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EUROPEAN WAR DEVELOPMENTS London advices say that the Britisli and French fleets luive bitteretl their way a step nearer to Con ¬ stantinople not however without damage to the ships engaged and the battle royal for the Dar ¬ danelles continues Four more Turkish forts have iKeu silenced according 16 ollicial statements from LomUiii and Paris but the Turks are making a terrific resistance anil the shells from their Jerman inadu guns have found more than oile niark on th besieging craft From the number of ships en ¬ gaged and the size and range of the guns tlie battle of tin Dardanelles is unlike anything in history according to naval experts At 21000 yards nearly twelve miles the huge battleship Queen Elizabeth of the British squadron assisted liv smaller ships is still hurling shells across the Gallipoli peninsula into tlie Turkish strongholds on the Asiatic shore The British admiralty statement carries tlie opera ¬ tions through Sunday and admits that the Turks not only Scored three minor hits on the QueiMi Elizabeth but that the majority of the ships inside the straits bpth French and British were struck None was mink and there were no casualties The Turkish forts Ruriiili Medijidieli Tabia and Hamidioh I Ta ¬ bia fringing the Asiatic shore line which previously had withstood the bombardment wore silenced as was the Mount Dardanus battery further south ac umling to the Britisli The French report says the guns at Souainc Dere and other hidden batteries wore silenced in addition to those mentioned in the Britisli admiraltys report The Turkish casualties arc unknown A Turkish ollicial statement from Constantinople insists that the lighting in the Dar ¬ danelles is developing in favor of the Turks It was staled that no batteries were being destroyed and that the hostile ships were forced to retreat retreatAn An ollicial statement from the Turkish Avar minis ¬ try says that the Britisli lust 4 X men in the recent battle at the end of the Persian gulf The state ¬ ment follows Three battalions of British infan ¬ try with two quick tiring field guns two mountain guns one machine gun section and one squadron of cavalry attempted March to attack our posi ¬ tions in the region of Ahwaz in Khuzistaii After a counter attack by our troops the British Hod in disorder to their ships leaving 400 dead or wounded Among the dead were oiie British major and fotir other oilhors We captured three guns 00 rifles 200 horses and a great quantity of Bed Cross ma ¬ terial Our losses were insignificant insignificantThe The following ollicial communication was issued by the Russian war ollice In the Stdwaki region we repulsed the enemy On the MariaupolSimno Augnstowo front our offensive continues On the left bank of the Vistula river in the Pilicia river region i German offensive lias been checked and our troops have commenced a eoiihter attack In the Carpathians the Austrians have ceased their attacks in the Svidnilr region but continue vainly their as ¬ saults on our positions in the direction of Balin grol New enemy attacks in the KozmwhkaTonkla region met with no better success In the region of Klaiisegermans a whole battalion of tlie enemys enveloping columns surrendered surrenderedThe The British admiralty announces that it is not justified in extending honors to the captured crews of German submarine boats owing to their methods and that it is intended to segregate them under special restrictions pending their i ossible conviction at tlie conclusion of peace The admiralty states tuis ruling applies to the twentynine olliccrs and men of German submarine US which was sunk re ¬ cently off Dover The policy to be adopted toward the crews of German submarines is in answer to the demand of Admiral Lord Charles Bercslord re ¬ tired ajid oilier that such men be tried for murder and tile admiralty statement indicates that the government has this in mind mindThe The Paris Temps gives the details of the ad ¬ vances already made or which are to be made by France Great Britain and Russia to the small allied countries as agreed on by the finance ministers of the three powers during their recent conference in Paris The total advances for the present are to be 270000000 which amount is to be borne equally by the three powers Tliese powers already have advanced to Belgium 50 000 000 to Serbia 7000 fiOO to Greece 1000000 and to Montinegro SUO 100 Thoro remains to b advanced 178500000 iWbich will be divided between Serbia and Belgium BelgiumA A drastic amendment to the defense of the realm act was unexpectedly