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THIRD RACE 34 Mile 4yearoids and upward Selling 43082 112 1 107 PRIWER b By Bannockburn Minnie G L H Baxter 1SS10 Charlen 34 117 slow 2 25J 11 2 = F Roblnsn J II Barr Kopje Cannock 1S7SC Charlen 5J f l10slop 81 4s 2 E Pool 10 Martre II Brother Pailor Bov 18734 Charlen 51 f 109 slow 4 5 = 4 1 E Pool S Martre Black Chief Viley 1SG90 Charlen 34 116 mud 4 I4 Il E Pool 10 Iraiidywlne Gabrio Beau Pere 1SC4G Charlen 31 117 hvy 9G 24 21 R Shilling 14 Amerieus Pat Gannon Toddling 18596 Charlen 34 l16ifast S5 3 43 C Pool 10 Al Bioch Perth Rock Stentor 1S532 Charlen CharlenTIM 51 f I10y5good C Cb 1U ink E Pool 12 Behest Ortyx Cooster CoosterBy TIM JUDGE b g 7 106 By The Judge Formella G Cooney 17622 Helena 78 1271 fast 107 S 9 9 9ICG 6 = 1 fl G Bezunsn Swarfs Hill Say Bogart 1783 Helena 1 141 fast ICG 5 7 7 2 21 G Iezansn J Bob Farley Say Miss Daniels 174CG Helena 1 144 slow 107 3 98 23 2 Bezausn u Sav Superl Bob Farlev 17303 D Lodge 78 132 good C Clni70yl4Sfast 314 3 5 G 53 2 = 1 G Beziinsn G McAhin llIIawklns Eleetrowan 17150 DLodge lni70yl4Sfast 10 10Ini20yl43fast 112 C 6 G 23 2 = G Bezansn 7 Gomul Rake Miss Tenio 1C9B9 DLodge Ini20yl43fast 15 111 9 9 G 4J 4 HG Bezansn t Eastman Gomul Medio 16934 DLodge 1 144 fast C 107 5 4 5 5 G ° 1G llezansn G Boh Farlev Bellsnlcker Medio 1G7SO Anacda 34 l14fast 20 20F 112 9 11 11 77J J Bezansn U Tight Boy Siiierl Boly Hill 16729 Anacda F C l12fast 13il 13ilF 114 9 9 64 1i G liczansnlO Eastman Binocular Saltigrade 16671 Anacda F C lllfast 113 115 8 S Tnt 2i W Leeds Sheffield Saltigrade Morada IC537 Anacda 34 116 fast So SoF 11310 10 7 k 741 M Nelson 11 I Stafford Eastman M Coghill 1C4S1 Anacda F C l14fast 10 11G 10 10 74 3 = J M Nelson 10 Blakshecp Lew Hill Eastman EastmanBy JUNE W b m By The Roman Royal Rival R R Green 1SS63 XOrlns 51 f l07fast 10 111 G SJ 4 = 4 J Penjjast 12 Cloak Rodondo Our Ben 1SS23 XOrlns 51 f l06fast 15 105 9 9 951A Schugrll Vilcv Colors Great Friar 17914 Hthorne 34 l17good 2 111 2J Friar2J B Wood 7 ModBoy LitJake LdesCognets 17S93 Hthorne 61 f 126 slop 2 112 23 B Wood Stick Pin MerrirleM Cnsinie 12243 Latonia 34 l16hvy fid 111 10 S 114C Peak 12 Cov Ciitle B Maud McKee 9S19 MinSpgs 51 f 108fast 3 112 S 21 21 Winatrti 11 Doc Allen Cheeky Dipper 9784 MinSpgs 34 l15good 4 113 5 41 3 ° Winans 7 Stelcliff Trojan Belie Sureon S723 MinSpgs 51 f 110 good 2 112 3 3s Sureon3s 21 Winans 8 Curtain Call Julia P Cheeky 9GG3 MinSpgs 34 116 slow 2 105 1 31 4s Winans 7 Eva Tangnav Tony W Dipper 9615 MinSpgs 51 r l09iffasL 2 113 S S5S 41 2 1 WinaniH S Darkey Jack Witt General 9519 MinSpgs 5S 1 04slow 4 112 G 11 4 = 1 Wiimans 8 Monfolia Trojan Belle DocAllen tills La Ionia 34 114 mud 51 112 7 7 734 Vandusen 7 Morrisfwn LGentleman JSteln TO62 MinSpgs 34 113 fast 15 110 2 = 2 1 Whatley G JBurn M Priscilla S of Rocks RocksBy BULGARIAN b s 4 104 1041SSS6 By Mazagan Chione T J Brown 1SSS6 XOrlns 51 f l07good G 106 7 71S34S fl4 Brownfl4 r l F Murphy 8 Gabrio Blue lay Tip Da wrtc 11 1S34S Latonia 34 l12fast 40 103 S Ch 11Ch 571 F Murphy 14 TheReach LLondon Rio Brazos 15539 Windsor Iin20y l44 fslov S 95 2 G BrazosG G8J J Metcalf G Love Day Kngliug Oreen 4IS39S 15541 Windsor 78 l31mud 15 101 4 4 4 = i A Claver 8 Ilolton Galaxy Father Rilcv IS39S Fort Erie 1 116 147 fast S 9S 1 44 4 R Shilling G Tom Hancock Mockery Ilolton 15168 Hamton 1 l42 fehvy 12 105 S 5 = 3J P Kurd 10 Ravenal McCrearv Bernadotte 15013 Conght GJ t UOSfast 15 98 8 7 = S F Murphy 0 Elma Dr Dougherty Amoret 15733 Dorval llnTOy 14S fast 5 95 S 6 = G F Murphy 0 Mockery DDeadwood Leamenee 14514 BlueBon 1 l421 good 6 95 1 41 4s F Murphy 11 Slier Holmes Cisko Abborsford 14206 Pindico 34 l14fast 20 99 S Ci 4 J McTagrt S Lohengrin ParlorBoy JoeKuIght 13957 HdeGce 34 I17y6hvy 6 101 4 2 2 F Murphy 7 Gordon Supreme Harebell 13919 Jamesn G t 108 fast 5 106 2 4 44 p Murphy 9 Susan B Supreme Flatbush 13875 Charlen Gi t 109 good 4 103 5 5THE 4 4 J F Murphy G Czar Michael Miss Gayie Laura LauraBy THE GANDER br c 4 107 1071SS77 By The Scribe Big Goose W Hurley 1SS77 XOrlns 31 l15mud S IOS 5 51SS30 G = 531R Goose 7 JamesDoekery Salon DieksPet 1SS30 XOrlns 51 f lOCfast S 113 S SISS25 5i C3 E McEwen l Great Friar Lurla Nila ISS25 XOrlns 51 f l06fast 15 111 6 31 572 W Wartonll Vilev Colors Great Friar 18214 Latonia Im70y l45fast 44 113 4 4IS122 5 = 4 J It Goose 10 Transact Ask Her BlackRroom 21S079 IS122 Latonia Im70y l44fast fid 107 2 12 12U1I Smyth 13 Mockery Robt Kay B Latimer 1S079 Latonia InVZOy l45Mfast 26 114 1 G G F Keogh 13 Eectatlon OReilly BLatimer 18027 Churchl Im70yl51 hvy 1310 99 2 11 11 J Smyth G Rolylllll J Noan Bob R 17834 Churchl lin70yl4S mud fid 101 4 21 3J A Neylon 11 Big Dipper Goldfolor Sleeplaiid SleeplaiidBv TROVATO ch g 5 110 Bv Th Scribe Dreamy Eyes J U Strode 1SS10 Charlen 31 117 slow 12 112 S 9 9 W Obert t J H Barr Priwer Kopje IS790 Charlen 34 l185slop 85 110 1 15S I3 Il R Troxler S Stealaway Crlsco Mimesis 18766 Charlen 5S l02slpp 40 111 9 10 8 E Tice 13 Ortyx Shadrach Holland 17779 Bowie 78 l29fast 135 1091 C 2i 53 R Troxler 10 Castara Frontier Jack Laxson I73S2 Dorval 34 116 fast 15 110 6 5 = 34 W Ward S F Mai MB Harbor Springniass 17249 Dorval 51 f l09fast 10 102 7 7Im70y 51 541 W Ward 8 Ls Tail S of Rocks K Cliilton 17171 Dorval Im70y l4Sifast 910 104 3 23 2 1 W Ward G Nuda Mas Ladv Rankin Strite 1GBOG BlueBon 1 l43hvy 12 104 S C ° C5 E Jelly S Astrologer Duquesne Font 16844 BlueBon 1 18 156 fast C 1QG 4 41 31 D Hoffmanll Centauri Fleuron II SirFretfnl 16715 Concht 1 14 215 slow 9 102 3 3 2 C VanDun G Ablmtsford FounFay UncleBen UncleBenBy BRYNAVIA ch m 5 104 1041SSC3 By Bryn Mawr Octavia R D Carter 1SSC3 XOrlns 51 f l07fast 6 107 2 53 E Ambrosel2 Cloak Rodondo Our Ren 14337 Delmier 61 f l24fast 5 IOS 3 5 W Cargan 7 Mother ROBrien PierreDumas 14402 Delmler Ab38 l02slow 3 109 109143CS G3i T McCulIh LLIitou TJnrduer MAndws 143CS Delmler 5S 103 fast 20 109 MAndws3i 3i 33 W Gargan 0 Igo Viley Lord Leighton 13900 Jamesii 34 17good 30 110 LeightonCi Ci C l C FbrothrlO Stucco Corncracker Free Trada 12579 Jamesn 1 42yrfast 15 ios iosI254S 8 9 Fbrother 10 Renn Ford Mai Eaton I254S Jamesn FJ f OSfast 20 107 107I24S3 9 83lFbrolher 10 Incision Pluvious Tom Holland I24S3 Inlllco Im40y IMS fast fid 93 93I240S 8 8 Ford 8 Agnier BlllyVnderveer I240S Mmlico Im70y 4 iKfast 10 99 TFIeld 5 r lR JitUIiis 5 JacdiieUna S Princess CmuIiK 12359 aurel 1 fast 95 112 3 31 J McTagrt 8 B Nelson No Manager Mimesis 12211 aurel G f 109 good 3 in inI2lfit 3 3 J Flrother 13 Mr Specs M nniiuth L ladaa I2lfit airel 34 115 fast 3 107 I ladaaI I I llr n Ulno t nlk 1 K doidle 11531 Dorval 34 119 slow 20 118 118NADA 1 3 1 Fbrother 0 Strite Syossct McCreary McCrearyBy NADA MAS ch m 6 108 By Star Shoot High Degree L A Sereeni 1S7S6 Charlen L4 llSAnmd 73 713 p Rohinsn S Northerner Hstone V Strom 1S767 Charlen 6 = 63 W Hinphy 14 Volthorpe El Biod Jacob RIIIIII 1S747 Charlen 51 f 09 good 71 7 R Shilling 8 Lurla Viley Hildas Brother 1S711 Charlen 1 43hvy 41 10 1K Pool 14 Col Cook Heartbeat Stentor IS609 Charlen 1 43fast 43fastGJ S3 8 = A Xicklaus 0 Bean pore Heartbeat Ruisseai 18336 Charlen GJ f 09good S S 1A XlcklauslO BeaumtBelle Viley LmbsTail IS070 Laurel 1 41 fast 10 10 = = H Lafferty 10 n March Dr Diiemier NGrand 178GO Bowie 78 294Afast GJ C4 II Burns 7 Miss Brush Aware SIsFlorenco 17CM Bowie 1 116 l51Afast 4 4 Murray R Abbot sford BMou e CIIlowav I7COL Bouie 1 116 l504fifast 3 = 33 Murray G Strite The Monk Sam Hirsch KING 1041SSS6 CHILTON b g 4 104 Bv Cliilton Aunt Belle J 0 Lovell 1SSS6 XOrlns 31 f l07good 20 102 1 S LovellS 84 W Ahdson S Gahrio Blue Jay Tip Dawdell 18482 IIdeGce fl f 107fast 100 102 10 = 9 = H Laffertyll Yadopeep Etirlymorn M Casca 17499 HdeGce 5 f 108 fast 7 102 7 7 = 5 H Sumter 10 Prairie Soldier Ouick Start 17332 Dorval 34 116 fast 20 100 3 35J CI StartCI G = P Louder 8 FordMni MissBHarbor Trovnto 17249 Dorval 5J f l09fast 10 92 5 43 3 = R Acton S Lambs Tall Sofltocks Chrvsels 171G7 Dorval 34 l1Gfast 95 102 1 3 41E Ambrose 7 Ajax Aiirlsa Bodln 16901 BlueBon 34 llGVMivy 12 ion i G BodlnG 3J J Collins 13 Ortyx The Spirit The Governor 16709 Conght 51 f lI2aslow 95 97 3 21 31 F Murphy Trap Aprlsa Ajax 13S96 Empire 34 117 mud 185 107 5 44 3 A NIcklaus 7 Valllant Marg Meisc Martel