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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Rioting lias been resumed in the miaing districts i of Colorado. Englands cabinet is delaying decisive action , against the tlsterilos. Abool 290 adacra arc reported trapped by an ex-plosion in the New Kiver Collieries Companys nihil • at Kerbs, mar Beckley, W. Va. Iic-id1 nt Wilson has ordered broena to Colorado to take charge of tbe districts where a virtual slate of civil war has beta going on as a .result of the ■tilling troubles. The Census Barean eatiaaatea that there are 109. 021,992 people in the United States and iis poeses Biona, d which :i.n.7n1.." 24 are on tliis continent. Estimates of the population of the large cities of the ciiiintrv are as follows: Sea York, 5,333.537; Chibago. 2.303.335; Philadelphia. 1.657.810; St. Louis. 7.: » .»i«rr : Bostoa. 731,812; Cleveland, 939.431; Pitt-burgh. iJt;4.S7S; Baltimore, 579.5*0; Dctt lit, 537,«50. Haerta has for—ally accepted the Smith Aaaericaa offer ". mediation ami tha eavoya of Brazil. 9t gent inn and Chile are proceeding with their plana for a settlement of the Mexican trouble. The rebels are said to he gaiiiiag ground close to the Mexican capital and there are reports that the Mexican popa lice i- bowing a disposition to turn agaiaat Huarta on account of the troubles be has brought upon I lie comitiv. General Maas. former Mexican commandant at Vera Cruz, with his men. is making his wav far : ■ » l — — ther Into the interior from Soledinl. where he has beep in camp since his retreat before the Aaaericaa landing forces. Five apecial trains hearing American refugees were scheduled to leave Mexico City yesterday. That Huarta "ill demand the evacuation oi Vera Cruz by the American fori es as a condition to the peace negotiations proposed by the A 1". c powers was a disipiieling report in circulation In diplomatic circles, it is believed President Wilson will pit COB Beat to this miles.- In- Is assured that Haerta will eliminate himself from Mexican affairs. General Fun-ton reported to tha war department yesterday bis arrival at Vera Cruz and proceeded to relieve the naval torces that have been holding the city. The bluejackets returned to their ships, hut the marines remained ashore to support the army for the time being. Haerta has promised the greal powers of Europe to give friendly consideration n any suggest ion under thv tender of friendly offices ol South American diplomats to settle the differences between the United Btatea and Mexico. The federals at Tampleo are making overtures to the constitution a lists for a combination against the United States. Uruguay has apologised lor the anti American demonstration at Mont. video a few days ago. It i- reported thai a crisis has reached in the relations of Carransa and Villa.