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Juarez Entries and Past Performances for Friday february 19 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the I I entries below show the best time of each horse I at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was I made on other than a fast cr good track abbre I I viaticns show track conditions Racing starts at atXKiins XKiins welt in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 12iilG 1 09 0 115 I ml Horse Wt Itec AWtIIan 19410 Vesta M 105 11 IY ssx7oo 1941 1 C W Keiinon 112 11 19422 Otiio 108 11 9 noxC9i noxC9ius 19410 Comptou 118 11 s nx095 19422 No Quarter 107 112 11 117X090 lflO r Miss Tempo 107 111 4 99X090 19T79 Ravenhall 9JSXCS1 lor2 Gylti 91 111 4 1040S5 1040S5ios 19410 Wheat ios 11 jf 9osr 19410 Flossie 108 111 9 085 19224 Airline 9ixoso Second Race 1 Mile Mileyearolds yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 13724 I 102 19414 Ancestors 105 140 r r 11 iiox7ir 19417 = Florence Krlpp 108 19 0 11 110X710 1 9S Gerthelma 90 140 9ox7io 19JS1 Avocado 90 141 Vis 90 710 I9381 Moscowa M 1 K 00x093 194102 Mollie Cad 110140 = R It iorxG9r 19410 Cruzola 100 141 9 K Ki 10X09 i 4io Tutor M f n 8o 192 Wiso Mason 108 142 9 11 112XOS 19410 Zangaree 3 3 92XCS 1999 California Jaek 4 K 107X S 19110 Merry Twinkle M 92 144 5 97XiSO liMS Bunny M 90142 5 91 iir Third Race 34 Mile Mileyearolds yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 12091 109 5 11 11in in ° R ° Doc Allen IDS l1t 12 2 l l194J 110X700 110X700fi 194J Cloud Chief 109 I1 fi It ItI9oo 101X I9oo Aico 11 11K5S22 102 09 09S K5S22 Xnlii 112 112 S 1 110X09 Horse Wt Ilec AWtIIan Faiieuil Hull 111 l12 i 9 114XIKI5 Concha Htt 114 88 090 Breezer 109 114 Vr 102X0110 Frokendale 100 110 102 090 J Nolan 107 114 4 100i0 Amazement 102 1145 4 100 0IO Fred Drew 102 lir I 109X085 Pal ma 112 11r 5 114XOS Ella ch f by Abe AbeFrank Frank Kate Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Handicap HandicapTrack Track record 11587 10 = 5 110 19318 = JOE BLAIR 102 101 4 101X711 101X711192S2 192S2 Little Will 10 101 4 110 721 19380 King Worth IK 101 4 107 721 721I0i I0i Conning Tower 112 107 98 720 720Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 12990 109 0 111 101723 Miss Chaucer 102 112 4 104 711 19110s Orhii Smile 107 112 5 110X710 19111 Sharper Knight Knight19220s 112 111 5 110 710 19220s Pajaroita 101 112 10 112X710 19ST Lofty Heywocd Heywocd192i 112 111 S 112X710 192i Winifred I 110 112 0 112X710 193S1 Anna Reed 112112if 1 112X703 19410 Ida Piuack 108 11 1 100 701 107 112 1 110 705 Eye White 110 112 8 8Siugletne 117X700 Siugletne 10 llt lilOJf f 1 1Sly 970JO Sly Sal ch in by bySalvado Salvado Miss MissAlice Alice III 5 5Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 1yearolds and upward Selling Track record 12990 1 0 0 019411s 19411s Tlieodorita 107 112 4 107 721 721ft 19227 Orimar Lad 110 l11 f f193S2 ft 109X720 193S2 Pay Streak Ill 111 7 107X720 19401 Mazuik 90 11 92 711 19101 = Kdmond Adams 111 112 7 ll2X711 19210 Henry Waibauk 101 112 7 107X710 19411 Tiiistle Belle 10B 111U 9 101X701 19400 Katheriue G SI 112 81X700