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W. M. jh-ANLY DEAD AT BALTIMORE. l.altinniie. hid., .lime 13.- William M. Manly, president of the Maryland Jockey Club and one ..i the social leaders of thi- state, died suddenly ,,i iii- country home near Catomtvilte from pm u nmiiia. lie ii nl hen in Hi health far two Years. I, at w is believed •• he linaliy on the read ta recover] and liis death i-.tim- an a shack t his i .inn ly and fiii-nil-. .-. a |iatron of wholesome spurt Mr. Manly ii ih| hi- inline ie to raise the standards of racing and • - I " ll"1" laint. lie hail been president of the Maryland Jockey Club, the fate-imisi organutation of iis kind in the state, for a number of years, lie wa- constant in his attend- a upm il;.- meitiims of the director* of the Hob. ami was always among the Brsl la suggest changes which wuiilil result in "cleaner sport." The Intro in, -linn nl the pari m :t t in -1 system at betting at Iimiii" last year was largely accomplished through bis - ni port. Mr. vlanly was charitable. His position in the jock v lull en il.le.i him t display this trait to •i remarkable degree, and hi- fellow members of tin- hoard letiieintief more than one Instance when ii, j ii, • in favor of giving large shares of the Hubs pioiits to some favorite Institution which be knew was "doing a good work for humanity." Handsome, kindly ;n his relations with all with whom be came in contact and coarteous under the most trying conditions, he was one of the most I opnliir men in tin eity. He was a member of aim -: every social club, took a keen Interest in opera and musical entertainments in general and w.i- devoted to his family ami the church, being a regular attendant at tbe cathedral. Mi. M.niU was .i -on ni tbe mte Judge Matthias i: Manly nf North Carolina, who served with ilis-iimi on on tin- Supreme Bench of the stale for twenty years, and hi- mother was Mis- Sarah Simp i, i noted Il-auiy. Mr. Manly was taught by private lu urs, and came to Baltimore about thirty ,.ii .i_o. The old home of hi- parents at Ncwhern i- historic. General VVasbiugton was entertained II,. |e lie U:l- ple-i.lellt. Wllell III- ealll- to Hiis .iii he warehouses for staring cotton. il: nisi wife was Mi-- Frances Howell Ken aiiiv a daughter of Br. Dandrhlge Kennedy, of Baltimore. She ilb?d abont mTteen year- ago, r. Hughes Manly being their only ehihl ami the heir III IMIerslie. Alter h. Brsl wiles death. Mr. Manly traveled i, ,1 deal, especially In Egypt and the Orient. Hi- engagement t«i Mi-s Mathilde Keyeser, the only datlgiiter of tbe late William Keyser, was announced i tew rears later. The wedding of Mr. Manly and li-- Keyser was one of the most important events ,, .,,, -ieiy of that day, and they were often re l.n,,; i,. a- "the handsomest couple in l.alti innfe " " this marriage there are two young ehil inn William K. linl ami .Mary M.ithihle Manly.