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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ MEX SATURDAY JANUARY 16 1915 Fortythird day Jockey Club Juarez Winter Meet ¬ ing of KM or more days 10 books on Weather cloudy FIRST RACE 38 Mile 13005 34 2 110 Purse 300 2yearolds Maidens MaidensColts Colts and Geldings Special Weights Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P i HEIR APPARENT SB 112 3 2 18934 3FRANK PATTERSON 112 7 C TIAJAN w 112 5 5 3 = 3 R Carter A B Spreckels t 4 4 65 12 12HANDY HANDY ANDY w 112 4 4 4 4 F Jackson A Joseph 3 4 4 G5 12 12RALPH RALPH S w 112 10 S 51 5 G BezansnJ Griflin S S S 3 85 85MILLIE MILLIE THE KID w 112 2 3 6 C1 II CavanhM Moody 30 30 30 10 i 115934 FATHER KELLY w 112 i 9 73 75 E Martin J J OMalley If 20 20 R 3 31X958 1X958 PIT w 111 1 1 Si Si J Groth W McLemore 30 30 30 10 5 5REPTON REPTON w 112 C 7 l J Metcalf A U Spreckels t4 4 4 65 12 18834 SCIIULENRURG wn 112 S 10 10 10 J Murphy I E Clark 30 30 30 10 5 ftoupled In belting no separate place or show Ixltlng IxltlngTime fastWinner Time 23 35 Track fast Winner JonesWent Ch e by nines Hoyal Lady trained by H A Jones Went to posl at 215 At post minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the Mine HEIR APPAHKXT was close up from the start and under strong riding forged to the front in the last sixteenth and showing much gaineness held FRANK PATTERSON safe The latter had no mishaps iid after setting a fast early pace held on resolutely in the final drive TIAJAN ran a good race and lln islied fast and close up HANDY ANDY raced prominently from the start KALPII S finished gamely Scratched Has Hlanc 10 Overweights Pit 2 pounds Schulenburg SECOND RACE 34 Mile 12995 109 C 115 Purse 300 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third S25 Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 18948 HLACKSIIKEP w 10 10S 4 5 41 4h 31 1 G Bez snl X Womach 20 20 20 8 3 3189G2GiMMICLL 13lSaG7ROSE 189G2GiMMICLL w 11 110 7 2 1 I1 11 2 J Metcalf Rice ChapmanS5 S5 S5 35 13 lSaG7ROSE KING wu 4 S S 4 2 2 2 3 J Acton L M Morris S5 S5 S5 35 13 18937 67721189C5 FKRRONA w fi 105 C 1 3 3i f = 4 = J McCabe W H Schwartz 67721 189C5 TOWEU wn 3 5 3 G n C = 41 u B Marco F D Weir 20 20 20 S 4 18871MML ANTOINETTEwsn 5 100 27 G 51 C1 C AAr Ward A L Aste 21 33112 18938 PInT BLEU wn SS 5 S 7J 7 7 ° 7 5 P Louder J P Keezek 20 20 20 S 4 417354CLOUD 17354CLOUD CHIEF wit C 100 13 S S S S A Green T Hatfield 15 If 15 C 3 3Time Time 24 48 113 Track fast Winner fastWinner HerryWent Ch g by Sir Hampton Gladeyes trained by A Herry Went to posl at 24 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BLACKSIIEEP showing decided improvement saved ground on all the turns and finishing fast got ui to win in the last stride GEMMELL set a fast pice but came a trifle wide on the last turn ami siuciinihed right at the end ROSE KING raced well up throughout but was tiring at the liuish FER KONA ran a good race and finished fast after overcoming interference Tins others were always outpaced The winner was entered for 200 no bid bidScratched Scratched 1SHSKosirs 108 1S97Lone Sar 10S isnc0 Hob Lynch 10S 1SS04 Fred Drew 10 1S apt Druse 10S 1sKiS Asa Ilerndon 5 IS Jck Harrison 90 90overweights overweights Cloud Chief pounds 19002 Til I HI RACE 78 Mile 13412 123 S 110 Purse 400 4yearolds and nil ward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 75 third 25 Index Horses AAVtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 18919 CLARK M a 111 S 1 5 4H 21 1 1 = R Small J S McBride IS 15 15 C 3 i 18951 GEN MARCHMT 9111 2 4 6 51 21 2 J Kederis J Lowe 21 21 21 45 25 I89G1 PAAV 4104 4 3 71 1 41 3h J Collins J E Dwyer DwyerI3 4552 45 18951 KING AVORTH 4 93 72 11 1118949CHARMEUSE I3 G 43 M Garner R O Egan 456 S5 45 18949CHARMEUSE t 4 106 G 7 2 31 31 5 = A Mott J AV Goldblatt 3 31 31 1 12 18992 ANN TILLY 6 94 3 5 St 41 oh C5 J Acton AV C AVeant AVeantfi1 10 10 10 4 2 2n 18951 FLITAAVAY 4100 1 6 4 = fi1 715 1o 3 CallahanF S Hackett HackettS n s s i i ° 18524GREAT SRPRISE i 4 106 5 S S S S S P Louder G S Martin 100 100 100 40 20 fastWinner Time 23 47 112 126 Track fast Winner Hr g by Kcull worth Ada N trained by J S MeBride MeBrideWent Went to tost at 319 At post 3 minutes Start good and stow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing CLARK M after being saved close up to the homestretch raced into tin lead when KING AVORTH ran out and easily held the race safe to the end GENERAL MARCIIMONT was outpaced in the early run iing hut finished with a rush PAAV began slowly but came from the rear gamely KING AAORTII set a last pact and had a comfortahTc lead when he suddenly ran out CHARMEUSE and ANN TILLY quit iMer racing forwardly to the stretcli The winner was entered for 1000 no bid bidScratched Scratched lSO U3Ka h 100 100Overweights Overweights Paw 3 pounds FOtTRTII RACE 5 12 Furlongs i S7 103 0 150 Purse 400 yearods 1 90O3 Handicap Net value to winner 300 second 75 third S25 Sudex Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 18312 TOKAY w 120 72 I3 I5 I3 R Small J W Fuller 111 1214 1214189W 189W MISS FIELDER wn 105 2 6 4 J 42 2 1 J McCabe F D AATeir 2J 2i 21 71013 18333 TORY MAID w 105 4 4 51 5 = 5 3l J Collins S M Henderson 10 12 12 4 2 17063 DISMISS w 112 6 3 31 3l 3 i 41 J Murphy Mrs J Shilling 35521 18965 STOLLN ANTE wsit 103 57 77 G 5 J Metcalf A G Dunlap 10 12 12 3 32 18884 = GERTRUIE B wn 103 11 1 24 41 G10 J Kederis J F Ferguson C G 6 S5 710 17203 FELS 107 3 5 6 61 7 7 T Rice AA Covington 30 30 30 S 4 4Time Time 24 47 100 1C7 Track fast fastAVinuer CampbellAVent AVinuer B g by Marchmont II Tpkalon tra ined by G AA Campbell AVent to post at 350 At post 2 minutes Slart good and slow AVon easing up second and third j driving TOKAY raced GERTRUDE B to defeat in the first quarter then drew away into a big lead and wrii eased up MISS FIELDER was outrun early but camo with a rush through the homestretch TORY MAID ran a good race for her lirst effort in some time DISMISS showed speed but tired as if short and xvill improve GERTRUDE B set the early pace but quit after running a fast half mile mileOverweights Overweights Miss Fielder 2 pounds Fels 1 Gertrude B 1 19004 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 13724 130 3 102 Purse 300 4yearods and upward Selling Net value to winner 22 second 850 third S2V index Horses AWtPPSt A f Str Fin Jockeys O II C P S P Louder B H Hambrick S 1H9GO LADY INNOCNCK w 4 101 7 5 7 61 51 5l 2J G BezansnP F Gloss G 6 6 2 1 1894 7 3 FREDA JOHNSON w 4 101 10 3 23 23 41 3 31 AAr AVard AAr St AMncent 6 G 6 2 1 I8959CORDIE F w 5 101 11 7 51 4 = G2 41 4 = J Acton P J Miles 12 12 12 4 2 2189CO 189CO FLYING w S 103 4 9 SU S 1 7s 51 F Judy S H Berg 20 20 20 S 4 18947 CANTEM SB S IOS 14 S 31 31 2J 61 C C Gross H Foss 10 12 G 2 1 18935 MANDADERO sli G IOS 3 4 1 1 1J Il 21 7s D Stirling L E Bird 15 15 S 3 S5 18935 JOHN LOUIS w 10 108 6 12 S8 12 10 S4 S1 T Rice Sieman Davies 15 15 15 G 3 18948 NETMAKER w 4 106 12 10 10 10 9110 91 J CallahanF S Hackett 444 8545 189C43QriCK TRIP w 9 IOS 111 Gl 71 SI 91 101 J Metcalf AV H Bradford 10 10 10 4 2 179592HESTER wr 4 104 13 14 13 13 12 11 111 G MolesthJ C Ferris 15 20 10 5 21 I8G553OTILO w 9 104 S 112 9111 12 121 J Collins J Neil S 12 12 4 2 18 0 = MELTS w 4 IOS 51314 14 14 13 13 = J Kederis AV A McKinney 4 4 4 S5 45 189C4 C 1 HARVEY w S IOS 9 211 11 13 14 14 J McCabe M T Piper 13 15 15 G 3 3Time Time 24 5 48i 114 141 Track fast fastWinner Winner Rlk g by Leonid Insolence trained by B H Hambrick HambrickWent Went to post at 420 At M st 4 minutes Slart bad and slow AVon driving second and third the same KICK alter racing close up from the start moved inlo M small lead in the stretch hilt tired and iM lasted long enough to win LADY INNOCENCE began slowly but closed a gap and finished with a rush FREDA JOHNSON ran well but bored out on the turn then came again and finished close ui MELTS had no chance from the start CORDIE F ran a good race and finished gamely FLYING was run ¬ ning fasl at the finish CANTEM ran a good threequarters MANDADERO set a good pace to the stretch ami tired The winner was entered for 200 no bid bidSera Sera Iched 1S705 Burnt Candle 100 100Overweights Overweights Hester ivounds Otilo 1 I CkfrtZ S H RACE 1 Mile 1P724 lGJf 102 Purse 300 4yearolds and upward JL JJj9j elling Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 AWtPPSt K K w 5 103 1 1 31 31 3 2s 1 A Mott McCoy Emick 5 5 41 2 45 I89S93CISKO w 7 105 476 = 4 21 Il 21 C Gross S Polk 3 3 1351 25 25J89273SPINDLE J89273SPINDLE wn S 105 227 7 6 4 1 31 J Kederis J Lowe 2 21 21 I 25 1 8939 = LA DA YOUNG wC 9S G G 4 fil 55 31 4 P Louder J F Ferguson 2 l5l51 13 1 854 5 TRANSPARENT sn 7 100 7 5 11 1 = 11 51 M Garner M Kennedy 10 10 10 4 2 2189C3 189C3 L H ADAIR wn n 105 3 4 n G = 7 G = 6 E Martin H G Anderson 10 10 1ft 3 S5 18908 EI S1E GREEN w 4 93 5 3 2i 21 41 7 7 J Acton G S Martin S S S 3 32 32Time Time 24 48 114 140 Track fast fastWinniT WinniT McCoyWent I m by Howling Brook Nil Desperandnin trained by R McCoy Went to posr at 440 At jiost 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing LINHROUIC close up from the start moved up gradually while coming around th last turn and coining wllh a rush In the stretch caught CISKO and won going away CISKO closed a gap and raced into the lead in the stretcli but tired right at the end SPINDLE closed up much ground into a fast going third LADY YOUNG ran fairly well TRANSPARENT set a good pace to the stretch and quit The win Jii was entered for S300 no bid