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BUSY SEASON IN THE FAR WEST. Advantageous Arrangements for Horsemen Who Patronize Pacific Coast Meetings. El Iaso, Tex., March 17. Recent announcements of racing dates for the coining spring and summer in the west have done much to clarify the situation from the standpoint of the horsemen who have been accustomed to confine their operations to the tracks of the Rockey Mountain region and the Pacific slope. The meetings that have been announced will provide these owners who are disinclined to ship to Kentucky and other parts of the east abundant opportunity to keep their horses busy until racing is resumed here next fall. To begin with, there will be a meeting of nineteen days duration at Tulsa. Okla., beginning April 11 and closing May 2. Some 200 of the horses that raced here will participate in it. The next of the western meetings will be that at Denver, which will open June 13 ami continue until July 4. AlKiut 200 horses will bo shipped directly from here to Denver to await lie opening of the Overland Park meeting. The bulk of the horses that take part in the Tulsa meeting may be expected to race at Denver and from tln-re go to Montana for the thirty days meeting of the Bit tie Jockey Club, which is to open July 4. Then there will be a fall meeting of forty days at Aan-conver, B. C, after which the horses may return to Denver for a fall meeting of nineteen days at Overland Park. Besides there will be the usual meetings at Anaconda, Great Falls, Deer Lodge. Helena and other Montana points.