Fourth Race [4th Juarez, Daily Racing Form, 1915-01-04

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FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 13412 12 5 110 VOLADAY JR 1 b s G 105 By Voladay Kismet Queen J Green 18697 Juarez 1 l43V mud 5 103 2 121 I3 G Bezansn i Florin Curlicue Goldy 1S657 Juarez 1 l381ifast S 105 4 5 51 L Gentry JMarehmont Florin Veyanoke 1SG01 Juarez 78 l2G4fast 15 87 7 521 5104O Gentry 7 BofBrnMwr OBen Grosvenr 1SC53 Juarez 78 l31hvy 5 92 3 2U 33 G Bezansn 4 Hocnir Ring ing lirynlimah 17001 Vcouver 1 12 234 fast 1910 113 G 22 I3 L Gentry 7 Xoroaster Dalstoii Black Mate 1GS23 Vcouver 1 l39fast 95 107 5 3J I1 L Gentry G Hardy Melts Southern Gold 16639 Vcouver 1 116 147 fast 21 105 G G 57 A Piekens G Lackrose CHagration Zoroaster 16573 Vcouver 1 l39fast 9 110 41 5 E Domink G TBsyltody Cflagration Dalston 1C31G Vcouver 1 l41ifast 1110 101 3 1 I2 U Carter G Burnt Candle Melts Gerds IG13S Vcouver 1 l3Sfast 21 100 5 42 57a S Johnson 7 The Busybody Truly Ruvoco 35100 Denver DenverJUDGE 1 l41fast 12 103 3 3blk 2l 1 L Gentry G Waldo Hardy Burnt Candle JUDGE SALE 1 blk g 6 105 By Bannockburn Augusta Victoria R Ripley 1SS17 Juarez 1 116 2 J5Vihvy G IDS 1 2 22 2 = J Metcalf 4 rovl lushes Bryidiniah illing 1S7S3 Juarez 1 157 hvy 710 110 3 2 1 = 1 1 J Metcalf G Sleepland Kockdale Rose Oncil 18711 Juarez 1 131 slop 31 107 1 3 2 2nt j Metcalf 5 Any Port Drvacl Acumen 1872G Juarez 34 l20mud 112 l 4 4 312 1 McCabe Clarlbvl TliistleBelle Curlicue IS702 Juarez J 51 f 112 slop 31 103 1 4 2i 2 J OBrien 7 Mater Sir Dyke Bird Man 18611 Juarez 1 140 fast G 100 4 3 4s 451 P Louder T GRussell Weyanokc FtSiunter 1STG7 Juarez 1 143 slow 31 108 1 1 I2 li T OBrien 5 Weyanoke Mtid Sill FtSumter 18352 Juarez 31 119 hvy 7 109 G 3 33 3 J J OBrien G ISermudian Balgee Florin 18519 Juarez 1 142 good 3J 105 1 1 21 32J J Metcalf 4 Weyanokc Mud Sill Any Port 1S19S Juarez 1 l47hvy 1110 103 3 1 1 1 J Metcalf 4 II Street FSiiniter BeulahS 1S477 Juarez 78 1 37hvy 3 107 4 1 1s 1S J OBrien G Any Port Kelsotta Fort Sumter 18181 Vcouver 78 l3Gmud 45 112 4 1 I1 I2 J OBrien 4 Oblivion Pce Conrad G Gale 1S058 Vcouver 31 l20mud 32 109 3 2 li 1 J J OBrien Ji Mercurium DMtgomery Gerds 1S011 Vcouver VcouverACUMEN 78135 mud 3720 107 5 2 li 2n H Clark G HStrect LVanZandt Sweetbalt ACUMEN b g By Ildrim Adele Harding S J Kelley 1SX47 Juarez i f lllVshvy 15 104 4 7 7 7 Acton 7 Sir Dyke ThisBelle Wild Bear 18779 Juarez 34 l24hvy 7 101 5 5 5 3 = 1 J Acton Thistle Belle OriLad Bonanza BonanzaS3 18741 Juarez 1 134 slop 10 103 222 S3 433 J Acton 5 Any Port Judge Sale Dryad 1S67G Juarez 78 126 fast 4 107 2 S S 2 U G W Carll 9 Lady London Forge WinifredD 1SG33 Juarez 1 141 fast 1 303 1 G 4 I2 WinifredDI2 I2 G W Carll 9 LInnocence Barnard Qk Trip 18615 Juarez 1 l40fast 4 114 4 3 2 2h Trip2h 5 J Loftus 9 Transact PoKs Fairly 18270 Dallas 1 138 fast 109 1 5 5 57S 5 2n J Washer Great Friar Kl rato Brando 