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The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next n the race The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the numher of lengths the horse was behind the winner Weight to he carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling 4CS2 112 Vf i 107 Index Course DIst TinieTckOdds Wt St StFOR 4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy FOR FAIR b c 3 10G 10G1SM3 By Fair Play Fairy G M Miller 1SM3 XOrlns 34 l147ifast 2i 104 2 21S347 5 4l 3 = 1 J Conway 12 Joe I Pled 1iper DaneMaster 1S347 Latonia o4 113 last I Id 103 8 81S290 7 4J 3lg A Mott i Sunset Christie Carrie Orme 1S290 Latonia 51 f l07fast 71 llo 3 C Cl S J Loftus 11 Chesterton liambou Lit String 18216 Latonia 34 113 lust 50 103 G G174Sr 7 S CJ V Obert S Converse Hank ODay One Step 174Sr Wdbine 34 l14fast fid 11 10 101C49S S 61 5s J Callilianl2 Aiuniis Tie Iin Tartarean 1C49S Windsor 58 l03V4hvy 12 10G 5 4 o C i Ford 8 Kd Weiss Gertlieluia Car Orme OrmeBy DAY DAY b c 3 By Peep oDay Wedding Day W G YanUe lUOlf XOrl ns j 105 mud 6 in 4 4il 3 31 v V Tlor 8 liiil itryn Jefferson 1iedIIper 18572 Juarez il f l09good 165 112 3 35S 3 2 t 2 = J R Small HelKavbonld Chevron llreezer 1S19B Juarez 5S l05jhvy S5 10S 3 3il 3 2 24 R Small 5 Osinonde Uinaldo TaeklUttlcr 3SOS Latonia il f 1OS fast 16 112 S 5 S1 95 V Murphy 12 IJanilxw Dundreary Osinonde 17W Churchl 34 llGmud 5 112 3 3ii 4 71 68 R Small 12 McAdoo Foxy Griff Xobleuian 17502 Douglas ii f 1 07fast 56 107 9 10 9 SI0iF Murphy 1 Bill Dudley Dortch Foxy GrifT GrifTBy JEFFERSON brgr 3 By Contestor Fads and Fancies F J Grefer ison ns a iOT mud G m 3 3IS1IS2 1 2a i i uurphy 5 Ladvitrvn Day Dav 1iud riper IS1IS2 XOrlns 51 f 106 fast G 103 3 31S953 2 21 441 E Pool Kstnnable Fly Home 1liil T 1S953 XOrlns 34 l101igood G 109 1 11SS90 2 9 9 ° W Wartonl2 ISlacktliorn Tied Iiper Hugh 1SS90 XOrlns 51 f l07good 4 111 3 3178S7 0 oil 55 w Wartonl2 THethcl LHeach MMoingry 178S7 Churchl 51 f lOS mud fid 112 2 U 10 101B1F Teahan 12 Christie Nobleman Bettertou 17504 Douglas 54 f l07 fast 32 112 5 4 4 C8J F Teahan 11 Urnwood Foxy Griff Christie 17161 Lexgton 51 f l07fast 44 112 2 4 5J II11 13 Martin 12 liill Dudley Leo Ray Christie 17027 Lexgton 5S l03hvy 13 112 10 10146S3 11 12 12I91F Keonh 12 Netlierbow McAdoo Christie 146S3 Dorval 41 f 57good 4J 112 2 21IC34 2 5t 2 J Ciilliilian Archer Kins Carbide Starcresp 1IC34 BlueBon 5S 101 fast 30 104 4 414rSS 4 4ni 513JJ Callahan 7 Ornuilii Kd Crump Stir Up 14rSS BlueBon 5S l02 fast 10 110 3 3PIED 3 2J 2 ° C Peak 11 Ken Mrs Campbell Tie Iiu IiuBy PIED PIPER blk s 3 103 103iira By Locohatchee Phyllis A W Martin iira on ns Oo J0o mud 3 m I 5 4 L vanuu n 5 iaiy isrvn Jeitersin Day Dav 1S953 XOrlns 34 l15good 3i 109 G G1SS99 4 2ii 2 C VanDunl2 Klackthorn Hugh Lady IJryii 1SS99 XOrlns 34 Il4ifast 10 102 5 51SS7S 3 2 2 C VanDunl2 Joe 1 For Kair DaucMasster 1SS7S XOrlns 1 145 mud 20 101 2 21SS4 3 3l 4 E Ambrose 7 Celebrity GoldrcstGirl Mallard 1SS4 XOrlns 4 l13fast 50 106 G G1S513 5 41 512 E Ambrose S Kneelet Mallard Joe I 1S513 HdeGce 5 f lOSsfast 100 99 3 31S460 7 72 911 w Lilley 11 Kstlinnhle Misslrances Kmelda 1S460 HdeGce 5 f l091fefast 100 10716 10716HUGH 13 13 ISUE Ambrosel7 BJames HalfKock DofDuubar DofDuubarBy HUGH b c 3 106 106U05 By Marta Santa Noogs Mrs G B Cochran U05 XOrlns S 105 mud 41 109 S S1S933 6 C tis W Lilley S Lady Hrvu Jelleison Dav Dav 1S933 XOrlns 4 l15 good lo 107 3 3 31 33 W Lilley 12 Ulaekthorn 1led IMper L Uryn 18781 Charlen 5 f 112 slop 10 104 2 21S70C 2 3 31 R Shilling S MFrances StChrlcote Shbury 1S70C Charlen S 104 hvy 10 112 S S1S6S2 4 63 69 F Moore The Lark Miss Frances F Griff 1S6S2 Charlen 5 f l09Vifast 30 107 4 41SG34 7 42 4l F Moore 12 Kazan Kopie Klaeklhorn 1SG34 Charlen 5 f l12Vimud 20 111 4 41S55G 5 7i 7 1 F Moore 10 KiverKing Klackthn FoxyGrill 1S55G Charlen 5S l03fast 20 106 4 417SSO 5 6H 6 F Moore 11 Volnspa Satnrnus Sw Lotto 17SSO Bowie 5 flOSfast 60 112 S 8 9t lOJ I Louder 10 Harlequin Lady Itryn Carlone 17775 Bowie 54 f l09 fast 30 112 11 11 10 98 I Iloffmanll Between Us Isligabibble Xonii 16577 Conght 58 103 fast 6 108 7 5 5J 6 E Taplin Carrie Orme Anna Kose Arpenl 16191 FortErie 58 l04mud SO 1076 1076SHEPHERDESS 3 3 45J E Tapliu 11 Unity Flosslp Crocket Kazan KazanBy SHEPHERDESS br f 4 107 1071S972 By Transvaal Dividend A J Stafford 1S972 XOrl ns 34 1 14fast 30 Mi S SISli 8 4 u l C Turner Hildas Brother Cnsco ISogart ISli XOrlns 1 116 105 mud 30 99 4 4SS34 7 7 77 AV Lilley 7 Jarnean Man Mack ISenedicna SS34 XOrlns 34 l13fast 20 101 12 10 ll1010 S Johnson 12 Hlne Jay Kiltie Dane Master 11 11 n lll Goose 12 San Jon JnsticeGoebel Loneman 16172 Lexgton 34 114 fast 195 103 35 J Steele 5 SHollman CharlesB Transport 1607S Lcgton 1 142 fast 3120 96 2 J Steele Bank Bill Anna Reed 1G022 Lexiton 1 1391 fast 185 99 99PHIL 23 W Meehan 4 S of Danube Transport AReed AReedBy PHIL T br g 3 103 By Orison Peggy R P M Civill 3K9S2 XOrlns 51 f 106 fast u 101 4 31 3 i C Turner 1 Kstimable FJV Hoiiu Jel 1SS90 XOrlns 51 f It07good 20 10 9 9iWXOHns 10 10 iliV Hinphy 12 TBethel LKcacli MMotHl iWXOHns 51flOGUfast 30 109 3 3 31 3 1 W Lilley S Resign Joe I Blackthorn 14022 Lexgton 41 f 54 good 140 104 10 10OUB 11 11 10 J Howard 11 Emerson Cochran Yale L Reach ReachBy OUB REN b c 4 112 112ISDOl By Burgomaster Gracelle Mrs M J Marquette ISDOl XOrlns fl f l07good 10 112 C 5 63 J Dotnink 7 Jes Loube Montcalin Crisco XOrlns 34 115 slow 30 106 C C13 1 Domink 7 Stout Heart Luther Jim Basey 181K10 XOrlns 31 l14fast 7G 103 S S1SS63 7 GI 761 W Hinphy S L Knight Mordecai L George 1SS63 XOrlns 51 f l07fast 4 1U 1 11GC32 7 6ii 3 = J W Warton 12 Cloak Kodondo June V 1GC32 Saratoga 34 114 slow J 112 4 8 13 13 = nD Steward il WellKnown TasSteel KasStar 15896 Empire 34 117 mud lo 110 7 7DANCING 5 6 fi3 A SchuKr 7 YriUlnnf L Meise 1C Chilton ChiltonBy DANCING MASTER b g 5 109 109If040 By Burgomaster Irish Reel Mrs F Itson If040 XOrlns 34 l16 hvy S 10b 2 21S941 7 71 71V Lilley 11 Crisco Kiltie Colfax 1S941 XOrns 34 lWlVv l 100 7 a 5 1F Murphy Col Cook TNightmare Hvnatia ISS99 XOrlns 34l14fast 4 111 1 11KS6 4 3 4 = 1 J M cTagrtl2 Joe D IJed Iiper For Fair 1KS6 XOrlns Im20y 142 fast S 101 2 21SS34 1 i 4i W Hinphy S Garneau Hiuh Class Col Cook 1SS34 XOrlns 34 1 13fast 1u 106 3 31S4S3 5 3i 3i C Dishmnnlli Blue Jay Kiltie Inck 1S4S3 HdeGce Im70yl46fast lo 112 2 7 61 6 H Laffertyll Elcspinn Half Uock Slnmhcrcr 18453 HdeGce 1m70yl47 fast 4 10 S S1S417 4 41 3i R Shilling Dakota Frontier Black Pine 1S417 HdoGV 1m70yl52mud S 1 2 2KING 5 22 3 R Shilling 14 BPiiPdicfu FGndmer Frontier FrontierBy KING CHILTON b g 4 109 By Chilton Aunt Belle J 0 Lovell 1 U2 Xun ns 34 ilohvy 40 Jvj o o1SSSG 10 10 10s3 A 1ickens 12 i in Dinner 1nwer Tim Tudgu 1SSSG XOrlns 51 f l07K ud JO 102 4 4iKii S S S14 W Andson S Gabrio Blue Jay Tip Dawdell iKii H iP V SJ f l07 fast 100 102 10 9 91 9 = 0 H Laffertyll Yadopeep Earlymorn M Cascj 17499 HdeGce 51 f 108 fast 7 7 5 H Sumter 10 Prairie Soldier Quick Start 17332 Dorval 34 11G fast 20 100 3 3 61 G5 P Louder 8 Ford Mai MissBHarbor Trovato 17249 Dorval Si f l09fast 10 92 5 5171H7 3 43 R Acton S Lambs Tail SofRocks Chrysei 171H7 Dorval 34 l16fast 9u 102 4 4HUK1 2 3 4JE Ambrose 7 Ajax Anrisa Bodin HUK1 BlueBon 34 116hvy 12 10 1 3 51 31 J Collins 1 Ortyx The Spirit The Governor 16709 Conght 51 f l12slow 9j 97 o o1SR96 2 2i 31 F Murphy 0 Trap Aprisa Ajax 1SR96 Empire 34 117 mud ISo 10i o 2 4 3 = J A Xlcklans 7 Vaillanr Marx Meise Martel MartelBy By Salvation El Sonora E Johnston VnsS51fl0 fast 15 in inixiiil S Sh 9 = 1F Keogh 10 L Spirit iiellc Tiara Jnaiiulu ixiiil 0irns 34 115 slow GO 101 7 7 7 7 = 3 D Hoffman 7 Stout Heart Luther Jim Basev ISKW XOrlns 34 l14fast S 105 3 320v 5 71 G H Sumter S L Knight Mordecai L George 1SS79 X Or ns Im20y 20v l46mud 1 15 107 3 2 51 Gts H Sumter S Delegate T Hancock Consoler 18788 Char en 34 l16slop 3 30 92 S Sb 7 fiJ A Collins 9 Ilypatia Sonny Boy Mr Mack MackBy HAPSBUHG II b c 3 106 By Hapsburg Stannel J H McCarron S9 3 XOr ns 34 inoi HlZKioa good 30 lii 12 12il 11 10 JT R Mason 12 Biuckthurn Pied Piper Hugh 1S6S2 Char en 51 il f l09V4fast 5 50 102 12 8 S1 Gi R Mason 12 Kazan Koi je Blackthorn 1SC4 Char en 51 1 f l12mud J 30 114 10 105S 6 R Mason 10 KlverKinir Plaekthn FoxyGriff 1S526 Char en 5S l02Vgood 1 150 100 13 12 HearthstoneC lll HIJ R Mason 13 Lnria Viley Hearthstone 175 Vcouver 4v f C 4i 5s J OBrien 7 Airline Studdert Ida Spivoy lfiG07 Veouver 41 t 55fefast 23 10 2 7 8 S11R Carter S Easier Boy Belcorore ProsBabv ir175 Butlo 4 f 53ROod 20 113 SnH ProsBabvSnH Skirvin i EtlieMav ElizItee Classv Curl 11844 Dorval 5S l02fast 100 9 9 9 9 9 C Meslcr 0 Celto Tlnlierilnsli 7 Tl TTnrml 116S3 Dorval 4J f 57good 40 113 8 H193 Delmier 4J f 57fast S 107 6 614M7 14M7 Dcltnler 4i f 58fast 10 107 14363 Delmier 58 104 fast 4 IT 4 4HARD HARD TACK ch g 5 109 1091SS By Future Stella Berkeley C A Reynolds 1SS 3 XOrlns 51 f l07fast S iw 12 12FOREST 12 12 12ia A Schugrl2 CIrak Uodondo Our Ken FOREST GATE b g 3 103 By Buck Massie Clarice J H Nichols 1SS24 XOrlns 34 l13fast 30 IOC 4 S S C Dishmon S Kneelet Mallard Joe D 1SOUS Tiitonia 51 f 1OS fast Id 110 12 12ACIS 12 12 121S F Teahan 12 Bamboo Dundreary Osinonde OsinondeBy ACIS b ir 4 109 109SSM By Laurium Cissanar J McAlester SSM XOrlns 34 l14fast f 6 10912 12 12 I3 F Murphy 12 Joe D Iied Piper For Fair 5 f 106 fast 30 102 1 5 8 S5 iC Plunt S LadyMoonet JiinBai ey Luther