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BACKED EPSOM DERBY WINNER. I.cxitigloti. Ky.. Ma.v 27. fin- happiest man in Kentucky over the rtctory "f Herman 1;. Daryeaa Durbar in Hi.- Rpaaaa Derby today was Lucas 1;. Combs, son of Leslie Combs, former United Btates minister to Pern. Y it: .ad.- brother, Browaetl. is spending tin- summer abroad with Mr. Daryea ami mat we.-k 1. H.k Durbar from Prance to England ai tin- request of hi host. BrowaeU Lake thai Durbar would surely win if In- had :,- I racing link. I. uk.- promptly made arrangements far a Wager on this side of tin Atlantic for a modest amount, which netted him J to 1.