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83,008 £5 Roscoe ICOC and and Us, is. ! -r- -on. Dml md ie- Ba Hi laff, tt". 1 1 • •. Mayor lyor c.e. on: lie, ter Linda nda Bill. .ill. . rs, Wild ,i!d Lea l.s Easy, is. Id ENTRIES FOR DOUGLAS PARK STAKES. Louisville. Kv.. Mav 2. — Manager John IIa h , aeister hat put in the hands of the printer ill. stake entries for the eonilng soring meeting .,1V at Douglas Park, a-hich hegina on Saturday. Mav 2.".. "," :lnd continues for thr! teen days. The entries tor Hi. ",l various even:- have been otliciallv compiled bj Bee retarv F. Y. Maginn. The feature race is the sec ! ond running of th Kentucky Handicap, which again :"" baa an added vain, of 810.000 this spring, and the "* ijftv entries :■ 0 each, with twelve probable 1 p starters at .10 additional, will make the gros* , s,s vain ■ of this evenl anproxlMateiy 115.008. It will l"" „■ tic richest race of the spring racing season in ■ America and the entries embrace not only the best sl of Hi.- older horses now in training, but all the •he track three real engaged in the Kentucky * Derby and Oaks. The entries tot this great mile and a quarter race embrace old Rosebud. Samuel It. Meyer, Bleeth, Jh, Rock View. I.rell.-vs Choice. Hoots and Saddle. H- Black T"io- . Hawthorn, cdesta. Bringhurst. a ,;1 -uaiina. Surprising, ;. M Miller. Ru.loir... Duval. •1, Brlckley, Donerail, Greal Britain, Ooy Lad, Rrouze ze w lb r |.-, c. la lar Bi ,u U m i a u j, j, ■ ,, n S . ,; h .1 | | | , | a i [ s . s I I | | | v I i I | i , | I wing. LAiglette. Flora Finn. Milton I!.. Ralph. TW Belloc, Any Port. Aristocrat. Watermelon, Prime Dermis. The Widow Moon, Frances M.. Addle L. Pliar lee ton last. Clubs, John Furlong. Roadmaster, Froglegs. Star Charier. ILimiitott. Luke McLuke, . Counterpart. Hodge, llorrou, Kleburne. Gowell, So Star. Worlds Wonder. Ivan Oardner and Old Angie Marty V; Ben. The entries for the other three events to be a Ralph decided during the Douglas Park meeting are given *•" below : Vilev !., Memorial Handicap — For three-year-olds and tip- - ward. ,000 added: three-quarters of a mile: y. Old Rosebud. John Oiiu.l. Boots and Saddle. Brad leys Choice. Bushy Head. Hawthorn. Celesta. -| Bringhurst, Meridian. Ducal Crown. Royal Dolly, Napa Nick. Silver Bill. Flying Yankee. Archery. Die Dick Donerail. Great Britain, Coy Lad. LAiglette. Casey | Jones. Yankee Notions. Sprite, Sebago, Bemnrlte, ie] Presumption, OSnllivan. Gracllla, The Norman, |], Prince Herniis. The Widow M.x n. Smoke House. Leo | ., Skolny. Pan Zareta. Richard l.ang.ion. Laochares, j Yan.hrgrift. Luke M.Luke. Claxonette, Hodge, Lb Chas. Chartier. I.adv MOonet, John G. Weaver. Deposit. ru GlOVer Hughes. Ldith W.. Old Ben. Wilhite, Korf- ir Droll liage and Cangh Hill. Total 10. si„ /it Zin Spring Trial Stakes, for two year olds. ,500 ad- 5 .led. live-eighths mile: 5£ Dick Fleetabelle. African Beau. Comnionada. Piff. Jr.. S1 Roscoe loose. Jack Carey. Fmerson .clirau. ,• C. Vampire. Silver Blossom. Bars and Stars. . Brigs Sister. B. First. Merkle. Business .-. gent. Last Coin. Climber. Gypsy, Su|jerhunian. 8n reinacy. May Qaaen, Mind the Paint. Solly. Luke. Hanson. Langnome, Hermooa, One Step. Blaze- H away. Clay Bros. chestnut colt, by MeGce — Marie Francis: Sea Shell. La Patric. Chevron. Netherhow. Lo Bamboo, Col. Tom Gaoaa, lz/et Beg, Ravenhall. Font go St. Charlcote, Converse, Rubv Hastings. A. J. At A Coreys bay filly, by Tiansvaal--Katheriiie Moore: li; Marlinos. Alanior. Skiles Knob. Ghetto Girl, Little • T]; String. Sam MeKckin. Chalmers, ratio. Scrutineer, • pj| Pan Maid. Badinage. II. II. Hewitts chestnut lilly. | ; by Cuaard — Inspiration: Cardigan. Jester. Resign. i; Long R.-ach. Move Irviri. Norma I... Sir BUgar, • p] Flit lloos Hoo. September Morn. Forecast. W. H. Laude i Top , mans chestnut colt, by Peep oDay— Barbara Whit ing: Rlnaldo, Sir William. Harold. Rhodes. Water witch. Chesterton, iilt Edge, .Manager Waite. Delano. Hal afcGee, Theresa Bethel, Linda Payne, Jeff j Roberts. Marion Goosby, Booker Hill. Hugh Hunter. Dr. Carmen. Mary Reardon. Benicap. Indian Runner, WibI Rose, Timepiece. Chas. McCormick. Prime ■ V. Albert, Lib Crump. Eddie Dclling. Mars Cassidy. . Li J. W. Schorrs chestniil colt, by Star Shoot Olive ■ i Fant: brown colt. Plaudit Polly Prim: Lea lnvali F: d.s. Raincoat. Precinct. Redland. Paul Oaiiics. CI Balke Go Kasv. Mex, Miss Fielder, Ida. Yecnav, . I. Alledo. Billv Joe and Nobleman: total 107. Fl tt Speculation Stakes, selling, for three-year olds . s N w and upward. ,500 added, one mile and a sixteenth: Tener. Constant. Joe Deiliold. High Private, Samuel R. Meyer. Sleeth. Renauet. Bell J, Horse. Bushy Head. Bac. Bracktoun Belle, Progressive, 1 voltborpe. Celeata, Iridescence. Bernm- 1 O Old dian. Klla Brvson. Garneuu, Hu.iil Crown. Yenghee. ., Ji Big Spirit. Ovation. Brickl.y. Decaihlon. Bronze • J wing. LAiglette. Flora Fina. Milton B.. Osaple. .. D L. H. Adair. Serenata. Raonl. Bnatace, Dryad. Miss s I Thorite. OHagan. OSnllivan. Star Jasmine. Strong. [, T Prince Herniis. Smoke House. Morristown. Cold d H Color. Isabelle Yalle. John Furlong, irazelle. Pa l T tience, Roadmaster. Hamilton. King McDowell. I. G David Craig, Flying Tom. Beulah S.. Charti.r r, 6 Cream. Christopliinc. Bing. John 6. Weaver. Ymir. Furlong Winning ttit.h. Graver Hughes. Kdith li W.. Worlds Wander, cousin Pass, old Ben. wil 1 f Idle and Sam llirsch. Total OX.