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FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3ycarolcls and upward Handicap iil2 12 5 110 By Fatherless Network W H Tulley 3 S1 J Metcalf i Dnrin Rcrinudian Bonanza 19599 Juarez 7S 124 fast 8 103 1 It i 11 111953G ll 11 J MetcalC 12 Kootenay 1au Xareta Rush 1953G Juarez 1 138 fast 2 10S 1 3 2 2 iu ih T nice 7 Florin Mini Sill Mex 19321 Juarez 7S l25fast 32 103 7 7 7 7 5 = 2n p Louder 7 Bonanza Bcrmdian AlWormwd 19191 Jiia ez 1 l374ifast 5 100 4 2 1 1 11945S 12 3 O Bezansn Rash Transact Col Marehmont 1945S Jua ez 1 l4lgood 15 107 555 5 G2 4J G Bezansn 7 PXareta Rdmaster GMmout 19124 Jua ez 1 138 last 1 90 11 1 1 I4 G Bezansn 4 Be Nannie McDee Clarlbel 19412 Jua ez 7S 125 fast 3 S3 2 4 4 3 225 21 P Louder 7 Othello Rdmaster GMarmout 19382 Jua ez 1 138 fast S 103 10 5 4 2 92 910 A Mott 11 ColMarcliniont Rash Brookfield 15337 Jua ez 34 lllfast 4 90 5 55 55192GG 5 3J P Louder King Worth Otlicllo Blarney 192GG Juarez 1 l3Sfast 5 S3 5 1 1 1 I1 in P Louder i Transact Cliristophine Hlngllng 19113 Juarez 34 l13 = good 40 108 4 55 551S377 4i G II Stearns C K Worth Furlong AlWimvood 1S377 Pimltco 1 142 fast 20 10S 7 9 9 7 71S23S 74 65J J Callahanll Ambrose Armament CllfC Field 1S23S Laurel 1 116 140 fast 3110 104 1 2 4 3 3LACKROSE 3 2 D Steward 4 Thornhill CliffField Fascinating FascinatingBy LACKROSE b g 7 92 By Lackford Sararoso R P Dickinson 19G01 Juarez 34 lllfast 10 luS G 5 34 3 L Gentry l Manpaiiest Seneca Bernmdian liSTT Juarez 34 llifast S 103 3 5 57S 5 45 T Henry 5 iraposhot Seneca Kootenay 19411 Juarez 7S l31islow 4 90 1 3 4 43 4iojT Henry 5 Blarney Curlicue Mcx 19382 Juarez 1 138 fast 20 102 5 4 3 37S 33 C = J T Henry 31 ColSIarchniont Itisli BrooUflcld 19313 Juarez 7S l245irast 31 93 3 2 2 3s 4 ° P Louder 0 GTowcr CMchmout M Fielder 19281 Juarez 34 lllfast 7 111 4 4 5J G51 T Rice S Churnictisc Pay Streak Osaple 19061 Juarez 34 l12fast 3 108 7 5 S 42 M Garner S Furlong New Haven Mhnorloso 19013 Juarez 31 l12fast S 100 2 2 27S 3J 35 II Garner S Othello Bcrimulian Furlong 1S9GI Juarez 7S l27fast 4 109 4 3 4 S S = M Mthews SJaW Hard Ball Hash 1S92G Juarez 34 l13fast 4 110 1 3 37S jh 4 j p Louder iMarchint Pay Streak Balgce 1SC73 Juarez 7S l24fast 1G5 110 G 4 G C G J Collins i OMarchmont Flltaway SDyko 1SG24 Juarez 34 l16mud A 110 2 3 13 IX M Garner Balgee GMaruhmont Pay Strk 18285 Latonia 34 lll fast 10 109 7 5 3i 3 = 5 A Mott ii Wllhite B Hensley T Norman 18173 Latonia 34 113 fast 10 107 2 1 11 1J A Mott 12 Stout Heart Colic Thesicres GROVER HUGHES ch K 115 By Handsel Stamen J Umensetter UmensetterS 19393 Juarez 7S l21fast S 112 2 4 S Si L Gentry 1U Knotcnuy Pan Xareta IJasli 1H538 Juarez 34 lishvy 2 113 1 2 2l J Loftus 4 Kootenay Blarnev Hocnir 19 197 Juarez 31 l125fast 4 47S 112 1 2 = i 2s1 L Gentry 5 C Tower Othello Headmaster Headmaster4Ji 19313 Juarez 7S J24 = 5fast 3 37S 11C 1 3 4Ji 5 J Murphy li CTower CMcliiiiont M Fielder Fielder2i 19232 Juarez 7S l27fast 2 11C 3 1 2i 3CJ L Gentry S Uasli Cliristophine Be Be2l 19137 Juarez 34 l12fast 21 US 1 2l 2t L Gentry G Conning Tower Tokay Othello 1S925 Juarez 1 I4fr5ifast 45 118 1 55 5 L Gentry G Be Injury Uingling UinglingI10 ISS17 Juarez 1 116 205hvy 2 I10 1s L Gentry 4 JudjrcSsilc Brynlimah Ilingling IlinglingL 18763 Juarez 1 153 1531SG33 l53mud 83 113 Excused L Hartwell 4 Hingling Brynlimah Hocnir 1SG33 Juarez 51 f 105 fast Sa 112 I 21 2J 21 L Gentry 5 Joe Blair Gipsy Love Fathom 18583 Juarez 51 