presented to the British house of commons by Chancellor LloydGeorge He proposed that the government be empowered t comandeer all factories required for war purposes The amendment passed all its stages Under tin present law linns and factories already producing war materials can be taken under government coh trol The amending bill of the chancellor extends this power to cover ail concerns that the govern ¬ ment may wish to utilize for this purpose purposeA A ministerial crisis similar to that in Greece lias occurred in Bulgaria according to information reaching Paris Premier Radoslavoff is reported to have been overthrown by the influence of King Fer ¬ dinand and the followers of Dr Ghenadicff former foreign minister Ivecaiiso he desired to take iniini diate action against Turkey by occupying Adrian ople Roduslavoffs opponents are said to have de ¬ clared this policy which would have placed Bulgaria in opposition to Germany and Austria was too ad ¬ venturous venturousAn An official Berlin statement says To tlie south of Augustowo Russian attacks failed with heavy losses to the euemv Tin lighting has been resumed in the vicinity of Lomza To the west of Przasnysz and east of Plock the Russians have made several unsuccessful assaults upon our lines Furthermore Gorman troops have repulsed two Russian night attacks at Rawa Russian advances from the vi ¬ cinity of Nowomiesto have not boon successful In the consequent lighting we took 1500 prisoners Some Idea of the size of the auxiliary Hoet of Great Britain is using to move and sustain tlie irlto in thi fieli wttv bt uiijued from a vfuvvt on shipping conditions from American Consul Lath rop at Cardiff Wales Fifteen hundred British vessels he reports aggregating more than 500000 tons have been taken over by the Britisli admiralty on time charters tho government taking all re ¬ sponsibility and agreeing to return tlie vessels as received receivedIt It is oflicially stated at Berlin that Emperor William actuated by humanitarian motives lias ordered that all disabled French olliccrs who have iKcn taken prisoners shall be returned to France Tliis action has boon taken in spite of the fact that France is apparently unwilling to send back an equal number of German olliccrs olliccrsFlood Flood conditions in Alsace are becoming worse and serious damage already lias been caused Com ¬ munications between Altkirch and lliielhaiisen lias been interrupted The lower part of Altkirch is under water as is the village of Illpfurt and many other places in the valley Troops have gone to the assistance of the inhabitants inhabitantsAn An Austrian victory in the heights of the Car ¬ pathians repulse of repeated Russian attacks in the Lupkow and the capture of several advance i oints in Russian Poland and west Galicia resulting in the capture of some 200 Russian prisoners are announced in an Austrian foreign ollice statement statementCensorship Censorship of American mails was proposed and opposed in the British parliament Home Setrelary McKcnna fought the proposal The question was raised by Sir Henry Craik who said lie desired to prevent the distribution in New York of pamphlets emanating from German sources sourcesThe The State Department at Washington received word from Ambassador Gerard at Berlin that tlie German war office had informed him all waters surrounding the Shetland and Orkney islands are in the war zone but that shipping on both sides of the Faroe islands is safe safeThe The Russian government has prohibited the ex ¬ port without special permit in each case of any article of food or forage Tlie sale of such articles to foreigners engaged in the wholesale trade in these comiuodoties also is prohibited prohibitedA A Constantinople dispatch states that according to Turkish Great Headquarters the bombardment of Smyrna was unsuccessful The Turks report that a cruiser was damaged and a minesweeping ves ¬ sel sunk sunkThe The Prussian diet accepted the budget on third reading says a Renter message from Berlin Tlie I socialist members voted against the measure and the Poles and Danes refrained from voting votingThe The Roumanian senate has adopted a bill empow ¬ ering the government to proclaim martial law throughout the country whenever it deems such a measure necessary necessarySince Since the beginning of the war with Turkey says a Peirograd dispatch the Russians have captured four Turkish pashas t7 officers and 17075 soldiers soldiersHard Hard fighting in which the advantage usually is with the allied troops is in progress from thu Cham ¬ pagne district to tlie Vosges Paris says