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THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap, f 88369 1:42% B 88. TiBlNfiHURST br -4*117 c 3 102 Bv Plaudit — Sweet Marjoram J. N. Camden. ?R1 I. noma hvv 7-6 3 2 1 1 1" 3* 11 w.„„is 7 Ralph. Hodge. Broaaewing i "i - hurchlll 3-4 1:11 fast B-6 M6 1 1 1 11 l« 11 Wosda 4 Jim Baaey. B.Briaade 8. Ooeen 1 H947 Churchill S f 14%fast 2J 92 2 ll 1 V W w Tier 4 ..-.»-, are-. B.Tpney. Bawtbora ].%• Douglas ::4i:ii fast 22 122 4 ill1 B» B si.-eie 5 Black tVsaey. OU Bea. Hedge 1170i Douglas 3-4 1:12%fast 25 120 3 1 1 1= 1= B Steele 6 Anytime San Vega -Dae H«40 Saratoga 3-4 1: IS alow « 1202 11 !• f» B Steele 8 . ivnimnt. Soatk . Maid. A.ldie M. 1...-.71 Saratoga S-4 l:13%faat 2 1224 2 2 V 41 J ;ias« 6 B. Btoobi. B. Choice. L.Nephew - wai Saratoga 3-4 l:12%faet 4 11:12 I 1 1» 1* Uftaa 5 L.N.-phew. B. Broom and.-rgTt 10150 Saratoga S t l:08%gOOd 8-6 115 .1 111* Is B Steele S Su. -prising Spearhead Dr.sainuel yi44 Itonia 2-4 1:13%fast 3-6 112 1 11 I**** B Steele 5 B.and Sadd e. Fraii.-esM Rutlles i MTSLatonla 6J f 1:07 good17-l0 112 1 1 1 14 1 B Steele 0 D. and Saddle. Minda.B Lane BOB Douglas B-S St%taat 17-10 109 2 1 l lJ 1« I McCabe 6 D.-hec,,. Lost -fhrhaM ;• Jl»i Chaai I 8402 « "hut chill 6 8 1:02%livy 1 110 3 11 Vj ln U jjteele 10 Holtou. Busby Head. Bandit St I39» U j* 12 12: 12 a 11 ll 11 11 loi 10: 10 10 p 13 k; ]■■ 13 12 1 13 j? ,. n " andJ ; • • J Jl 1:: 1" 12 II 12 i:i II a H £ , I* J, " C. F- F U I; i H ., , 1 . 1 Jj 1 ] 1 , , ■ I ° j 1 1 , . j 1 ] 1 j 1 i 1 i j , : SURPRISING, b. c, 3 102 By Marta Santa— -Strathlou R. F. Carman. Lexgton 1 1:1- slow 9 lu 2 2 2 ] B* lM C Peak 7 O.RoHebud, Cistopbine. I.Cclncr 13418 harlcn B-4 l:lS%gOOd 4-i 126 1 4 a 1" 2i V Khtinire 5 OMBea, Korfhage. Cbarlesloniin 133»2 Charlen 3-4 1 n-.-.good 6 112 6 4 k :; 2* V RhtmireU Chartier, Aacaa, llarjorle A. 12278 Laurel 3 4 l:li-sslop 11-6 lis 1 2 2 1 l2 Hhtinire 6 Goteina, Slremboli. Spearhead 12261 Latsrel 3-4 1:14 g*ood 2 122 3 2 2 li 1- Rhtmire 7 Addle M.. Pllttl rgold. Pom. Bleu 12161 Laurel 5J f l:06%fast 1 117 2 2 11 ll Rhtmire 6 Gaiuer. Addie M.. Crosstuin 120S9 Laurel 5i t l:06%fast 31 120 4 3 4 4l 3Ji Rhtmire 6 Gotelus, Fllttergold. P. Bowl 11715 Woodbine 1 l:41%fast 2J 115 2 1 1 1 lu* ltnkRhlmlre i! Hodge. Czar Michael 11626 Woodbine 3-4 l:12%fast 6* 125 2 2 2 I"" 21 Rhtn.ire 8 Hoilge. C. Michael. Sou. Maid 11565 Woodbine 3-4 l:13Vfcfast 18-5 118 1 2 2 t** 31 Rhtmire 4 Hodge. South. Maid. Silent Pilot 11194 DlueDon. 3-4 1:13 fast 3-2 123 5 2 2 2* l1! Rhtmire 7 Emerald Gem. TbeUsher.. Minda 10! 52 Saratoga 7-8 1:26 fast 5 126 5 5 2 21 21 Rhtmire 10 Bradleys Choice. Ralph. Gainer 10824 Saratoga G* f l:09%hvy 9-10 122 2 8 2 1" 2* J McTagrt 7 TbeUsher. Uncb-Mun. Fres.Lynn 10606 Saratoga 3-4 l:12%fast 6 118 1 3 2 l1 l1 J McTagt 9 S. Maid. B. Toney, Punch Bowl 10518 Saratoga 5* f l:06%fast 41 109 1 2 2 luk lnk J McTagt 5 Stroiuboll, Sosius. Cliff Fit-Id tUisqualifled for foul and placed second. IVAN GARDNER, ch. c. S 98 By Ivan the Terrible — Miss Gardner C. S. Wilson. 13S87 Lexgton 1 1:42 slow 18 112 5 5 E S 4- ::" I Conm-iiy 7 Q. goat bad, "isb.phine. Spri-ing I3SS6 CharTen 1 1-4 2:13%mad 6 119 5 6 5 3 3J l1 C Dorel 0 Indolence, harl-sfiaii. Pulls It. 136*2 Charlen 1116 1:51 good 10 106 4 2 2 3 5* 6s C Turner 7 OldBen. Charlcslonian. lucid, nc * 13520 Charlen 11:45 slop 18-6 106 6 5 6 6 42 45 J Hanover 6 Chariestonlaa, D.-|Kisit. Iadoleace 13464 Charlen 11-4 2:11 mud 20 90 4 4 2 1 Ill3 .1 Smyth 6 Counterpart. Bob It., G.M.Miller 13382 Charlen 6J f 1:09 good 4 lt 3 6 8 4 4» J* J Mclntyre H C.Cannell. H.SIieam, Surpassing 13340 ChaxleSo 1 1:41 good 25 84 2 C 7 7 61 61 II Sumter 7 Celesta. JoeDeibold. JohiiFiirlong 13296 Charlen lm20v l:43%good 30 90 8 4 4 4 4- 4« H Sumter 8 Republican. JoeDeibold, Pardner 13080 Charlen 3 4 l:15%good 15 110 6 7 7 54 5!! G Byrne 7 Korfhage, H. Class. B. Cunarder 12028 Charlen 3-4 1:16 good 10 97 7 7 7 6* 4s E Martin 8 Old Ben, Deposit. Br. Cunarder 1296S Charlen 1 l:44%mnd 12 88 5 S 4 4 54 Pi H Sumter i Dartwth. Brvnlimah. Pr.Hermls 12950 Charlen 3-4 l:16%mud 12 94 6 6 6 41 8* R Neander 8 Deposit, Charlestonian, Boly Hill STRONG, ch g, 4 105 By Stalwart— Ancient T. C. McDowell. MBB I.atonia 1 l:38%fast 4 197 2 4 4 4 D l*i E Martin i Semprite, Rirle Brigade. S. Bill 9147 Latonia 11-10 1:46 fast 23-10 95 6 5 3 I l"1 2| E Martin S Supervisor, Chartier. StarOR.van 9045 Latonia 1 1:41 mud 6 97 5 6 5 4 46 41" K Martin 5 Morristown. S. R. Meyer. S. Bill BBtJ Latonia 1 1-M l:46%Xaat l 9:. 1 4 1 1 V l1* K Martin 7 huaager Mack. Msiahea, Beleaa B88S Latonia lanTOy l:43%fast 49-50 107 7 9 9 8 4h 4-J ■ Martin 10 llarryl.auder, Felman, T.GradsC Mil Douglas 1 1 16 1:46 fast 11-6 9S 4 3 1 1 lJ ll 1! Martin 8 HarryLaudc-r. Prospect. B. Holder 8S3C Douglas im7oy 1 :45 fast 19-10 102 8 7 7 6 3h 33 E Martin 11 BillyHolder, GaidePost, AlBloch 8276 Churchill 3-4 l:13%mud 26 110 8 7 4 2n 2" Loftus 11 L.Lightuiug, Merrick, B. Thistle JUST RED, ch. g, 5 100 By Cunard— Doris G. B. Moreland. 13978 Lexgton 1 1 :294fast 100 ]02 10 9 9 5 7 7*1 C OMahy 16 S. Jasmin.-. Benanet. BjOrrlSSSWa 13801 Juarez 1 1-8 1:53 fast 50 Kill 6 6* 6" J Collins 7 B. Eyed Susan. K.lietty. O.Kripp I37C7 .luarez 1 l:37/5fast 25 90 5 4 4 5 7 7, ?.H Phillips 7 Cousin Iuss, Miniorioso. B.Oetty UC88 Juarez 7-8 LlO-ifast 20 92 6 6 7 7 7 773 H Phillips 7 Orb. Dorothy Dean, Pan Zareta 1M4B Juarez 11:39 fast 20 95 6 7 7 7 5» 2* H Phillips 7 Orlin Kripp, Bert Getty, Curlicue 13586 Juarez 11:29 fast 8 98 6 6 6 5 41 5" E Haynes 0 B.ofK.Mawr, Truly, Cousin Puss U66B Juar.-z 7-S 1 :30%mud 3-5 92 4 4 2 2 l1 1* E Haynes 4 V. Rights. J. R.-ardon. B. Chance 18543 Juarez 11:39 fast 12 94 6 6 1 1 1"* 4*1 J Metcalf « B.-F. Susan, B.ofB.Mawr, Truly 13502 Juar-z 11:46 hvy 8-5 103 13 3 2 2" 2* 6 Gould 4 Cantein. John R.-ardon, M.Roblee 13478 Juarez 7-8 1:24 fast 60 102 15 5 5 6 4°J C, Could « DorothyDean. PanZareta. Barsac 13412 Juarez 7-8 l:23%fast 30 100 6 6 6 6 6 S***! Dreyer C D.Dean, Newllaveu, BobHeasley 12M7 Jnarea 1 1-M 1:45 fast 12 100 17 7 7 62 5 G W Carll 9 J. Reunion. BertCettv. V.BlgktS 12843 Juarez 3 4 1:13 fast 10 107 5 5 3 B*| t*| S Smith 5 Irish Gentleman. Sosius, Zim 12889 Juarez 1 l:37fast 15 105 111111 11 11 9» G W Car1112 V. Rights, C. Puss, JohaBeardoa 12S41 Juarez 7-8 l:31%hvy 4 105 4 2 2 2 2* 1 G W Carll 0 Brookfield, B. Getty. VoladavJr 12799 Juarez ll:49%hvy 6-5 100 3 4 4 2 lb 1"* G W Carll 4 Voladay Jr.. B.CIiance, V Rights 12745 Juarez 1 l:37V4fast 6 102 5 6 5 6 62 75J C Dishmon 8 Manasseh. J. Reunion. BertGetty 12693 Juarez 7-8 1:24 fast 10 104 2 7 5 3 3* 321 Dishmon 7- V. Rights. Dorothy Dean. Injury 12673 Juarez 1 l:38%fast 41 102 4 11 3 4"* 45 J McDond 7 C.Puss. Ir.Gentleman. Miniorioso CREAM, ch. f, 4 103 By Electioneer — Ambrosia C. C. Van Meter. 124M 1-atonia 1 1:3s1 if ast 9 101 10 6 4 4 4» 4 C VanDunll Glint. Flving Tom. Hex I2S63 Latonia 1 l:41%hvy 16 101 8 5 2 2 t* 3* J BfcGabe 8 HhjbPrivate, Ply.Tom S Actress 12X1 Latonia lm70y l:48%mud 9 20 104 2 1 1 1 1*| 1*1 C VanDun 4 I. .11. A. lair, weyanoke, R Bgade • Latonia 1 l-M l:48%nrad 9-5 104 3 111 1". 1". J McCabe C Man. Mack. L. II. Adair Bonanza 12085 Churchill I 1-1S l:*S5%fast 67 10 102 3 4 3 I 4* 4* Obert 5 Ambrose. B. Chance. W. Witch I20QO Churcnill 1 1-Ml:g %fast 3 101 3 4 4 4 2- 21 Obert 6 Soaada, Star Actress, Just Red 11736 Douglas ino70yl:46%hvy 29-10 102 3 3 3 3 2H B* J McCabe 4 W. Witch. Samllirsch T Grader 111,:.-. Douglas 1 1-16 l:45%iast 33 10 105 4 4 5 5 4" 41 .1 MeCal.e 6 II. Private. W.WOOder. S Actress 11236 Lax ton 11-16 l:4S%faet 28 98 1 3 4 4 Sj 79 ■ Martin 7 Cousin Puss, I.enan.