Sixth Race [6th Butte, Daily Racing Form, 1913-07-31

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SIXTH RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 47G1 10 1 H 2 J FERRONA ch f 4 4lHif By Alvescot Ilui W H Schwartz lHif Butte 51 f lSgood 1G5 1G59W1 2 = 1 Burgaine 7 Kiitnsy Star Iuo Angelns 9W1 Butte 5 f l07slow 4 49S73 2 Burgaine S FGHogan LHarrnll Uamsy 9S73 Butte 5S JOgood 4 49S07 4 ° Burgamo s JHBarr Angolns Bash Bcttie 9S07 Butto 5S 00tast 4 4W1S SJ Burgame S An Interest Itamsy Sierra W1S Butte 5 f 07 fast 9 99f01 431 Donovan S Nowllaven FGHogan Conn Boy 9f01 Butte F C llfast 20 3 Donovan 12 RHP Balronia No Quarter 9107 Butto 31 15fast 135 135f 21 Dawson 10 M Don Susan F Marie Coghill f l Tulsa 34m50y l21good 2 2REGARDS 3Z E Smith S Tight Boy Char Ward FAlcovy FAlcovyBy REGARDS br p 7 By Peep oDay Best Wishes W Higginbotham 1 Butto Ji f lOSslow 9 2 k Pauloy 7 BobFarloy Milt Jones Jonathan 3iL Butte 51 f 108 slow 3 35S 2 E McEwcnll MinF rToQuarter OCungham 9VJH Butte 5S l01fast 4 45S 5 1 Mulligan S Jeanne dArc T Faust Secrete 9703 Butte 5S 102 fast 3 3F 55J Donovan 0 King Radford Y Pansy Gomtil 9601 Butte F C lllfast CO CO5J 22 Mulligan 12 LoShark LQiipon MMusgrave 9131 Butte 5J f lOSslow 15 12 iMulllgan 12 Decency New Haven Sixteen 8327 Tulsa 34 l18good 5 7 McClkey 10 M Kennedy S Sam D Allen S4S5 Tulsa 34in50y 21ffoiirt 3 31 McClkey 7 Clysmlc redro Quick SI2G Tulsa 34 21 slow 2 2LEE iu McCsUey G Char Ward Kelsclla Lninhrlhn LninhrlhnBy LEE HARRISON II ch K 0 By Ben Stroma Janet Gray G Price Hifil Butte 51 f U7slov 10 10fttftS S23 A Murray S FiiIIogan IVrrona lEamsv fttftS Butt 51 0 lfeslop 12 12OSdil 43 Bezanson S ASlupskey Balronia PohFarhV OSdil Butte 5S Oflyrast 5 221 E McEwen I Nifty ParnellGlrl Qiuuiiltiitli 70G Butte 58 Ql fast 10 2 Bezanson 11 Sixteen Roberta Queen Ruth 9169 Butte 31 If4 fast 10 G A Murray i Follane Loan Shark No Quarter 9176 CdAlene G8 l01good 8 1J A Murray 12 L Pender Alchemist Electroan STAR BLUE ch h C 117 117IIKKM By Star Ruby Ronnie Blnn II J A Burns IIKKM Butte 51 f lOSgoort 20 US 3 Sielatr 7 Ramsy Ferroua Angelns 9893 Butte 51 f l09sloi 41 113 2 = Sielatr 12 Secrete Mrdio Lord Clinton 9673 Butte 1 142 fast 41 115 4 i W Mclnre S OraMcGce Patriotic GretchcnG 9603 Butte 1 l42fnst 12 107 4sl W Mclnre 8 EmilyLee TallowDlp Transpnt 9519 Butte 34 114 fast 8 112 fisj Vogt 7 Chanticlor M Emily Transpart 9391 Buttc 31 l15slow 15 114 114S22 IVogt 7 Cu Bon Duncraggan Great Friar S22 CdAlene 51 f lOSfast 135 119 119EVELINA 1 Mllchait 7 Sal ODay Elcctrowan LIlRay LIlRayBy EVELINA b f 4 112 11299G1 By Mazagan Crowned Queen F W Doss 99G1 Butte 51 f l07slow 8 IDS 63 M Mthews S FGHogan Ferrona LHarnll 9922 Butte 51 f l10slow 12 110 110D64S S3 M Mthews 8 Tilllnghast Rogon Queen Until D64S Butte 51 f 107 fast 20 JOJ 7ln M Mthews 8 Newllaven FGHogan Conn Boy 9431 Buttc 51 f ll 6slow 7 107 Ifl3 M Mthewsl2 Decency New Haven Sixtoon 8941 CdAlcne 1 I43i4miid 115 105 1058S69 33 Forsyth 8 QuIckTrip Phlllistina FI Kripp 8S69 CdAlene 7S 129 mud 21 107 21 Forsyth S Cisko Slccpland Tom Murphy 8844 CdAlcne 1 l42Vfast 4 7 ° lBurgame S Plillllstina Gift Flying S7C3 CdAlene 31 l15fast 4 nJ Groth 10 PPhthpo McrcurmCWKcnn McrcurmCWKcnnG SG32 CdAlene 34 l14fast 15 104 G J Groth G SirAlvescot SidneyPctcrsDRock SidneyPctcrsDRockBy 42IGELUS br r 8 U4 By SandrinRham Vespers Cotton Thompnon 10000 Butte 51 f lOSgood G5 113 46 E Cotton 7 Ramsy Ferrona Star Blue 9957 Butte 5S l01 od 115 10S 10S5S 2t E Cotton 11 Briton Decency Bevcrsteiii 9S7S Butte 5S l00good 7 110 1105S 21 E Cotton 8 JIIBarr Basil Betlio Ferrona 9S07 Butte 5S l00fast 10 110 7i E Cotton S An Interest Rnnisr Ferrona 9G1S Butte 51 f 107 fast 3 101 GJ B Cotton 8 Newllaven FGHogaii Conn Boy 7584 Juarez 34 l13fast 5 108 7 5it in K Cotton 1 FGIIogan HazelC Orimar Lad 7532 Juarez 34 l13faftt 4 110 5 32 5T E Cotton 7 Deiinlte Delaney Trojan Bello 7490 Juarez 34 l14fefast 5 108 10 41 2J E Cotton 10 Quid Nunc RolKrta LovingMoss LovingMossBy NO aUARTER b 9 By Viking Swoet Danger W H Tulley 58 l01fast 12 119 4 i Stanford 11 Danberry Ladv Stalwart Itlnn 9962 Butte 51 f 1OS slow 4 110 3S Stanford 11 MinnieF Regards OCungham 9922 Butte 51 f l10Vfslow 12 112 1129SOfi 6 Stanford S Tillingliast Rogon Evelina 9SOfi Butte lin Ov l43fast 12 109 54S Stanford 8 Crex Nannie McDcc McAlan 9673 Butte 1 142 fast 4 112 5lStanford S OraMcGce Patriotic GretchenG 9601 Butte F C lllfast 8 109 4 = Stanford 12 Rue Balronia Ferrona 9198 Butte 34 114 fast 20 109 32J W Fischer S Dnneraggan T Belle Clara W 9469 Butte 34 l14fast 31 111 111SIR S l W Fischer 9 Follane Loan Shark McAlan McAlanBy SIR BARRY blk K 7 114 11499S7 By Sir Hampton Du Barry Scott Bishop Bishop9i 99S7 Butte 5S l01hvy CO 108 9i Rosen U Old Coin Sixteen J II Parr 8110 CdAlene 58 102 fast 10 111 1 7 fi3 D Boland Canapa FGIIogan Pontcfract 7589 Juarez 34114 fast 20 100 5 S S7 Haynes QnidNunc Ed Adams Imo Star 7581 Juarez 34 l13fast 20 107 8 S StarS 743 Haynes 9 Angeliis F G Hogair Hazel C 7559 Juarez 51 f l07fast 15 112 S 8 SS Gentry S SofRocks Fmcntal FGIIogan 7505 Juarez 34 113 fast 20 104 1 1WANDADERO 3 31 Haynes Gemmell Transparent ButBnll WANDADERO b g 4 114 By Mazagan Sekra L E Bird 10029 Butte 51 f lOSslow 115 107 W Fischer 7 Bob Farley Regards Milt Jones 9991 Butte F C l10hvy 4 100 3 Burgaine S J D Wlield Waldo Moil Don 9924 Butte F C 112 slow 5 105 1059G72 71 Bezanson 7 Buss Thistle Dale Dnneraggan 9G72 Butte F C l09fast 20 105 fi J Bezanson G Mimorioso DaddyGip Pajnroita 9630 Butte FC111 fast 115111 3l Bezanson 7 Buss Groat Friar CharleyBrown 9124 CdAlene 31 lllgood 115 105 9 ° Bozanson l Doncaster UUP No Quarter 1 141 good 8 finlBcmnson 7 Ixitta Creed John Louts Meltn SSI1 CdAlene 7S l26fast 20 100 100EASTMAN 5 Bezanson S Lackrose Sir Fretful Platinum EASTMAN br g 4 114 11410D25 By John F Peggy L Galbraith 10D25 Butto 1 l13slow 31 110 2J Corey 11 M Miisgrave MiAlan PBcnrd 9957 Butte 5S l01good 5 108 61 Corey 11 Briton Angelns Decency 4919 Vancouver 5S 105 mud 102 1 7 7i Kederis 7 B Bonta TFaust WiltniduS

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Local Identifier: drf1913073101_5_3
Library of Congress Record: