American Racing Statistics For The Year 1914, Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-03

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AMERICAN RACING STATISTICS FOR THE YEAR 1914 In spite of the disturbance of normal conditions lhat has naturally attended the armed strife in which several of the worlds greatest nations have been engaged since early in August American racing through cut 1014 continued to regain ground lost jr the years from 1907 to 1011 It was in the hitter year that the American turf made its poorest showing of recent times following a period of legislative harassment in various parts of the Inited States Kacu year since iias brought an improvement The gain in dollars and cents for 1014 over 101 is by 110 means as impressive as was that of the preceding year and is not an accur ¬ ate barometer f the improvement in general turf conditions that has actually tken place during the year just ended It may truly be said that the beginning of 1015 linds the American turf in a much healthier condition than could have been reasonably expected a few years ago when the outlook was dark indeed Th improvement that has taken place has heen on a basis that promises permanency and all in all the present situation is one from which the devotees of thoroughbred racing may derive much comfort That 101 writingThe wall show further substantial gains seems assured at this writing The total distribution in stakes mill purJos by the recognized tracks of Xorth America during 1014 amounted to nearly three million dollars The exact tiguros are 2094 r2 and they represent the best showing made since lilt An interesting exposition of this phi e of racing covering the vears from 100 to 1014 is herewith given r7ri t r420si r oirr7 The notable happenings of the yonr included the reopening of the Kmpire City and Aqueduct tracks in connection with the expansion of the sport on tlie Xow York courses following its resumption on a lim ¬ ited scale the previous year tile resumption of racing at Overland Park Denver under the provisions of a iow Colorado law providing for the government of the sport by a state racing commisison along lines simi ¬ lar to those followed rljli such signal success in Kentucky in recent years the opening of a new track at Iowio id under conditions that promise it will eventually take rank with the other Maryland courses win r racing Ias been flourishing of lute preparations for a revival of winter racing at Xey Orleans with the beginning of the new year and the building of a new track at Havana Cuba where It is panned to lave StatesIt a prelntijiis meeting each winter to bo participated in by thoroughbreds from the Iliited States It was X w Ycrk raciig which 1ms always hi on regarded as the mainstay of the American turf that made the most impouat gain of the year In fact but for the progress made in the rehabilitation of the sj ort oa h o Xow York tracks th tlnancial showing of the year would not have been so good as that of inasmuch as the cassation of racing in Virginia Idaho Oklahoma and Indaua represented a shrinkage of over Ji COOOO in pure values lost to the horsemen There were 100 days of racing 01 the Xew York Hacks as com pa MM with seventylive the previous yrir an 1 the results financial and otlnrwise were such as to lend enoonrasomont to the Idea that Xow York racing is destined to eventually recover al the ri was made the target for hostile legislation some few years ago Horsemen and y throughout the country arc under lasting obligations to the gentlemen guiding the destinies of the Jockey Club and those other influential citizens of the Kmpire slate whose siirdiness of purpose and unsllish devotion to the sport have made possible the rehabilitation of Xew York Dicing Generally DicingGenerally speaking the racing associations of rhe fulled States and Canada enjoyed a prosperous year There were some few exceptipiisj of course The Kentucky and Maryland meetings were particularly pros porous as they were in 11115 and the Canadian fall meetings were affected only slightly by the war in which the great empire of whjch if is an integral part became involved The winter meetings held at Juarez mid hir ton in the ejulV pjirtof jjv veai were hl ldj sucessrUbnt Jiaimeetligs opened ar tolirMfcsevtrV is in the TftnTifTlUrMniye 1 1een een badly handicapped by unusually inclement weather condl tiins The Charleston meeting groatly eiirtailed as to duration in order not to conflict with other winter iieetings was brought to a close with the opening of the new year but the Juarez meeting is to run for its accustomed one hundred days or nioie arid will not end until well along in March It is reasonable to ex peer that it will be favored with norhnil weather conditions as the season advances and that the sport t this well ordered winter racing center will come up to its usual satisfactory standard Tlie standardTlie Jockey Club Juarez stands lirst among the racing organizations of the North American continent in the item of total distribution for the year as it did in 19ij with the Iatonin Jockey Club second and iho Charleston Fair and Itacing Association third just as in the preceding year Fourth place goes to the Saratoga Association whose racing program alioimds in rich stakes stakesFrom From the sectional standpoint the tracks of Kastern Canada were the most liberal contributors to the rears total as thov w re in the immediately preceding vears In 1012 the tracks of Kastern Canada passed the f00000 mark for the lirst time and their total for 1014 reached the truly magnllieent sum of 0iO4 Conditions arising from tlie war may temporarily exert a restraining influence hut Canadian racing is in such a healthy slate thnt once normal conditions return the expansion of the ort will begin anew should there bo such a thing as a temporary setback The progress made in rehabilitating Xow York racing was so marked that Kentucky was relegated to third place iu total distribution distributionTlie Tlie poroomaso of winning favoriles for the racing of 1014 wrs 40 as compared with 41 in 101 41 in 1012 10 In 1011 42 in 1910 4 in 1000 and 40 in 100S The following table shows this phase of racing on Ihe various tracks or the country for 1014 Muarez Jan 1March 2 104 214 47 Charleston Jan lMarch lMarchJamostowii 144 107 iss u Jamostowii April 1 April 0 2 0 17 7 Tulsa April iaApril 14 4 r 2 Hvre de Grace April 18Mav 5 Lexington April 24Msiy 7 Hewletts Bay Park Miy J I IPimlico Pimlico May JMav 2 Whratloy lillla May Churchill Downs May OMay22 Belmont Park Terminal May IllMay 2 2nocrimier nocrimier Park May 22MaV 20 Douglas Park Mnv 2Tune i Woodbine Park May 2Mav JiO Kiectric Park May 2 May Bolmont Park May 2tihiho 20 rlno Bonnets Mar 0lune fi Piping Bock June June i Marlboro June June ilorval Park June STune 1 ltonia June 8Iu5y 4 Irookline June lJHiie 20 Denver June KTJiiIy 4 Coiiiiaughr Park Juno llilune 2 vAqueduct Julie 2July 0 Hamilton June 2VIuly 2 lirlnriniler Park June 27Juiy 4 Fort Krie July 4Jnly U But re July 4 Aug S King IMward Park July 11July IS Kmpire City July 11July 0 Yaitcouver Tiiy 11Oct 24 Windsor July irlnl v 22 S IS Hamilron July rAiig 1 10 IS ISs JDuQVrin Park Aug 1Aug S s Saratoga Aug 1 Aug ± Lexington Fair meeting Aug AU Kurt Krie Aug fiAng 12 King Bdward Parlc Aug 12Aug 10 10AniCoiKia AniCoiKia Jfiindsor Aug iAug 1 Jfi indsor Aug inng l fe feKillcrest Killcrest Park Aug 22Aug 20 il ilCuiinanglit Cuiinanglit Park Aug IMSSop t 2 IKcr Lodge Sept 1Sipr 17 iiiiud Bapids Stpl 2Sept 7 Syracuse Sept Sept Idno Bonnets Sept rSept 12 fHolmont Park Sept 7Sept 10 i DulVerin Park Sept 10Sopt 17 17Lexington Lexington Sept 10Sopt 10 Dorval Park Sept 14Scpt 21 Woodbine Park Sept 10Sopt 2i Helena Sept JlSept 2C Ifivr de Grace Sept 2lSept Q Lmplro CItv Fair meeting Sept 22 icpr iC A Douglas Park Sept 2 Oct Belmont Iark IVrmlnal Sept 2i Missoula Sept 29Ocl 2 Ilillciest Park Sept 2Oct C Bowie Oct 1Oct 12 Luurol Oct 1Oct I I White Marsh Oct Piping Bock Oct 7Oe 1O riKWtliorue Oct 9Oct 12 ClMTchill Downs Oct 0Ocl 17 Bolmont Park Terminal Oct 12Oet 17 17Lalonia Lalonia Oct 10Xov 7 Dallas Oct 20Oct liO Pimlico Nov 2Xov 12 Havre do Grace Nov lXov 0 Juarez Nov ICDio 7 Cliarleslou Dec tiPoe i 48 40 OS 10 Totals 00l r 840 f iri IIIL IIILThree 1LS Mi IBIi Three dead heats fXo hefting on one race JOne dead Continued on second

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Local Identifier: drf1915010301_1_4
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