sail St Agatlie c657 Hillcrest 7S 130J fast 1 103 fsi McArdle S Silicic Maniac Dora M Lutz 5S92 Hillcrest 61 f 1244 fast 2 96 22 Snider fi Frog Dipper McAndrews 5521 Hillcrest Ab3S 1014 slow 3 100 22 Snider 7 Nila Johnny Wise Isabel Casso 5440 Toronto Im70y 147 good 81 95 421 1 2 G i Rowley At Once Troy Weight Monkey 53S6 Toronto 34 1158 hvy 45 96i 4 6 4 3l 331 Iraziley S Inlau Bof Pleasure Bcing Lnss 3433 FortErle ImiOy 1434 fast 30 100 12 12 12 12 12 11 Schutger 12 Zlui Cong James Bouncing Lass

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Local Identifier: drf1913071101_6_4
Library of Congress Record: