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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The Mexican congress is to be called to meet in a few davs bv the permanent committee of the Aguas Calientes convention, according to reports received in Washington. Authority is to be given to everv delegate in the Madero congress, dissolved by General Huerta after the assassination of President Madcro, to sit in the new congress. This action has the indorsement of General Villa and his lieutenants, and it is hoped will give semblance to a permanent government. Unless Gen. Carranza agrees to a compromise with Gen. Villa and the other representatives oft the .Aguas Calientes peace conference. VJlla, with his. army of the north" will begin an assault on Vera Cruz next week. Information to this effect has reached the state department from George C. Carothers, United States confidential representative with Villa. While Mr. Carothers did not go into any details he made it evident that Villa is determined that Provisional President Gutierrez shall be given at least an opportunity to restore order throughout Mexico. Exports from this country for the month of No veinber, now closing, show an increase of approximated 1914.sh0,000,000 over the exports for November 1013. These figures show a tremendous improvement over the export figures for October, which in turn were greatly in excess of those for September. There was an increase of more than 0,000,000 in October exports over September, although the total was almost 8,000,000 below October. 1013. Imiorts in October fell off more than ,000,000 from the . September trade, but were ,100,000 more than in October last year. Hearings on the wage dispute between the engineers and firemen and ninety-eight western railroads will ltegiu at Chicago today before a lMjiird of arbitration. It is believed the award wiL be announced about March 1.