-I. Gowell I11M L. xinglon 1 1:42 fast 36 101 5 5 4 3 Sj 31, .1 McCahe 8 Plabsast, P.Callawav. H Lauder 1232 Latonia lmTOy 1:41 fast 71-10 9612 2 2 4 4" t*| J Callahan 5 S.K Meyer. Morristown. Coy Lad BOM Latonia 1 1-M l:44%faet 57-10 95 4 4 3 3 84 8* E Martin 4 Pc-ess Callawav. F. Bias Sleeth B848 I.atonia 1 1 16 1:45 fast 15 95 4 6 6 6 51 B*IJ Callahaa 7 Gowell, I.G-nl l.-inau. P.Callaway Si 96 Douglas 1 1-16 1:45 fast 11 95 3 4 4 5 41 4=j E Martin 0 Gt.BlitSiB, Koimdation. Any Port 85:r7 Doualas 1 1-8 l:53%fast 3 96 2 1 1 1 ll 11 J McCabe 8 Cousin Puss, Milton B. S430 Church 1 1 1-16 1 :17%slow 41 112 2 2 2 2 2» 1" Canz 5 Floral Park. Gowell, Madelle GOWELL, ch. f, 4 110 By Ort Wells— Responsive J. T. Weaver. 14008 l.--gton 3-4 1 :15%hvy 31 Lis 6 7 7 7 6"? C VanDun 7 Hawtaara, Sosins, Miss Thorpe 13979 Lexgton 1 l:38%fast 27-6 110 7 6 10 8 9 9"JC VanDunIO S. Jasmine, Benanet. Morri-town 11710 Douglas 1 1-M l:44%fast 19-10 108 4 4 4 3 3" 27J Gross 4 Floral Park, Bin kliorn. Kenanet 11620 Douglas 1 1-16 IT.-./.fast 41 10.8 9 9 9 6 3* 3, Gross 11 Floral Park. Kleburne. F Fina 11469 Lexton I 1 16 1 :46%gOod I 112 4 4 5 4 V- las Gross 5 Kleburne, Flying Tom. U Steppa 1133C Lexton 11 K l:46%fast 3120 MO 5 4 5 5 41 3J Gross 7 Cou-.Piiss. Denanet. Flabbergast 11268 Lexington 3 4 1:14%slow 12-5 111 2 I I 2* 8* Gross 4 Kleburne. TheresaGUI, T Reach 11178 Lexington 3 4 1:13 fast 112 3 3 3 3* Vh iross 5 Iron Mask, StarJasiniue. S. Star 9401 1-a ton ia 1 3-16 1 :56%fast 6-5 107 3 4 5 3 6*1 SJf Goose 7 Miltou B.. Auv Port. Flora Film 92S2 Latonia 3 4 l:11%fast 18 110 7 8 4 41 3i Tealian 11 Helios, Iresumption, S.R. Meyer 9143 Latonia 11-8 1:51 fast 23 20 112 2 2 2 2 11 22 Tealian 4 S It. Meyer. Any Port. Impression BBSS Latonia 1 1-2 2:32%fast 7-5 117 2 2 2 1 l5 l10 Teahan 3 Great Britain. Foundation 8848 latonia 11-16 1:45 fast 2 104 3 4 3 1 1*1* Tealian 7 I. Gentleman. P.Callawav. C Lad 8629 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :44%fast 89-10 108 4 3 3 2 2* *«* Tealian 4 Ten Point. Pr. Hermis. Seruprlte FLORA FINA, b. m, 5 112 By Ogden— Flora Pomona Bradley and Johnson. 13879 Lexgton 1 l:39%fast 33-10 112 6 7 7 10 8*1 S" G Byrne 16 S. Ja mine, Benanet Morristown 11949 Churchill 4 7:27y5fast 27-10 119 3 4 4 4 B*» 2** Loftus 4 Pandorina, P.Eugene Beautiful 11854 Douglas 2 3:26 fast 9 112 6 6 5 5 5- 4=; Griner t Clobs, MeltonStreet, Man Mack 11802 Douglas 1 1-S l:52y=fast 9-5 112 2 3 3 3 3« 33 R Small 4 Sleetli. Prince Hermis Any Port 117,4 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47%hvy 7 116 2 2 3 5 5 5«| Buxton 5 Morristown, Sleeth. Ymir 11621 Douglas 1 1-1C l:45%faat 15 111 2 5 4 8 61 «*§ Buxton 11 Floral Park, Kleburne. Gowell 1064 Windsor 1 1-8 1:52 fast 41 114 1 1 1 3 41 45j C Peak 5 II. Lauder. Cous. Puss, Lochiel MM65 Windsor 1 1-16 l:45%fast 3 109 3 3 3 3 3 21 J Callahan :: Lochiel. Buckhorn 10212 Fort Erie 1 1-4 2:04 5fast 15 102 6 1 1 1 i*| 14 J Callahan S Donerail, Flabbergast. Hamilton 10122 Hamilton 1 1-4 2:o4%fast 8 107 4 3 4 4 41" 3si Teahan 5 Hamilton. Flabbergast, f.ochiel 10074 Ham ton 1 1-16 l:462ifast 4 112 4 2 5 5 52 4»3 Buxton G S. R. Meyer, Lochiel. F.lwah 9995 Hamilton 1 1-8 l:51%fast 7 110 5 3 3 4 4« 4*1 Goose 5 Barnegat, Hampton, Calgary 9864 Windsor 1 l:40%fast 10 109 1 5 6 6 5 431 B Steele 7 TheW.Moon. G.Britain. Burnegt 9813 Windsor 1 1-16 l:52%hvy 1 104 3 1 2 2 2* 1" Buxton 3 Samuel R. Mever. Plate Glass 9730 Windsor 1 1-8 l:51%fast 7 106 6 6 6 7 7"* 77 W Andreas 0 First Sight. Hamilton. Buskin 9404 Latonia 1 3-16 l:56%fast 27-10 107 1 5 4 2 41 3H W Andress 7 MilronB.. AnyPort, CousinPuss 9283 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44%fast 8-5 107 2 3 3 2 2* Hi W Andress 7 dwell. I.Gentleinau. P.Callaway SLEETH, b. h, 6 106 By Deutschland— Merida W. H. Baker. 13979 Lexgton 1 l:36%faet 38 W. 8 10 8 9 10 I102 L Deronde 10 S. Jasmine. Benamt. Morristown 13832 Charlen 11-16 1:50 mud 3 100 2 2 1 1 2° 2 F Murphy 6 Brynliniab, Jcm.cI Day. Sereaata KITS Charlen 1 l:42"-.good 6 100 6 6 6 6 6 6"!W Goose 8 Carlton G.. Chartier. Brynlimah 13754 Charlen lm70y l:48%aloW 8-5 104 4 3 2 3 41 lJ C Turner 0 Carlton G., P. Duster Brvnlimah 13640 Charlen 1 1-16 l:50W slow 8 100 2 1 1 2 21 2« J Callahan 5 Republican, Lochiel. L II Adair 13550 Charlen 11-8 1:58 good 6 107 5 1 1 2 52 5* R Goose 7 Republican, G.M.Miller. Rin"liu" 13496 Charlen 1 1-16 l:49%good 41 102 111 2 2J 3!i C Turner fi Lochiel. Pardner, L. H Adair 13429 charlen 3 4 l:l%gOOd 15 112 10 10 10 Sl 7" R Goose 11 Cuugb Hill, Sherwood." Chartier 13376 Charlen lm70y l:471imud 12 104 5 2 1 3 5 SJJ Callahan 5 Pardner, Boh R., G. M Miller 13352 Charlen 3-4 l:14%good 60 105 11 10 11 ll5 9-1 J Callahanl2 Chartier, Surprising Ancon 12466 Latonia 1 1-16 1:51 mud 22-5 112 6 5 3 2 3* 32i Goose 6 P.Hermis, Flabbergast S Oueen 12363 Latonia 1 l:41%hvy 31-10 111 6 7 8 7 8 9 JGros9 0 High Private, PI v. Tom Cream 12324 Latonia 1 1-16 l:52%hvy 23-20 113 13 3 3 2* 2* Gross 3 Flabbergast. Morristown 12272 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :51%hvy 16-5 112 13 2 2 HI1 Gross 6 Morristown. S. R. Meyer Luther 12110 Churchill 1 1-M l:45«~fast 41-10 110 2 2 2 2 21 21 Gross 6 P. Hermis. S. It. Meyer J Red 12028 Churchill 1 1-16 l:4S%mud 85 108 1 1 2 1 l4 Is Gross 8 H.Lauder. H. Private I Geiiman 119.0 Churchill lm70yl :43 fast 41 108 4 4 2 2 31 3»1 Van Dusen 7 Sam. R. Meyer, Kleburne Ymlr 118i2 Douglas 1 1-8 1 :52Vifast 11-5 10S1 1 2 2 2 11 l1! Goose 4 PrineeHerniis. IToraFina. A. Port CLUBS, ch. g, 5 108 By Roy. Flush III.— Melton Mowbray M. C. Moore i 12400 Latonia 13-8 2:19 fastl02-100 101 1111 la* 2 C Tamer 7 John Furlong. Just Red AnyPort 11854 Douglas 2 3:26 fast 5 102 2 2 2 1 l1 1 Dishmon 8 Mel. Street. Man. Mack. FFin-i 11653 Douglas 1 l:3S%fast 39-10 108 3 4 3 3 25 2»k Dishmon 6 Solar Star. I. Gentleman Ymir 11622 Douglas lm70y 1:43 fast 9 107 2 4 3 2 P 1 Dishmon 8 Win. Witch. J. Geddes S Hirs.-h 10396 FortErie 1 1-16 l:45%good 12 94 5 6 fi 6 6 617L1 Callahan 0 Donerail. Mediator, Lochiel 10247 Fort Erie 1 l:38%fast 20 106 2 5 7 7 6s 6»J J Callahan 7 Knights Differ. Zim Flex 10058 Hamilton 1 1-4 2:05 fast 31 99 4 4 4 3 2* In Neylon 8 El Oro. Mvcenae. Effendi 9093 Hamiltn 1 1-16 1:47 fast 8 111 6 2 2 1 2* 3- Duxton 11 Marie T.. Busy. Mud Sill 9X61 Windsor 3-4 1:15 fast 25 112 8 10 9 8* 7»1 Buxton 10 R.McGill, HskvLad. J.H Hhton 9376 Latonia 11-16 1:46 fast 41 105 3 2 2 2 2 Hi Dishmon 11 Patruche. Be. Tom King ANY PORT. b. h. 6 100 By Star Shoot — Amy Davenport E. E. McCargo. 12165 I.atonia 2 I I l:68%mnd 3 104 7 7 7 5 8» 21 Cross 7 Sir Calesby. JastBed, T rnrllBX 12435 Latonia lm70y l:43%fast 34 1o3 5 5 5 5 5 6*1 Gross 5 C. Iuss. Morristown. p Hermis 12400 latonia 1 3-8 2:19 fast 61-10 104 5 6 5 4 4* 4~- J McCabe 7 John Furlong. Clubs, Just Bed 12272 Latonia 1 1-M 151%hvy 18 100 5 5 5 5 5 5"i J McDond 5 Sleeth. Morristown S R Meyer 11S54 Douglas 2 3:26 fast 81 101 7 5 6 Fell. J McCabe 8 Clubs. Mel. Street. ManagerMack 11802 Douglas 1 IS 1 :52/,fast 8 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 J Mc-Cabe 4 Sleetli. Piini-eHc-rmis. FloraPina 11735 Douglas 1 1 2 2:3; hvy 31-20 103 3 5 4 3 2- 8*1 J McCabe 6 Man. Mack, Milton B.. M. Street 11620 Douglas 1 1-M 1 :45%fast 52 MB 11 11 11 10 10- "• J McCabe 11 Floral Park. Kleburne. Gowell 11326 Lexton 1 1-16 l:45%fast 88 MB 7 7 7 7 7 6s J McCabe 7 Cousin Puss, Benanet, Gowell 10700 Saratoga 1 1 8 1 :52V5fast 12 93 4 7 7 7 7 TaW Ward 7 Jawbone, P. Glass. Swannanoa IO073 Sar*toga 1 3 16 2:*l%sloW 3 90 1 1 6 6 51 S*1 J McTagrt 7 Sam Jackson, Lahore. Nightstick 10472 Saratoga 1 t-8 l:61%taat 10 97 4 9 9 8 ]i 7i.l McCabe ! C.otheWk. Nightsk. P. Eugene 10283 Saratoga 1 l:38%faet 15 Sfi 9 8 G 9 61 71HMeCahey 8 Benanet, CHS Edge, Airey 9401 Latonia 1 3-16 1 :56:«,fast 87 10 100 7 7 7 C 31 8*1 J McCabe 7 MillonB., FloraFiua, CousinPuss