General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1914-05-21


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! j 1 1 - 1 1 " . ii c 5 -0 -* i- -. i . 5 " J r- "f " a " p . GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Jacob A. Kiis is gradually becoming weaker at his summer home in r.airc. Mass. Oongrraa has been fornaally asked to appropriate 4 hi. I ii Ml for beginning :t forty foot channel in Baa ton Harbor. A revolt has broken out in Albania: B£M at ; tacked the palace of King William, and the powers have landed snDors freaa warships. j A bildane thai will ascend in a direct vertical line will be constructed and operated by Lincoln 1 Beacbey, airman, according to promise. I The London Standard announces, on the tiest of j authority, that the government intends to offer , the Puke of Connaught the othco of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. An attempt by Senator Kern, democratic leader of the Senate, to get unanimous consent foajj ■ vote I M;u 27 on the Panama fells repeal hill was defeated when Senator McCnmber objected. I A strike of : .0io switchmen and trainmen on railroads entering Chicago is threatened Secret i balloting to decide the question of a strike began , Monday. The result will be announced today. Representative 1 uderwoo.l f Alabama, majority I leader in the House, hits left Washington for Hot • Springs, Vs., for ■ short vacation ordered by his i physician. Mr. Underwood has been suffering from bronchial trouble King .estae of Sweden, who is just recovering from an operation for nicer of the stomach, opened the Riksdag. He seemed weak and walked with difficulty, but he rend his speech in a strong, clear voice. Bhjerta denies that the envoys to the mediation meeting carry his offer to resign. Mexicans f vera Oram arc demanding the trial of Urrutia. charging many crimes. Yillas campaign before Saltillo is in doubt. Incontirmed reports to Washington are that former Vice Presidenl Legal of Bern ha* been se lected as president of that republic and that the provisional government under General Beiiavidcs is about to terminate peacefully. Provisional president lltierta yesterday gave out a statement in which he said he had authorized the Mexican peace delegates to the Niagara Falls media- , tion conference to offer his resignation if that ; was necessary to bring about a solution of the Mexican situation. Astronomers at the United States naval obser ratory are keeping a sharp lookout for the new comet reported traveling at tremendous speed through northwestern skies toward the stiir :i petto. The comet first was seen lour days ago by European observer*. it is reported that Gaston Donasergne intends to resign from the premiership before the opening of tin- session of the French Parliament. It is under st 1 thai he believes that the ministrys task i- accomplisfaed and that the new situation calls for new men to handle it. The mediators and the representatives of the United States ind the Huerta government begaa yesterday the lirst formal conference looking to a settlement of the Mexican problem. Rules of pro cednre and preliminary organization of the mediation proceedings were discussed. A specific denial r the repeated assertion that Great Britains attitude in regard to the Panama Pacific exposition at San Francisco was due to an agreement between her and Germany was given in the house of commons by Francis Dyke Acland. parliamentary under secretary for foreign affairs. Count Okunia. in an interview, said that he was urging the merchants of Japan to arrange for an extensive participation in tne Panama Pacific exposition in order to show Americans that Japans sole ambition was to establish a friendship based on increased commercial ties and mutual interests. Only two of the ten American compel iters remained in the tournament for the British amateur golf championship after the conclusion of Hie third round yesterday. These were Charles W. Bvans, Jr., of Chicago, and Harold Weber of Toledo. Francis Ouimet, American champion, was beaten easily yesterday. Yesterdays baseball results — National League: Pittsburgh, I, Boston, 1: New York. r,. Cincinnati. 0. American League: Chicago, 5, Philadelphia, 2: New York, .". St. Louis. 1; Detroit. .!. Boston. O; Washington, 5, Cleveland, o. Federal League: Pittsburgh. 8, Chicago, 5; Buffalo, 2. St. Louis. 1: Brooklyn, 2, Indianapolis, 0. Decretory Bryan aansanaead yesterday that Tampico is an open port. This means that the United States will do nothing to prevent the constitutionalists . from getting arms and ammunition through that port. Alan, it means that the can stitulionalists can collect a high export duty on all oil shipped out from the Pnnuco and Tampico oil fields. August of this year has been chosen by Qastave Hamel. British aviator, tor an attempt to Hy across the Atlantic. The aeroplane in which the light i-to i o made is under construction he says, it is to , be driven by an engine of 210 horsepower. The aeroplane will carry BOO gallons of petroleum and I oil. Hamel expects to start from the American 1 sid . Plans for the withdrawal of a part of the Amen can naval force now in Mxican waters were considered ai the navy department yesterday. Acting Secretarj Booeevelt of the navy department I said that within a week ho hoped to withdraw !•• Americas waters one division of the Atlantic fleet. consisting of four battleships and five torpedo boat destroyers. The first bill to become a law under the operation of the British Parliament act is the Welsh dis est iblishnieiii bill which passed its third reading in the House of Commons by a vote of 328 to 251. Among ojiier tilings the bill provides hat so far a- Wales and Monmouth are concerned, the Church of England will cease to be established by tow and all cathedrals and ecclesiastical corporations will be dissolved. In celebration of tli eleventh anniversary of I the Ford Motor Company an extra cash dividend 1 of 100 per cent, or ,000,000, has been declared. Henry Ford, the president, owning 5s..", per cent i of the 2l . MMI shares of Stock, par value ,000,000. received ,170,000 of the sum distributed. The anniversary distribution last year smon sited to .-000,000, Mr. Ford profiting more than ,800,000. • The company, it is understood, pays a regular quarterly dividend of 15 per cent on tlie- capitalization of ,000,000, in which the eight stockholders - share 00,000. Penrose and Brumbaugh, the organization Republican candidates for nomination for United Stat s s senator and governor ••; Pennsylvania, respectively, swept the state in the primaries, the former hv f 100,000 to 125.101 majority and the latter hy a i greater majority, while Palmer, for senator, and I McCormick, for governor, on the Democratic ticket, supported by the Wilson administration, won the p nominations. Palmers estimated majority is 80.000 and McCormicks 25,000 to 40,000. Dean William l Draper Lewis ami Gifford Pinchot were nominated 1 for governor and senator, respectively, on the Pro-gressive ticket, there being little opposition. Twelve hours after Theodore Roosevelt " returned I fi i South America he was back in the thick of politics. Colonel Roosevelt, it was learned, looks , forward to one of the hardest political campaigns s of his career. Except for tie time occupied by his 8 triti to Spain lor the wedding of his son. Kermit. he expects io devote to politics most of ids time ,. until November. A tentative plan of action has s been mapped eat, Mr. Roosevelt has in mind one .. of the longest campaign trips he ever has made, i iakinu him from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and shorter trips in near hy states. General Francisco Villa, hading I.iniu const! tutionalist troops, won the first important engage- motif of Hi.- Saltillo campaign when in- defeated 1 1.500 federals retreating from Monclova at Pars don. The federals were decisively beaten. The " rebels lost sixteen killed and twenty-nine wounded. The federal casualties were twenty-nine killed ami over eighty wounded. The constitutionalists " captured 900 prisoners, nine pieces or artillery, over l.oi hi. Kiti rounds of small arms ammunition, a huge quantity of artillery ammunition and a big - supply of provisions, in addition to five troop trains B which carried Hnerts soldiers.

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Local Identifier: drf1914052101_3_6
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