untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1914-01-08


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jQINQ, 4-1, WON 63" Collyers one-horse wire on Juarez yes- fj terday. Charleston wire also WON. f3 Wk Positively the ONLY horses sent out. My fea own wires, mv own experts, hence handle lis MORE inforniatjUitv than ALL others put ILr 0 SPECIAL SATURDAY. .My nr-xt sp?cial goes Saturday. Those who avail themselves of my TWENTY DAYS one horse daily from both Charleston and Juarez for 0. will as usual receive my 10 special FREE. SPECIAL to LAYERS AND PLAYERS -My 1 News Bureau furnishes OFFICIAL PRICKS, as quoted In Dallv Racing Form, and delivered to H vou bv 8 a. m. Sent in code, and occupying NOT more than thirteen words. The price of g this service is per week. 1 ,KE3tT E. COLX.YEH 1 Formerly with the Chicago American. 1 SUITE 309 OXFORD" BUILDING, I 118 North La Salle Street. :: Chicago, Illinois. mm NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY at all new-stands and dealers who sell the Form. Yesterdays Special Wen. No Wire. THURSDAYS SPECIAL: Orange-Thursday-Let- At-Sun-Won. THE TURF REPORTER. Boom 509, 22 W. Quincy St. :: :: Chicago, 111. GROSVENOR, 5-1, WON was yesterdays Form Special. NEW BOOK NOW ON SALE containing code to above Free Form Specials at all leading news-stands in the IT. S. Price 25 cents per Copy, .00 per Month. Two-Horse Daily gave a winner and a third. THURSDAYS FORM SPECIAL: July-Peach-26-51-60-28-61-26-32-55-30. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 West Quincy St. :: Chicago, 111. CLOCKERS REVIEW Room 64, 111 Nassau Street, New York Citv. ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY, 25 CENTS A COPY. Contains special work-outs at Charleston and Juarez. Horses that are ready to win at fair prices. Jet a ropy from the following agents: CHICAGO. ILL.: Bruno Tassone. 350. South State Street. B Barnett. SO West Madison Street. DETROIT. MICH.: Wolverine- News Co.. S-.-Si o n Congress Street. fl LOUISVILLE. KY.: Chas. T. Bearing. 232 4th Ave. F AIEMPHIS. TENN.: World News Co. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW TODAYS SPECIAL: New Mexico, Monologue, Maroon, Canary. Yesterdays Wire and Special lost. Room 1101. 327 south La Salle Street, Chicago, HI. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 141 Plymouth Court, :: :: Chicago, niinok.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914010801/drf1914010801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1914010801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800