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a - , j - ■ I d !. L. .. i. i- y | i y ■- be •■ d c to o i, e ts - RAIN FALLS IN THE EAST. Ealmcnt Ptuk Card Rtddlsd hy Scratches — Scally- wa and Altamaha in Close Finish. New V -iU. June ll.—Kain which fell 1-tst atght - rendered the going sloppy today. The card was . larking In anything approaching a special feature, 1 i Two two-year dd races, a steeplechase, an allow- 1 aace race and two selling races made up the pro- . gram. Gnat, running back to her last performance, J accounted for the initial race of the program and. 1 after bearing out badly in the final eighth, had I enough left to withstand Ihe challenge of l.nibr i 1 .l-ry. | 1 Lily Orine won the second front indifferent opposi i ti-n. Pawauska, the favorite, was somewhat Inter-B tered witn by the winner in the anal sixteenth by being carried wide. Lily Orsae won in a manner that showed sh,. was clearly best, however. Lady Botha, running In came fashion, easily beat Ids- ■ tance and Tinkle Belle In the third. Star Shooter, 1 1n- favorite. Is a grand-looking colt, but evidently did not fancy the going. Scratches great! reduced the number of starters ; In the fourth, bin the race was productive of per- . 1 baps the closest finish oi the meeting when Sc.illy-ii wag won by the last nod after a stirring struggle : with Altamaha through the linal eighth. Altamaha 1 showed a disposition to run wide through the last quarter and the winner also weal to the outside, the I two finishing close to the judges stand, with He- -e t ahey outriding Neander at the end. Neander . cieamed a foul, but the result was allowed to stand I I ,-is the horses linisheil. 1 Jockey Buxton returned today from Montreal, . i 1 wlnre he rode Gainer hi the Dorval Derby, ltux- 1 i ■! says Gainer had no mishaps in the big race. . 1 bat he has an Idea that the deep going militated 1 1 si mewhat against his chances. improvements have been made at the Aqueduct i-iiirsc. where racing opens next Tuesday. The stables have been renovated and repaired and the grandstand has been given a fresh coat of paint. I Onite a few arrivals were noted from Washington, . l Among them were Tom Shaw. Harry Shaw. .1. i Crocker and Al Valentine. They reported the Mnrl- - a bora meeting as being a success from every standpoint. Tutor WW racing will attain start at 12 oclock noon in order to allow polo •atrons an opportunity of Witnessing the second game of the. series at -Meadowbrook. John V. Schorr and II. Penny arrived today from I . ! Montreal. Mil I C.l I.