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PROBABLE NEW YORK RACING DATES, New York, January 31. The tentative schedule of dates for this seasons racing on the New York tracks is as follows: Belmont Park, May 20 to June 4. Jamaica, June 8 to June 20. Aqueduct, .Tune 20 to Julv 15. Empire City, July 10 to August 1. Saratoga, August 3 to August 31. Official announcement of the schedule is expected shortly. While the price of admission to the tracks has been discussed, it lias not yet been absolutely settled whether there will be any changes or not. It has been suggested than an all-around admission of be charged. This may or may not be adopted and will no doubt lie decided unon at a further conference between those most concerned. It is not probable, however, that there will lie any material change from the arrangements of last year. It is not believed there will be any change in the purses except for the better. The stakes will be at least as good as they were last vear and there will be no purse of less value than 00 and those will be confined to the cheaper class of horses. All things considered, the racing outlook Is pleasing. The sport last year was conducted In a dignified and elevating wav and a foundation was laid for prosperity in the future. The Jockey Club and the several associations are determined to foster the siort of racing and hope in time to bring it back to the days when this country boasted of some of the greatest thorughbreds in the world.