f 106 1061S2S3 l06fast 5 114 1 1 2 2 J Howard 7 Othello Sir Dyke Orb 1S2S3 Latonia 1 139 1391S1C1 fast 6320 110 2 b 5 i 4Z 4J J Metcalf G LFathcr Brookfield Vcngliee 1S1C1 Latonfa 34 l12s l12sfast 17 112 5 4 41 35 J Howard 5 Bringhurst GipLove Glcncairn GlcncairnBy 1 tDisqualiHed for foul foulBLARNEY BLARNEY b c 4 103 103Iu5 By First Chip Kittio Platt H T Batchler 19538 Juarez 34 iishvy 4 Iu5 2 1 110T 3C 3 G Molesth 4 Kootenay Gro Hughes Hocnir 191t 9 Juarez 31 llllast S 10T 4 4 4 4s G Molesth Othello LittleWill King Worth 194IG Juarez 7S l31slow 4 107 311 Ih 1 G Molesth Curlicue Mex Iackrose 7 Juarez 34 lllfast 30 107 4 4 4 t 44 A Ilollister King Worth Othello Kxccutor 1SG55 Juarez 55 f 105 fast GO 10 1 Jolted C Gross 5 JoeBIair rlln lies GipsyLove 18383 Juarez 5 f l06fast CO 105 7 713A Hollistcr 7 Othello Groverllughes SirDyke 15571 Butte 5A f 107 fast 35 110 ffA Ilollister G Kootenay PayStreak Mimorioso 15511 Butte 31 115 slop 4 107 I4 A Ilollister G Kooteiiaylcw Drop Newllaveu 1511G Denver 34 ll2Ufast ll 105 7 7 35 83 A Ilollister S Iady Ianciiita Rnroco Seneca 1G031 Denver 1 14 209 fast G5 117 1 1 1 Z ° 3 ° J Grotli 4 Dalston Judge ihecns Hester 14972 Denver 1 l43goodl310 IIS 1 1 1 1s 1X J Murphy 1 Dalston Kick Mr Mack 12S7U Juarez 34 l13 hlast 5 114 2 3 4 = 3J C Gross 9 Osaple Manganese Kdith W 12763 Juarez 55 f 105 fast 2 11G 1 2 2J 2l C Gross 5 Manganese Km Gem Bird Man ManBy MAZNIK b g 3 85 By Mazagan Nikita R Ripley RipleyIt ISiWJJ Juarez 5 f lllhvy 5 102 4 It 1 G AY Carll G Lnkeiaae Kex Beach T Maid 19324 Juarez 34 l12 5tast S 112 I 5 3 I5 L Gentry 7 Ghetto Girl Kex Beach CTower 19193 Juarez 5 f 106 fast 1 101 1 4 4 = 2 = P Louder S Sinai Marie OBrien Type 19437 Juarez 31 l15slow G5 92 3 2 14 I1 M Garner This Belle PayStreak KathG 19401 Juarez 5 f 105 fast S5 93 1 31 ins B Marco 7 Ed Adams JGhoens Knbiconll 19353 Juarez 34 l13 fast 2 SS 5 5 4s Sl T Henrv r Tlicodorita PofLismore Gfinn 19301 Juarez 34 l12fast 7 90 G C C5S 3l 31 T Henry 11 Dryad Goldfinn Tlioodorita 13233 Juarez 5S l00fast 7 10G 3 4 45S 1 = 1 21 AV AV TlorlO Lnkcmae Gertrude B Inez 19159 Juarez 5S 100 fast 2 90 2 2 I 1 T Henry 11 Doll Boy Ancestors Xenotek 16643 Vcouver 58101 fast 3710 112 G G G5S 4J 4J P Lonnshy i Vintidcr Whims Charity Ward IG1G7 Butte 5S l00fast 5 110 1105S 2J R Booker G JBIIarrell Category ildelberg IfVMfi Butte 5S 101 fast 710 107 I4 H Booker G J Marlon Avocado Grammont CHRISTOPHINE br f 4 Bv Plaudit Emma Traunrailler S Veiller fJMj Juarez iS l2ifast 10 lUo 12 12192GG 12 10 ° A Mott 1U Kootenny Pan Xareta Kash 192GG Juarez 1 lS bfast 2 108 2 Z 3J L Hartwell G lxccutor Transact Rlngling 19232 Juarez 7S l27fast 2 105 7 4Ji 2 = 5 L Ilartwell S Hash U rover Hughes Be 19149 Juarez 7S l25fast G 103 4 41S991 5 35 L Hartwell 5 Othello Injury Al AVormwood 1S991 Juarez 34 l14fast 20 108 5 51S293 45 5 J L Hartwell 5 l Roberts Othello CMarclnnont 1S293 Latonia 1 12 232fast 2910 102 3 3l 4Ji L Hartwell U Short Grass Expectation Basil 182C6 Latonia 1 l3Sfasi 55 102 2 3 2 L Hartwcit G B of B Mawr Luther SsinVega IS1G2 Latonia 1 l413mud 22 101 G 42 4J L Hartwell S Prince llermis Luther Hocuir 174D5 Douglas 1 116 IMIifast G710 104 3 7 71G779 25 23 L llnrtwell La Mode Impression Sleeth 1G779 Anacda 1140 fast 65 11G 3 2 35 2J L Hartwell Barsac Kelsotta Fort Snmter 16531 Anacda 1 l41 fast 1 112 3 3 31C 24 1s L Hartwell 4 New Havin PhilMohr HardBall 1C 183 Anacda 34 l15ifast 95 104 3 44 3i L Hartwell 5 Kootenay N Haven OrBlossom