1S22G Dallas 7S 125 fast 110 4 3 4 53 32 J Washer G StelclifT Rnvoco C AV Kennon 1G975 Vcouver 78 l26fast 115 112 3 G 5 57S 51 R Carter HighStrt SGold MissUkstone 1CS83 Vcouver 7S l27fast 2310 112 Threw rider R Carter S H Street LightKiiight SODay 16774 Vcouver 78 127 fast 3 112 2 4 4 2 2t G5J J Groth 7 Mary Emily Cisko SouthernGold 1GC37 Vcouver 34 114 fast 1710 107 1 2 27S 23 31 321 J Groth G Compton Gor Russell SShapiro 16284 Vcouver 7S l30hvy 55 112 5 4 5 5 7 711 J Groth 7 Conflagration Frazzle SShapiro ANY PORT b h 7 104 By Star Shoot Amy Davenport E E McCargo 18741 Juarez 1 13J slop 12 103 555 5 43 lnk L Hartwell 5 Judge Sale Dryad Acumen 18727 Juarez 1 l52mud 2i 104 665 5 4 410L Hartwell G Hard Ball Rose Oneil Sleepland 1SG15 Juarez 1 139 fast 30 105 8 S S S S S13 B Marco S Curlicue Spindle Kolsotta 385S5 Juarez 1 18 l56fast 10 104 2 5 5 5 5 510J Collins 5 Mud Sill Nannie McDee Tahoe 183G7 Juarez 1 145 slow 9 105 5 5 5 5 5 5I25T McCabe 5 Judge Sale AAeyanoke Mud Sill 1S319 Juarez 1 142 good 21 IOS 4 4 4 4 4 4 i J McCabe 4 AVeyanoke Mud Sill Judge Sale 18477 Juarez 78 1 37hvy 4 110 5 5 4 3 2 25 J McCabe G JndgeSale Kelsetta FortSumter 1836 Latonia 2 14 364 fast 15 100 S 8 7 7 G2 31 C VanDun S Lady Errant Expectation Rash 18293 Latonia 1 12 232fast 23 105 9 9 S 5l 5 1 B Marco 9 Short Grass Expectation Rash 18150 Latonia 1 18 151 fast 46 1021 888 8 S 8 C VanDun S Floral Park Dor Dean Coy Lad 1S030 Church 2 14 401 hvy 3J 101 4 3 3 4 3s 33 F Murphy 4 Ringling Sir Catesby Disparity CLARK M br g 5 51S779 105 By Kenilworth Ada N J S McBrjdc 1S779 l245shvy17fSt Juarez 34 l245shvy 109 G G G G G1SL Gentry G Thistle Bell Ori Lad Acumen fast1701S 17fSt Helena 1 1S 1521 fast 110 2 4 4 4 52 a 1 McRride 7 Fort Sumter Electric Tony Koch 1701S Im20yl44fastIG932 D Lodge Im20yl44fast 103 555 5 ii 5s D Boland 5 Lew Hill Electric Kelsetta IG932 D Lodge 34 llG fast fast3C7S2 111 2 3 2 2 22i I Boland 4 Barsae Martre Manganese 3C7S2 fast1C4SG Anacda 7S 128 fast 117 5 5 4 3 li 11 I Boland S The Cinder DofShclby OMcGeo 1C4SG Anacda 1 l12fast 111 2 3 3 1 121 I2 D Boland G Ft Sumter Pay Streak Electric 16171 Butte 7S l27fast l27fastIG017 115 341 J Maloney S Scrappor GRussell Transparent l10fastL932 IG017 Butte F C l10fast 117 3 J Maloney S Bermiidian Clara AA ThisBelle L932 Butte 1 111 fast fast15S42 110 45f I Boland G Electric TGraham Transparent 15S42 l42fastW Buttc Im20y l42fast 10R 4J R Booker S FSiiniter Transparent Kelsetta W Butte 31 134 fast 109 r 13 R lines 7 Barsae Fitzgerad M IFkstone 15552 Butte 7S l27fast Illfi i C Klmnm 0 Bnmdlan Tsparent Iridescence 15197 Butte 34 14faKt 111 3sl 3 Kirschiu 9 Swartsllill EDavis A Interest 15416 Butte FC111 fast Kill 1 C Kirschiu S Otilit Aug Hiinzc Montank Don 13767 Juarez 1 l37fast 92 7 3 3 G C2 612 B Marco 7 Cousin Puss Mimorioso BGetty

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Local Identifier: drf1915010401_4_2
Library of Congress Record: