The Robert Davies String of Twenty-Two, Daily Racing Form, 1914-01-28


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THE ROBERT DAVIES STRING OF TWENTY-TWO Toronto. Out.. January 27. When trainer Henry McDanlel takes the Held with the titable of Robert Davics of this city at the opening of the Canadian racing season at the Woodbine May 23, it will be with the following twenty-two horses: Plate Glass, blk. g, S. by Plaudit Eliza Bell. Gold Bud. eh. m. o. liy Ailes dOr Goldspot. Knights Differ, b. h. 5. by Knight of the Thistle Indifference. Queen Sain, br. m. 5, by Sain Orn Ralley. Calgary, ch. c, 4. by Ogden Star of the West. Dr. Neet. br. e. 4, by Cesarion East India. First Sight, eh. a. 4. by Peep oDay Penury. Liberty Hall, b. c,4. by -.Mitrtu Santa Baltimore Belle. Fountain Fay. ch. e. 4. by MeGee White Plume. Moving Picture, b. f, 4, by Ogdeu-J.lnda Lee. Amazement, ch. c, by Ogden Cnterock. Duke of Chester, b. c, by St. Savin Wish. Perpetual, ch. c, :5, by Ornament May Hempstead. Recoil, b. f. :;. liy Ogden Haminorless. Roguish, b. f, .!. bv l.olsover Mischief Maker. Skyrocket, b. f. :;. bv Star Shoot Maribel. Southern Maid, blk. f, ::, by Plaudit Sally K. The Isher. ch. c. . by Ogden Saratoga "Belle. Grey Nun. gr. f. 2. by Prince of Melbourne Grey Agnes. King Hamburg, b. c, 2. by Watcrboy Hamburg Belle. Maxim Belle, br. f. 2. bv Golden .Maxim Belle of Oakley. Starcress. ch. . e. 2. by Star Ruby Majolica.

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Local Identifier: drf1914012801_1_6
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