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PLANNING FOR DEPARTURE HORSEMEN PREPARE TO LEAVE CHARLESTON FOR OTHER RACING POINTS. Meeting at Palmetto Park Scheduled to Come to a Close in Two Weeks H. G. Bedwell Leader Among Money Winning Owners. Charleston. S. C. March l.".. Horsemen hero are now 1 1 1 :t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir lor departure to the ncirih and west, as .inly two weeks remain of the present winter meeting at Palmetto Park. The majority will transfer their operations to .Norfolk, where racing begins pril 1. Others will go to .Maryland to await the opining of the courses in that stale. The more prel cut ions stables, though, will he shipped to Ken-nicky. There will he no shortage of racing material to carry on the racing here during the rest of the meet in;;, lor there is an abundance of horses fierc that will remain until the close. The cheaper grade of horses will furnish the bulk of the racing, lor it is customary at all courses to give the "poor man" renter opporl unity towards the close of each meet mg to win a purse" or two to enable him to pay shipping expenses. Tin- present meeting has shown a sen dl of the cheaper grade of horses. I lie followers of the sport who have wintered will f Miiain here lo the end of lli season. II has liorn remarkable how well !he patronage has kepi up. Most of the regulars will go to Norfolk a! ihe close or the season here. Even with the meeting on tile wane there have been numerous arrivals. Many easterners who have sojourned In Florida during the winter are slopping off here for a few days en route home. It has been settled that II. G. Bedwell will be Hie leading money winning owner of the meeting. "J his is the third season tliat the Colorado turfman bus led tile other owners al this Irack in point of stake and purse winnings. His stable is by no iik aus pretentious, so far as quality is concerned, but the program has just suited his useful racers. Jiedwcll will camiaign the coming summer and fall ,,ir -..Msierii and Canadian courses. lie has refrained g I iroin engaging in Kentucky racing since his trouble of several years ago at I.atonia. Tin? .1. I. Talbot t I stable, which will be second in the list of winning owrt-rs, also will campaign on eastern courses. This stable should be a formidable one in the east during the coming season, for it embraces several high class horses that did not start here. Prominciii in the list is Lahore, which has wintered well. An-i t her stable that will journey from here to Havre dt Grace is that of .1. I.. Holland. The horses in this cslablishpieiit were active only during the lirst part of the local season, but of late have been idle. v!ih the exception of an occasional start by a two year old. The veteran Donald Macdonald is as frisky as any of the youngsters in the barn. 1. M. Knrchs horses also will shortly be shipped to Havre de Grace. With the sun shining steadily all day. the Palmetto Park track dried out rapidly today and for the lirst time in many weeks, the wwks sport will be ushered in under favorable conditions. Tomorrow will mark the heginniiig of the next to the last week of the meeting and the turf hum are honing tor good weather and track conditions so that ihey : an get their good hors.s out and have them lit for the racing in the east and north. The program book for this week calls for several v -might handicaps which will no doubt fill well and result in good sport. As has been the ease sfuce the extension bfgan, the two-year-olds will I. e given more opportunities and each race lor the juveniles sees larger and better fields contesting. The racing card for St. Patricks Day, a holiday III this section, will be especially attractive and it is exi ected that the attendance upon that occasion will surpass that of any previous day. The past week was noticeable for a considerable increase in tin attendance from among the local people. For the lirst time since racing was inaugurated lire, there were two disqualifications within a week. Itoth fouls were so palpable that there was not the slightest murmur over the decisions of ihe stewards. The jockeys who are inclined to ride roughly have been given plenty of warning to change their nieth-imIk, but when big fields contest in a race at a mile or over, there is always a bad jam on the lirst turn and many of the riders have had narrow escapes. With jockeys Rorol, P.urlingaine. It. loose and Mc-Cnhev out of the saddle, and P.uxton. who led the riders d America last year, accepting only a few mounts, tin jockey material available is rather mediocre, and".!. McTaggart continues to hold sway as the lender. There is no rider even within striking distance of him. With a total of 0,015 to his credit in purses won. U. G. P.edwell has a big lead over the other owners. He has lost a few purses recently because of run Hps and he also has been active in bidding up horses himself. The list of owners who have won 1,500 or mere to date- follows: II. !. Red-well. i?lt".01."i: O. Talbot t, 12,777; Reverwyck Stable, , 705: A. Weber. !?;,025; K. F. Carman, sri..Sli.-.: .1. L. Holland, :?5.S10: 1. M. Hedrick, ,215; W. G. Yankc. ,010: W. Walker. .1. W. Hedrick, .525; C. S. Wilson, :?:!.210; .1. II. Me-Carreii, S3.200: F. K. P.rown, $:i,lK; O. W. J. Bis-sell, S2,k;5: G. C. linker, ,775; J, U. Strode. ,010; J- Johnson. 2,385: F. J. Pons, ,00: T. I". Sheedv. .,100: .1. M. Zimiuer, ,075; X. 15. Davis. ,075; L. -Marion, ,905; K. MeKride, SI, 905: C. A. Speit. ,850; M. A. Colton, ,750; II. Colston.