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MONOCACY IN LUCKY WIN TALBOTT RACER SCORES FLUKY VICTORY IK HANDICAP AT CHARLESTON. L. H. Adair Accounted Best, but Loses Purse as Result of Carelessness cf His Rider Big Crowd at Palmetto Park. Charleston. S. C. .I:ilill:ir.v Hi. Former records fur atb ndanco at Palmetto Park on ladies l:iy wciv execo led llns afternoon, when ii surprisingly large liiuncr of the gentler sex totik ad antagc of tin incuts iuvilafjou lo witnes: t:r.- :ori. Conditions were again propitious for good racing ami despite the unwieldy fields engaged in the three opening dashes, the racing was keen ami tin- finisnc.-, close. Monocacy, favorite in t lie seven furlong handicap that featured the program, scored a lucky victory m.iiiily through the good riding of Rurliugnmc ami the listlcssiicss 0r li. .Martin, on I.. 11. Adair. The latter, with a lijrlit impo t f .lit pounds, was best. I mt was beaten a neck. .Marti. i kept linn under hard restraint on the outside if tilt others until rotisidiug into the stretcli. where he called on lihn and the colt responded like a streak, lie apparently had the race well in haad a sixteenth from the !in-ish, when .Martin became careless and 15urlingain taking advantage of it. drove Alonocaey out to his utmost and captured the purse. During the earlier mulling Colonel Ashtneade liad showed a good turn of speed, but he faltered in the stretch and suffered some interference when .Monocacy bore over on linn. The claim of foul lodged by jockey .1. McTaggavi against the winner was not considered seriously by the stewards, for they did not think ihe interference of slllicient eoiiseiienee to warrant disqualification. Monocacy was entered for ,500 and was bid up to .Sl.SflO by II. C. Itcdwell. the stable retaining him with an additional . Another run-up en-nod wh-n Flatbnsh won the third race. I IV was entered for .?::" and was bid up lo 1914.sh03 by .1. V. Iledriek. being retained by his owner. Rod and dm was an intended g;od thing in the opener, but he was caught in a jam early and could never extricate; himself. Fred A. F.irsythe. well-known Keutucky horseman Rial breeder, was an arrival today. His plans are to remain here for a week or ten days before returning home. .1. II. .Mclavren has bought the sprinter Daddv !iti by private sale from W. !. Yanke. This is the tpKd tvansfcr of this within a week. Bookmakers Henry Ilanf ami .1. .T. Mollingor were arrivals from New York. Ilanf brought Ids crew south with him and will probably draw in tomorrow. Hob Kennedy is another layer who intends to begin booking tomorrow. Sam Bradley was among the new layers who did business this afternoon, bringing the total number of books up lo fourteen. T. .1. 171 ward, who came south to look over th- horses that John Ruiitschell is handling for him. returned lo Toronto tonight. The opening race was delayed ten minutes f ir the accommodation of racegoers who had been detained on account of a street car wreck in the down town district. There were thirty-eight entries for the tirst rav tomorrow, and twenty-three of the number were ex-c.uded. Secretary Nathaiisou this afternoon announced the weights for the- Robert Ii. Lee Handicap, value .00, to be run next Monday. Thirty-two wove originally nominated, hut the Held will likely comic from the following: Sleeth. 10S: Samuel R. Meyer. ICS. I.ochiel. 10:1: Sir John Johnson. 11S: Ringling. 111. C. M. .Miller. 109; Floral Iark. lilt; Donaid Macdonald, 110: Prince I tenuis. HMi; Republican. R7; John Furlong. HIS; Counterpart, !7; Wilhite, 107. The track at Palmetto Iark this morning was in btMer condition than at any lime since the meeting began. A great number of horses were out and the following were among the work-outs: Armor- Thrce-ipiarters in 1:18. Ronnie Kloiso Three-uuartors in It rave Cunanler Half mile in 49. Itrynliinah -Three-quarters in 1:1b. Crystal Half mile in 50. breezing. I tili-itl Crown Three-quarters ill 1:17. Font Three-quarter in 1:1N. Saltan! Hov Half mile in 31. Silpy Half mile in 49. IJillstrciiiu--Three-quarters in 1:17. Hildas Maid Five-eighths in 1:03 if.. Joe Blair -Three-eighths in :!5. La I a trie Three-eighths in :!S. Loan Shark Half mile in 4S. Prime Ahmed Half mile in 19. Righleasy Throe-eighths in .!. Riugling -Three-quarters in 1:10. Seinprolns Three-quarters in 1:1S. White Wool Three-quarters in 1:17. York Lad Half mile in 31.