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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR AUGUST 1913 OneHalf Mile MileTwoyearobi Twoyearobi W OS Threeyearolds 121 115 115 115 115 IIS IISFouryearolds Fouryearolds 120 122 122 122 122 121 121Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds and up 125 122 122 122 122 124 ThreeQuarters Mile MileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds US SS fl2 02 SS IK IKThroewarohls Throewarohls 124 11 115 115 115 11 11Fouryearolds Fouryearolds iK 122 122 122 122 127 127Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds and upit 122 122 122 122 127 One Mile MileTwoyearolds Twoyearolds S4 S7 HO SI SU SUTlmeyearolds Tlmeyearolds lie Ill 112 112 111 114 114Fouryearolds Fouryearolds 120 122 122 122 122 124 124Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds and up 120 12 12 124 121 125 125One One and OneHalf Miles MilesTiiretVLariWs TiiretVLariWs llo 1W 100 10S lOy 111 1 MirvearoIds 120 122 122 122 122 124 124Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 127 124 124 124 124 125 125Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and up 127 125 125 125 125 125 Two Miles MilesThreeyearolds Threeyearolds 100 107 105 105 107 10S 10SFouryearolds Fouryearolds 124 122 120 122 122 12 12Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds I2C 125 12 125 125 125 125Sisyearolds Sisyearolds and up 120 120 124 120 120 123 123Two Two and OneHalf Miles MilesThrecycarolds Threcycarolds W 105 100 Fouryearolds 122 122 122 Fiveyearolds 120 120 120 Sixyearolds and up 127 127 127 Three Miles MilesThroevearolds Throevearolds 101 105 17 105 105 105 105IVtnryiiirolds IVtnryiiirolds 120 122 110 122 122 121 121Fiveyearolds Fiveyearolds 125 127 124 127 127 120 120Sixyearolds Sixyearolds and up 125 128 121 12S 32S 120 120Four Four Miles MilesTin Tin eey earolds 104 104 lOt Fouryearold 122 122 122 Fiveyearolds 128 12S 12S Sixyearolds and up 129 121 121 TUB JOCKKX CLUB CLUBIn In races of intermediate lengths the weights for tlu shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for Ihreeyearolds or four yiarolds lli weight shall be 120 pounds and for twoyearolds 122 M unds undsKxcept Kxcept in handicaps and in races where the con ¬ ditions expressly Btatv to the contrary fillies two years old nhall be allowed three pounds and mares three years old and upward slmll be allowed live pounds before September 1 and throe pounds there tifter Geldlug Khali be allowed three pounds poundsWelter Welter weights shall be 28 pounds added to the weight for ag In heavy liandicaps the top weight chall not I less than 1 to pounds In nil handlcaits hmi the added money excttds WO the lop weight thall not lie loss Than 12ft pounds poundsSTATIC STATIC RACING COMMISSION OF KENTUCKY In races of intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for twoyearolds 118 pounds shall btf carried carriedIn In race exclusively for threeyearolds 122 pounds shall be carried carriedIn In heat races there shall be art allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps lillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds poundsFillies Fillies and mares three years old and iipward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 aud three pounds thereafter thereafterJOCKEY JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ JUAREZThe The Jockey Club Juarez has adopted the scale of weights of the Kentucky State Racing Commission referred to in the preceding paragraph paragraphPACIFIC PACIFIC JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of Intermediate lengths the weights for the short fr distance shall bo carried carriedIn In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the weights shall be 118 pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the weights shall be 122 pounds poundsIn In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and in races where tho weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds and fillies and mares thr e years old aud upward shall be allowed live pounds before September 1 aud three pounds thereafter thereafterSOUTHERN SOUTHERN JOCKEY CLUB CLUBIn In races of intermediate lengths tho weights fcr the shorter distance are to be carried carriedIn In a race exclusively for twoyearolds the weights shall be 118 pounds poundsIn In a race exclusively for threeyearolds the Weights shall be 122 pounds poundsIn In heat races there shall be an allowance of five pounds from the scale of weights weightsExcept Except in handicaps and in races where thu weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions tilths two years old and geldings of all ages shall be al ¬ lowed three pounds and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 aud three pounds thereafter thereafterCANADIAN CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS ASSOCIATIONSIn In races of Intermediate lengths the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried carriedIn In races exclusively for threeyearolds or four yearolds the weights Khali be 122 pounds and for twoyearolds 118 pounds poundsExcept Except In handicaps and iu all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds and tillies and inarcs three years old and upward shal be allowed live ounds before the first of September and three pounds thereafter Geldings allowed three pounds poundslu lu all races except In handicaps where foreign breds are not penalized as such horses foaled in Can ¬ ada shall be allowed up to and including thne years poundsWelter 7 pounds four years and upward r pounds Welter weights shall In 28 i oiiinls added to th weight for age ageIn In heavyweight handicaps the top weight shall not be less than 140 pounds poundsNo No twoyearolds shall compete in an allaged race prior to August 1 1In In all handhaps when the added money ewoods i0 i tup weight shall not be less than 120 pounds STUKPIECHASU WEIGHTS WEIGHTSAt At tho eastern tracks all steeplechase races are run under the rules of the National Stceplcchuue and Hunt Association which provides these weights weightsFor For steeplechases less than three miles l Von January 1 to August 31 inclusive three years 135 pounds four years 140 pounds five years 157 pounds six years and over 102 pounds From Sep ¬ tember 1 to December 31 inclusive for three years 137 pounds four years 154 pounds live years ICO pounds six years and over 1C2 pounds poundsFor For steeplechases of three miles and over From January 1 to August 31 Inclusive four years 143 1 pounds five years 155 pounds six years and over 100 pounds Fiorn September 1 to December 1 In ¬ clusive for four years 149 pounds five years 158 pounds poundsFor six years and over 100 pounds For Hurdle Races From January 1 to August 31 Inclusive three years luu pounds four years 142 pounds live years 152 pounds six years and over 150 pounds From September 1 to December 31 In ¬ clusive three years 142 pounds four years 155 pounds live years and over 161 pounds In races exclusively for threeyearolds the weight shall be 145 pounds Except poundsExcept In handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions mares shall he allowed five pounds lieforo September 1 and three pounds afterward Geldings shall be al ¬ lowed three pounds poundsFor For races on the flat under Hunt Club auspices the scale of weights adopted by tho Jockey Club shall govern and In respect of such races welter weights shall be 28 pounds above the weight for age In ageIn the west the weights specified by the Western Jockey Club and the American Turf Association are identical and are as follows followsJan Jan April July Oct OctAge Age Feb May Aug Nov NovMarch March June Sept Dec Dec3yearolds 3yearolds 125 129 134 140 1404yearolds 4yearolds 147 149 151 154 1545ycarolds 5ycarolds 157 100 103 101 1010yearolds 0yearolds and up 1G8 170 172 172 172The The rules of the Canadian Racing Associations governing steeplechases and hurdle races provide that no horse shall be permitted to start in any steeple ¬ chase or hurdle race carrying less than 130 pounds When a scale of weights for age Is not fixed by the regulations of any course or by the conditions of a meeting or race the following scale shall govern Forsteeplcchases governForsteeplcchases and hurdle races less than three miles from January 1 to July HI Inclusive four years 145 pounds five years 15t pounds six years and over 100 pounds From August 1 to December ill inclusive three years 1CS pounds four yeais 155 pounds five years 1G3 pounds six years and over 100 pounds poundsFor For steeplechases of threo miles and over Janu ¬ ary 1 to August SI Inclusive four years 138 pounds five years 157 pounds six years and over 160 pounds From September 1 to December 31 Inclu ¬ sive four years 149 pounds five years 101 pounds six years and over 100 pounds Except poundsExcept In handicaps aud in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary mares shall be allowed five pounds before the first of Sep ¬ tember and three pounds thereafter Geldings al ¬ lowed three pouuds