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ANSWERS TO QUERIES R II W Toronto Ont If the query refers to Napiers race of July 8 the bet lost If Napier had won his backer would have rightly expected payment paymentJ J S Toronto Out Napier opened at 2 to 1 and closed at 2 to 1 straight 4 to 5 place and out to show having been backed down from a high price of 4 to 1 1K K C Gary Ind 1 Salvator was second and Galen third iu the Futurity won by Proctor Knott 2 At Washington Park C H Pettingill was tlie starter when Peytonia won the first race of the first day of the meeting of 1894 1894H H L Chicago The original sixth race of July 5 was rendered void by scratching The manage ¬ ment then got up it new race at the same dis ¬ tance but at different weights and the same horses were entered and ran Bets were off whsu the race was declared off offC C H T Lexington Ky When one makes a parlay on four horses he contracts with the layer that each one of tlie four horses shall do some ¬ thing named In the bet and the bet does not come to a decision until there has been action iu the cases of all four That Is unless the first second or third have lost The backer cannot call the bet off on one or two of the horses and take payment on them A limit iu price cuts no figure in the matter