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FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarclds and upward Soiling 13CS7 103 0 151 Index Course Ulst TimcTckOdds Wt St M V4 Str Fhi Jockeys Started Order of Finish KIVA b m 5 101 1011S227 By Sempronius Sevilla J Umensotter 1S227 Juartz 31 f lOS good G5 101 1 2 219H12 2s T Heury 7 OrimLad MarLi Blackshecp Blackshecptill 19H12 Juarez 5A f 107 last 3 98 G 4 41U1 21 T Henry 1 Quid Xiinc LHcv till KdftfVU 1U1 1U112 12 Juarez 31 f 1 OSsood 5 10S 7 2 2lx13 i T Henry li Tyree Xfnotck C lx13 Latonia 34 113 last 2G5 105 9 G fi C J J Metcalf 12 Coy T M Green The Reach mil latonia 31 111 fasl 29 51 Gi J Acton riiHiiniiisc Klrka Trlller 17912 Iburclil 51 f lOShvy 31 5i Trlller5i 5J B Ott 10 Colic Roijil Tea Florin 171 Vcouver 51 f l105sloi 5 11 4i L Gentry 7 Willis Clias Fox Bertha V Ifi974 5Ifi974 Vcouver 5S 100 fast 11 109 3 G VG Gs J OBrien i PrldeofLlsmre Dotty KHrwd 13519 Vcouver 34 11 fast 125 103 5 21 331 K Haynes i BnrBall MlncoJImmle HStieet 15717 Vcouver d f OGfast 115 107 3 3 2 = J OBrien 1 Delaney Little Birdie Gasket 15 95 Denver 34 12ifcfast 8 107 2 7 731 G Molcsth 7 Seneca The Bnsybodv Hiirdv 14370 Denver 31 13 sgoodSl10 100 4 G HiirdvG Gs F Stevens 5 Imprint Lady Panchlta Barsac 14493 Douglas 31 13slow 3 100 1 1LITTLE 23 2 = E Martin 7 Bob Henslcy Anna Kiwi Colle ColleBy LITTLE BIRDIE b m 5 IOC By Russell Golden Bush A A Gregg 191 i Juarez 51 f i 7 fast 5 9S 3 31W7 4 = 5 = 3 M Garner JuidXunc KIa Ioflyllevwoi 1 1W7 Juarez 58 0 fast 2 103 3 3189IN 3 4 M Garner 11 Wild Irish Doc Allen Visible 189IN Juarez 51 f i9Rood 5 10S 1 11SHW 1 2s J KedPris 8 Rosiris BlinUaccr Jge Gluens 1SHW Juarez 5S 05 hvy 7 107 2 2IS Il GluensIl 2 W W Tlor 8 LYoung Xguarter Alnleiest IS til Dallas 3S fK fast 113 I 3 = 1 L Gentry 4 But Ball WlldBear WiilkJoln 18 1 Dallas I f OSi fast 107 1 2i WiilkJoln2i li4 L Gentry 12 Gt Friar Forane StnnritaDiiiri 1571 Vcouver 51 f 07 fast 85 KI7 2 12 lh J Murphy 7 UnclJImGray Kyc White Zulu 377 Vcouver 11 f Oi Lfast 1S5 107 1 I2 321 F Jackson 5 Delaney Kiva Gasket IWij Vi ouver SI f nf t 3710 107 n 11 11 L Genlrv 7 A Maid CBoachey BMasterson 144i Delmler Ab3 S 02fast 3 103 2 1 1 W Lcvce S Cloak Clias Canueil Kthelda 14401 Drlmier AbiS 03slow fi 10 3 2 21 W Levee II TnlsnndOr BlueIay LItibbinsr 143SO Delmicr 58 Io3 slow 4 109 5 Tackleiu 2 W Levee S Tyro Lady Bobbins Tackle 13GS9 Juarez Cl f l03fast 5 98 2 iu 2 W W Tiorll Lemon Joe Cloak Tight Boy BoyBv PETIT BLEU ch f 3 82 Bv Mazagan Elsie L J P Keezek 19231 Juarez 34 115 fast 10 D2 2 11 2 T Henry 14 Lone Star Gasket Winifred I I2io 19173 Juarez 1 l4S islop 3 2io T 11y nose Onell Twilight Tight lloy 19022 JU ez 1 141 fast 12 43 Cl P Louder S BlueBeard Marv KmilV Cisko 19001 i n 3 I 13fawt 20 7 i P Louder 8 Blarksluep Gfinnii11 Uosc Iting 10 u z z1SS70 51 f 7fast 5 M ItingM 10S1L Hartwellio Planetary lnliemai Osinonde 1SS70 u z z1SS10 54 f 12 = slow 15 P OsinondeP L llartwfllli Siiislcto John Spoliti Airlim 1SS10 u ez 5 S OS hvy 5 4 44 1 Callahan C Xo Qiiaiicr Xiihbv l war 1S7GI ua ez 18 OOKmud 4 7 7IJ P Louder 7 Rockdale LdesCognls Fanllall 18738 Jua ez 58 OS slop 3i 3iJ S FanllallS SJ1J Collins S Category IdaCnmmings Flnahe J f l144slop 14 V 49 der U AHBtivturl ttus ntitj pLwprop ZIA b mu9 By Ornus7Aurca J Durkce 1S4U DenVer 51 f 107 fast fid 107 1 11 11 C Uiddle S 10 Harwood OriIad SonJnmos 1331 Denver 51 f lOSVofast 4 111 1 1fiS 71 9 L Gentry Miss Clark Alchemist Useppa 15258 Denver fiS l004rast 225 11 4 45S Uk 7s J McBrlde Parnell Gill OrlntarLad Canapa 15071 Denver 5S l00fast fid 109 5 55S la 1 L Gentrv 11 Stirlln Binocular Litfr Maid 950 CdAlene 5S l00fast 10 113 u Benton 10 Kd G Phil Connor Lo Mio 917r CdAlene 5S lQlgood 12 113 1135S G3 T T Buinsl2 LHalTisonlL LPeiiier Alchist 8910 CdAlene 5S l03V inud 0 114 114oJ 43 Moleswh Lo Mio Auto Girl Beversteiti SS13 CdAlene oJ f lOSVfefiist C 109 10lziMoleswh IL PIndnstrv SConuorTillin hit S724 CdAlene 58 102 fast 4 109 Il Forsyth 12 CaptLdsley Littleton P Sunn S62S CdAlene 5 f lOSfast 15 110 1105S 5J Moleswh 12 UiCajiadora Queen Itiitli Lo i S109 CXdAlene 5S l02fast 15 109 7 9T Molesyh 10 LJIeyxvood BummerllL PSoon C224 Denver 12 501 slow 109 3 35S 43 2 A Morgan 0 Ontario Oregon M Lisa Teddy G219 Denver DenverDAD 5S 1041 hvy 109 3 3ch 41 21 A Morgan S CFox SilvLeaf Ontario Orejrou OrejrouBy DAD DAVIES ch c 3 99 By Prospero Lena J J L Beckham 19215 Juarez 34 llGihvy 4 10S 1 15i 12 1i L Gentry Lanshorne Hhodes Kansnrw KansnrwJ 191ns Juarez 5i f l07 fcrist 3 110 i J Callahan 14 Make Good Avocado Concha 19117 Juarez 51 f 107 Rood 7 95 3 3CS 5 = 1i O Bezansnl2 PofLismore QXunc LIlAdair 19013 Juarez CS f l0filast 8 107 11 52 4 ° J Howard 11 I Cumminjis B Johnson Sinni 1SOC5 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 12 10 10 45 41 J Howard 12 ICmlngs Category HKbonl 1 IS9 10 Juarez 54 f l07fast 6 10S 3 35S 3s 3 T Rice 1 ThtrcadiT El Green Barbarita I8C53 Juarez 5S T9ifast 100 10 5 41 C = C Griiss S CarOrme M Fielder HItaybld 1C92G Vcbuyer 58 101 fast 1C5 IOC 1 31 7 U Feehey 7 MakrGood Vlamler ICummlngs IOS25 rcouver 41 f 54 fast 2910 112 1 U U U Feeney i CharltyWurd Fels Emma J S 14995 Denver 41 f 55fast 21 115 3 31 5i L Gentry 10 B Johnson Lnkemao M Franklin MSGo Denver 12 43fast 26 111 5 45 2 = L Gentry 8 B A Jones Mimilk Lukcmae LukcmaeBy ORBA SMILE b m 8 By Smilo Orbed Maiden H W Hoag 19111 Juarez 31 115 good 5 5 4 = 3 F Stevens 1 Merenriiim Calcium AVinifrdl 1905C Juarez 31 114 fast 3 3u 11 11 F Stevens 14 Vesta Gerthelma C W Kciinu 1U3D Juarez u f 108 fast 3 511 G F Stevens 14 Pajaroita 1 Dave Ancestors 1S923 Juarez 51 f lOS fast 12 21 22 F Stevens 15 Paw Palma Ancestors 1782S Msoula 1 l43fast 1 F Stevens 4 DealCarroll IlarumScaruiu Ceos 17S17 Msoula 31 117 fast 3 F Stevens 4 ScnJames Clara W KoseSwect 17G20 Helena 34 114 fast 23 35 F Stevens C Frances G Sh Knight BFarloy 175SO Helena F C 111 fast 3 J 21 F Stevens S M McKce Binocular Clara W WBy MISS EDITH b m 5 51921U By Bowling Brook Servilia White Wilson 1921U Juarez 51 f 110 hvy 10 11 1 = 1 L HartwelUl Skinny B Amity Kate Shellv 19199 Juarez 51 f l15hvy 21 41 8 i L Hartwell 1 Lehigh ChasGoetz Billylurne3 13811 Juarez 34 l12fast 30 30I35GC 13 1521 R Hoffman Waldo Baltimore Thaka I35GC Juarez 31 117 mud 25 G 6 JW Meehan 10 J Nolan Kid NclKon Largo 13437 Juarez 34 l134fast 60 81 7I5 W Meehanl4 Hazel C Lady Ponder Fafner 13399 Juarez 1 l3Sfast 40 12 121V Meehan 12 Eva Tanguay Hazel C VaVa 13320 Juarez 34 l14fast 5 5I327S U 44 R Estej 14 Kindness Real Worth SUellield I327S Juarez 34 l13fast 5 1s 12 R Estep 14 N Mnchacho LYoung Daylight 13210 Juarez Ci C 107 fast 12 12 13UR Estep 14 Moralight Stare Senator James 13162 Juarez 34 l135 fast 41 4J Sl C Gross 10 Vireo Angle D Dromi 130G7 Juarez 51 f l05fast 7 7 R Hoffman 8 Little Jane Herpes Rosemary 12033 Jjiurel 34 l14fast l14fastlinss 8 8 Campbell R Message D March Afenw linss laurel 51 f l09fast 3 S Troxlrr 14 Moncreif Venetian R and Gun I1G16 HdeGrace 34 l14ysfast 31 5lsJTroler Ann Tilly Reno Horace L 9091 Hamilton 51 f 107 fast fastOSMONDS 11 10lHopklns 12 Moisant My Genii Black River RiverBy OSMONDS b g 3 319i36 By Oddfellow Babv Lamb T Taylor 19i36 Juarez 34 l13fast l13fast1S93S 3 = 3 = J McCabe 14 Twilight SBeckham Gerthelma 1S93S Juarez Cl f l07fast l07fastIS3G9 12 3 33 J Metcalf 10 Planetary Lukemae AIIerudou IS3G9 Juarez 51 f l09good 3 4 = 1 3 i W W Tlor S Knof Pvtbias Wheat Finally 18521 Juarez 5S 101 good 5 5 = 1 7 = W W Tlor S BBrother GertdeB Xoblcmn 18496 Juarez 5S l03hvy 1 1s 1 W W Tlor r DayDay Rinaldo JackRitllor 18242 Latonia 5 f l08fast 21 51 42 W W Tlorili Long Reach Jester Pce Albert 1S09S Latonia LatoniaOOMA 51 f 108 fast 103 3ii 31 J McCabe lii Bamboo Dundreary Jester JesterBy OOMA blk f By Cesarion Sricerwell J M Shilling 19224 Juarez 5S 103 good 4 103 7 23 1 G Bezansnlli Avocado XobloGraiid KidNelsou 19201 Juarez 51 fll5hvy 4 107 2 2 4 = G Rezansn 8 Parcel Post Oblivion Crnzola 1W12 Juarez 51 f lOSfast 15 106 7 2 7 3 J McCabe 11 DskyDave MafLoii VirginiaS I8G32 Juarez 51 f l06fast 7 104 7 75S 7h 11U1W Ormes 15 Aznrea RnssSand Bad Prospect 1S330 Juarez 5S l05hvy 41 110 5 55S 41 5II3W Ormes 10 RyeStraw Elsie Green Calcium 181S3 Juarez 5S l07hvy 15 107 1 15S 41 5141W Ormes 7 Curlicue FdaJoiiusoii BBarius 17619 Helena 5S 101 fast 106 4 45S 7 7 M Mthews 8 Briton Orimar Lad Joe Busher 17376 Helena 5S 102 fast 10S 5 55S 111 10 = 0 M Garner 12 LaCazadora LStalwt Casames Iti557 Anacda 5S 104 mud 15 IK 5 55S 7 S = ° 1W Ormes n Tliistle Belle Rosiris Clara W 15549 Putte 5S l01fast 32 102 10 AI Mthewsia KStanlield Sainest MarJIcKee 13S39 Juarez 51 f 105 fast 20 93 S 72 8 B Marco Rosemary Pajaroita Miss Sly 13747 Juarez 51 f 106 fast 135 91 4 5J 7 A Mott S T Belle Ethclda Sidney Peters 13737 Juarez 51 t l0ofast 3 SI 6 22 2 A Mott 12 Miss Sly Harel C Cloak 12621 Juarez JuarezELSIE 34 l13fast 5 93 3 23 91 A Neylon 11 Ethelda Cliilla Anna Reed ReedBy ELSIE GREEN br f 4 105 By Bowling Green ConiICut G S Martin 19162 Juarez 51 f 107 fast 12 91 8 51 4 = 1 J Acton QridXuuc Kiva Ioftylicywojd 19005 Juarez 1 140 fast i 93 3 7 7 J Acton 7 Liubrook Cisko Spindle 1S96S Juarez 34 114 fast 10 98 S SCl Gl SpindleGl If J Acton 11 Rooster Winifred D P Liiinax 1S91G Juarez Cl f l07fast 10 10S 4 4Gl 2 2 J Acton KJ Tht reader DDavies Barbirita 18872 Juarez Gl f 111 slow 12 107 11 11C8 6 7 W Ward 11 Vireo Vesta Edna II 1S774 Juarez C8 109 mud 3 100 6 6 2 GUJ Acton 7 V Forty Russ Sand AWmwd 18702 Juarez 51 f 112 slop 20 93 5 57S 4 521M Garner 7 Mater Judge Sale Sir Dyke 18675 Juarez 7S 126 fast 8 95 8 G DykeG 51 J Acton 0 Acumen Lady London Forge 18651 Juarez 51 f l06 fast 30 98 C G ForgeG 4 = J Acton 1O Orimar Lad Forge John Hurie 1S603 Juarez 51 f l06 fast 30 103 7 75S 7 7 B Marco S Uosiris Theodorita Delaney 18550 Juarez 5S l03hvy 12 103 4 4b 121 2ii J Acton 10 RyeStraw Calcium Miss Tempo TempoBy tDead heat BLUE RACER b f 3 85 85fl By Blues Reseda J Livingston 18952 Juarez fl f lOSfast 3 SS 3 61 5 J Acton 8 Gcmmell Slier Folcv Siiv Tone 1S91S Juarez 51 f UOysgood 15 88 2 4 3 J Acton S Rosiris IitBirdie JiidgeGhccns 1S11G Latonia 51 f l07Jfast 41 105 G 51 G5 A Xeyion 11 Chtra Inez Martha Lee 179GS Church 1 51 f lOSmud 21 102 7 G LeeG G13 A Neylon IS Martha Lee Amazon Sunset 17S5G Church 1 51 f 107 mud 23 104 1 5 = 5 A Xeyion S DCarmen ueoKoesdi Itedlaiid 14022 Lexgton 41 f 54good 71 108 G G1 6 = 1J Hanoverll Emerson Cochran Yale LIeach 13977 Lexgton 12 4y5tast 2910 112 7 42 621C Turner 12 Wrblossom OStcp LInvalides I36S5 Juarez 12 46fast 710 112 1 4 4r 4rJ J E Taplin G BensBrother Trulane BAJones 13514 Juarez 12 48 fast 35 110 4 3 13 E Taplin 4 JZarate LCapricions DStevcns 13379 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 21 115 2 11 1J P Ford 0 Spremacy LCaprics DrGatllu 12231 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 2 115 5 Slk 3J J Loftus 8 Climber Gypsv Silver Blossom 13120 Juarez JuarezMARTA 38 Sl fast 45 113 8 8b 31 U J Loftus 12 MthePaint Barharita Slcelicka SlcelickaBy MARTA MAC b c 4 108 By Marta Santa Lutie Mao R W Wilmore 19MO Juarez 51 f 107 fast 13 109 7 9 9 C Gross 10 Marty Lou Lone Star Kenneth 19012 Juarez 34 l13Jsfast 20 110 4 12 12I = 1C Gross iy Mercurium L London L Star 18518 Juarez 51 f 108 good 3 103 3 2ni 2 C Gross S Kenneth F Johnson Choctaw 175S9 Helena 34 1131 fast 41 10G 4 I4 M Mthews S KXelson CITncker LAdelaido 17493 Helena 51 f 107 fast 107 8 85S lOtsio LAdelaidolOtsio D Uauer 11 Decency Stella Graiiie ArtRick 16778 Anacda 5S 101 fast 40 109 5 G2 SD1 D Bauer 8 ThisBele WildBear PayStreak Anacda 51 f 108 fast 25 113 2 31 4T W Ormes 0 Mnganrse PalmLcaf FrancesG 16339 Anacda 31 l15fast 7 107 2 lh 32 L llartwell S S Knight P Janice Safranor SafranorBy SENORITA DANA ch m 5 By Smile Mcxicanna C Morris 18287 Dallas 5S 101J fast 119 2 3 4J A Hollister 7 Arrowshaft Visible Quick 1S221 Dallas 51 f 1081 fast 107 5 11 3 A Hollisterl2 Jrcat Friar Follaiie Old Coin 13S03 Juarez 34 l13fcfast 20 103 7 75S 11 11 L Gentry it Inlan King Radford The Cinder 12391 Dallas 5S 102 fast 101 5 11 = 13 lHayncs 17 Doc Allen Doll Boy Follane 12374 Dallas 58 105 slow 102 U Sii S JHaynes 15 Dominica Quid Xiinc Oriin Lad 11082 Tulsa 41 f 57 fast 2 9S 32 K Mthews 7 Our Leader Hawlcy Moisic 100S8 Butte 51 f 1 07fast 12 109 Gsj M Mthews 7 K Radford Province T Ilurii 9515 Butte 51 f l08sfast 2 103 33 M Mthews C Province John Huric TightBoy 9128 Butte 5S 103 slow 135 103 2i E Smith 7 Province Nifty Moisie 9059 CdAlene 51 f l07fast 7 100 5s Gentry 7 SidneyPfters Rosiris Shortcut SC30 CdAlcno 51 f lOSfast 12 104 104PALM I3 ShortcutI3 Groth S Eagle Wing Forge Kid Xclson XclsonByLoki PALM A ch g 8 112 112IS9 ByLoki May Easter F Smith IS9 18 Juarez 7S l2Siifast 8 111 223 2231S923 9 10 J McCabe 11 Origtur BcrthaV Winifred D 1S923 Juarez 51 f 108 fast 20 110 8 3 31SSS3 321 33J 1 McCabe 15 Paw Orba Smile Ancestors 1SSS3 Juarez 51 f l08slow 23 107 4 3 31S C 31 G Molesth S KyeWhiteCWKcnon Ponfct 1S 36 Juarez 5S l074islop G 111 1 5 51S72S 5 5 ° J McCabe 5 Dr Xrufcr R Sand KPadwick 1S72S Juarez 5S l07mud 3 115 3 3 31S700 5 ° 5101J McCabe i Judge Ghns Prince Conrd Xiftj 1S700 Juarez 51 f l12slop 4 10S 4 1 11S675 1 = 1 121 J McCabe II Blacksheep ATeresa MCoghill 1S675 Juarez 7S 126 fast 15 105 5 2 2 21C319 41 7a J Collins Acumen Lady London Forge 1C319 Latonia 1 18 l52fast 78 109 3 6 6 614D22 76 5 U McDond S Carpathia Dilatory CMcFerran 14D22 Latonia Im70y l4lfast fid 111 10 10 10 11 11 = 2U Henry 11 Aador Kingling Poly Hill 14467 Douglas 1 14 204fast 32 107 4 5 5 65 GAT McDond 7 Verena Coin Woodcraft 14351 Douglas 1 11G l46fast fid 111 9 9 9 S1 91 D Connellyl2 Herniuda Wander GMarchmont 14281 Churchl 1 144 fast 175 151 3 2 1 1I3S74 2h 11 Mr Howe Galley Slave Ilanly Cloud Chief I3S74 Charlen Im20y 146 good R5 112 3 2 1 1ISXfi 2k 4 H Skirvin 0 No Manager IrishKid LRankin ISXfi Charlen 51 f 111 slow 3J 127 3 3 21 1 H Skirvin 12 Gnirnaut Henrietta W Ch Seed SeedBy BREEZER br g 3 94 By St Savin Belle Swift F D Weir 19225 Juarez 5S l03good 5 102 1 5 G Gl ° JE Martin 7 A Maid T Shrimp Frokeudalc 19200 Juarez Cl f l14hvy 21 113 3 I3 1 J Loftus 7 LaGoldna KdnalL MTwinkle 19031 Juarez 34 l14fast 15 109 5 55S 8s S15 J McCabe 14 Magic Moscowa Obolns 1S904 Juarez 5S l02good 1C 112 10 105S S 912 J McCabe 12 Aswan Edna II Virg Field 1 8750 Juarez 5S l09slop 21 93 2 C 41 B Marco i Star Bcrta Sver Tone Virg S 1S717 Juarez 51 f 114 slop 12 93 7 5 5 1 B Marco 7 Frazzle Wild Bear Dr Xeufer 1SS40 Juarez 34 114 fast 5 109 2 25S 2J 2 J McCabe S Sinai Chevron Edna II 1S39S Juarez 5S l011Sfast 6 111 5 21 33 J McCabe 10 May Maid Twilight Rinaldo