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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ MEX WEDNESDAY MARCH 24 1015 One hu and fifth day Jockey Club Juarez Vin ter Meeting of 110 dayji IS books on Weather clear Presiding Judge W H Shelley Starter Mars Cassldy Racing Secretary 1C Jasper Racing starts at 20 p in Chicago time 330 p in W indicates whip S spurs 1 blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses foIowing the distance of each race indicate index number track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST HACK 12 Mile 104452 40 2 115 Purse l300 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 25 AAVtPPSt 4 Vj Str Flu Jockeys Owners 19G9G = FRK PATTERSON w 112 10 4 1s 1 l AV Ormes H Butler 33 33i 1 9055 LITTLE BLUES 112 4 3 310085s i 2 f R Shilling J E Miller 5 C 10085s AUDREY AUSTIN 112 1 1 119G9G3EiMILY t 4 3 L Gentry S M Henderson 22 19G9G3EiMILY R 107 S 5 i 3nk 41 j Acton K Spence S S S 3 S5 19409 REPTON i i 110 r 310 10 u C3 R Carter P Sheridan 30 30 30 12 I 1 19 73BHOOKS IA A 107 7 4 5J C G Moles thAV McLemore S S S 3 S5 10735 CARL ROBERTS 107 2 2 T 72 7 t A Mott GM Van Gorden 8 S S 3 Sr 19085 LA BEL BROCADE 112 C S S5 S S T Rice CorgnMKiny 3 3 2 1 12 19718 1217I8 MACCABEE I 108 5 9 9MILT r2 s 9 i J Howard J C Dow 13 20 if 0 3 MILT CAMPBELL 1107 C II 10 10 J Murphy Campbell Gray 20 20 0 S 4 fastAVIimer Time 24 48 Track fast AVIimer ICeezekWent 15 g by Dick Welles Helen Miller trained by J P ICeezek Went Jo post at 22 At post 5 minutes Start good and fast Won driving second and third the same FRANK PAITIOKSON sprinted to the front with a rush and won ail tin way but was tiring fast at fastat the end LITTLE WITES closed a gap into a fast going and gaining second AUDREY APSTIX was sliullled back at the start then made up ground and finished fast EMILY K ran well to the stretch and tired1 KEITON closed a gap Scratched gapScratched 1071SLaughiig Water 107 107Overweights Overweights Mticcabec i K iind i Q rr K r SECOND RACE 34 Mile i2io JL i2ioJL 6 O O ward Selling Net value to winner 150 second third Str Fin Jockeys II C P S 55 4i 3 1J R Hoffman G M VanGorilen 10 10 10 4 2 3 = 3 4 = 2l W Ormes P J Miles fi C G 2 i 1 li i 31 T Rice Mrs F S Flialrn fi C 2 1 19007 OAPT LIXDSLEY 112 2 ion 7 ra 4 = 1 Dawson AV Taylor 0 30 12 f 19730 CHARITY AArARD S S S 7 2 2s 2J 5 F Stevens I E Clark 4 4 4 S I 5 19590 FLOSSIE 3 M 14 12 12 12 C = fi 1 Acton J F Ferguson 2rt 20 9 S 4 19707 AD DAUGHTER 4 10S 10 r 43 r si 71 J Howard I Striker 2ft 20 2C S 4 19742 QUICK TRIP v I 112 Oil 11 11 1 = S A Mott AV II Bradford 30 SO SO 12 0 19080 FORT JOHNSON wi 10112 314 14 Si II2 m G Moles th A E Morgan 8 S S S f 19501 IGLOO 110311 4 7i CU 75 lO R Shilling F Smith 3 fi r 7 10 1970XSMILING MAG ws i 3 12 10 10 = 12M13 P Louder C Morris 30 20 20 S 4 194223AGNES G 4 107 4 S C Mi 10 = 12J R Carter T II Ryan r fi fi l i 19172 VIRGINIA S 4 107 1 C 8i 13 13 13 L Gentry AV St AMncent S S S 3 S 5 5rU027aEMELDA rU027aEMELDA 31001313 13 14 14 11 J Longo AAr II Dupee S S fi 2 1 Time 23i 474J 11315 Track fast A GordonAVent inner Br g by General Roberts AVoolen trained by G M Aan Gordon AVent to post at 259 At i ost 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same AMLOCII was saved behind the leaders to the homestretch then caiiie on fast and in a drivin finish won drawing clear CARO NOME was always forward a contender and made a game finish HEX OlfcK set a fast early pace and tired in tlie stretch drive CAPT LINDSLEY closed a big gap ami fin ¬ ished fast CHARITY AVARD showed speed but quit in the stretch FLOSSIE finished well The winner was entered for 200 n bid bidScratched Scratched 19737 FInnigin 112 Overweights 112Overweights Zamloch 4 pounds Admirals Daughter 1 Emclda 2 19756 TIIIUD RACE 34 Mile 12000 100 0 115 1iirse 200 Myearolds nnd lip ward Selling Net value to winner 150 second 5 third SI 5 Index Horses AWtPPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II J 1 S 19742 MA RSAND w 7 103 9 4 111 1 1 = J 1 P Louder J H Adams Adamswr 10 10 10 4 2 19730 AVOCADO wr 3 9S 2 10 S S = 4 t A Mott J P Keezek 12 12 12 I 2 19739 SAM CONNOR ws i 6 107 S 7 719739CLOUD rii su p3 j Longo J Hennessy 20 20 0 K 4 19739CLOUD CHIEF iv t C 107 13 11 12 12 9 k 4 A Green T Hatfiled 13 13 13 C 3 19730 TRULANE ws i 3 104 12 1 72 411 6J 5 AV Ormes R Ripley S 8 S 3 S 19709 COMMENDATION A 7 112 7 3 19498 = FAFNER w 4 4107 107 C 8 819708VESTA fin aS 72 R Carter G J Miller 32321 1214 19708VESTA 121419708ATESTA A w 3 93 1 112 11219707SGEO 12 9J 31 S 81 J Acton J C Ferris 12 12 12 4 2 19707SGEO ONNARD ws wsn i fi 113 11 2 107i 11 9i J Robbins Mrs M Estill 10 10 10 4 2 18007 MondoH19742FERROXA ADA ANNE w 4 108 3 311 Lli snkio i J Murphy C AAr MondoH 19742FERROXA w C 110 10 5 11 11 W 113 D Stirling AV II Schwartz s s s 3 SG 19742 ANYTIME wn 4 107 4 C 2 10 = 12 12 L Gentry L D Gentry 20 iO20 S 1 10707 SLY SAL w 3 110 313 13 13 13 IS J Howard AV L Stanlielil 20 CO 20 S 4 fastAVinner Time 23 48 113 Track fast AVinner DurkinAVent 15 ni by Marta Santa Iroud Uralnid bv J Durkin AVent to jnist at 32S At x st S minutos Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ tinrace ing MARSAND showed much the most speed and going o the front quickly set a fast paw and held tin race safe all Unv way AVOCADO closed a big gap and finislird fast and gamely SAM CONNOK made a ciKilenge in the stretch but tired at the finish ADA ANNE showed earlv speed but tired CLOUD I HIEF closed a gap and came fast through the homestretch FAFNER ran poorlv and was alwavs out ¬ paced The winner was entered for 200 no bid Scratched 10730 Skinny U S 107G Virgiedot 03 Overweights Tviilane 4 pounds Ada Anne 1 19757 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 191S r7f 5 120 Purse 200 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selling Net value to winner 130 second 05 third 15 Index IIorses AAVtPPSt Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HUPS 19498 YtTBA w S 10S 5 4 li 12 2 p j Murphy E J Ramsey 32 32 32 3 19737 SENATOR JAMES w 5 110 C 1 11 31 2z 2s L Gentry E D Kaufman 3 3 31 19681 KIT STANFIELD w 4 105 7 71UG75BDAUMONT 2 2 k 3 3 R Carter AV L Stanfieltl 10 10 10 4 1UG75BDAUMONT wsn 110 2 3 7U fink 43 41 D Stirling McCurnBdhst 10 10 Ji 4 4fi 19078 MISS EDITH w 5 106 7 u fi i Si 5A 5s A Mott AVhite AVilson S SS S 19555 KATE SHELLY ws 4 104 1 2 1908 19080a 1908aGOLF aGOLF GOLF BALL s 11 IOC 3 G 10 7 = 7 = i P Louder J N Mounce fi C C 2 1 19511 THE SHRIMP w 8 10 S 12 S 10 J S3 L Mink E E GetcheJI 20 30 20 S 1 19081 TEMPEST w w4 4 9S S 10 10 10I9C703SUM 11 11 SJ tj J Acton H J OConnell 10 10 10 I 2 I9C703SUM I9C703SUMMERHILL IERHILL w 4 101 4 49 0 0I9081SJAKE 9h 7s 11 103 R Shilling AV C Clancy 10 10 10 4 2 1 I9081SJAKE 908 1s JAKE ARGENT C 100 11 S S 4J rh 10 11 = A Green T Hatfield 20 20 20 S 4 19059 L DE ws 7 110 12 11 12 12 12 12 J Howard I Striker 30 30 30 12 fi fastAAinner Time 23 47V5 59 Track fast AAinner RamseyAVent 1 in by Yellow Tall Lady Mnricl trained by E J Ramsey AVent t post at 400 At i ost 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing YUPA showed much speed and racing into a quick lead made the pace fast and easilv won all file way SENATOR JAMES raced in close nnd game pursuit but was easily outpaced bv the winner KITTY STANFIELD was a forward contender all the way but was tiring at the end IEAUMONT and MISS KrilTII made up ground and finished well KATE SHELLY ran fairly well JAKE AKOENT quit liadlv ilie winner was entered for 200 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Ynba 2 pounds Kitty Stanfield 2 Iteaumont 2 Kate Shell v 1 Summeiliill 3 1Q 7 Pv Q I Til RACE 58 Mile ItlPlS tVr 5 120 Purse 200 3yearolds and upward I tj O Selling Net value to winner ifliO second 35 third 15 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 0 P S 19470 MARTA MAC w 4 110 2 2 21 li H CavanhR AV AAilmoro 21 21 2 1 1 19739 GEMMBLL w 11 115 3 1 ill T Rice RiceChapman C fi 0 2 1 19 1070811 08B A JONES wr 3 101 6 7 t a 42 SJ R Shilling IJ A Jones 3 3 71012 19739 LA CAZADORA w 6 10S 5 36 6 619G72AVILD 7 7 C 4J J Acton D K Carter r 5 5 45 19072 19G72AVILD AVILD IRISH w 10 103 4 4 3U 3h 51 P Louder Buchanan Bros 8 S S 3 73 19077 = L1TTLD BIRDIE ws 5 10S 7 C 4 = 4J Jnt 0s L Gentry A A Gregg 3331 12 19072 3 3JBN JBN CRAAVFORDw 5 103 1 C 51 G 7 7 AV Brazel L Stone C G C 2 1 Time 235 47 100 Track fast AAinner MackAVent fastAAinner 15 c by Marta Santa Lutle Mac trained by II Mack AVent to post at 432 At I Iost ost 2 minutes Start good and slow AVou driving second and third the same MARTA MAC rated in closest pursuit of GEMMELL from the start and outstayed him in a well contested finish CEMMELL set a fast pace and held on resolutely iu the llnil drive I A JONES began sliWly and was outpaced to the stretch but finished fast and gaining LA CAHADORA closed a ip and finished with a belated rush AVILD IRISH and LITTLE ISIIfDIE showed sHed but tired in the xtretch drive The winner was entered for 200 no bid bidScratched Scratched l7 0Cal Curn 103 10750 Doc Allen 103 10752 Quid Nuuc 110 110Overweights Overweights Marta Mac 2 pounds R A Jones 4 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II c P S 19723 JOHN REARDON wn S 103 C R Hoffman R G Martin MartinJ f 2 1 19 743 = ANN A REED w t 5 102 3 2 l = i li 2 = J Acton K Spence SpenceA 4 83 43 19193 CHEARON 3102 1 1 3nk 2J 35 3 A Mott Cloher Kecno KecnoG 73 71013 1 7123SPINDLE w i S 109 1 119G50 7 Ci 7 7 51 51C G MolesthJ Lowe LoweIt 4 73 710 19G50 = ALICE TERESA 5 105 2 C 4 G G 6 It Carter AAr Itlmmey 20 8 4 19090 AVILD HORSE w wn 4 103 3 319G98ALCO S 2 4 49 4 = rt T Gentry AA P Johnson 4 5 5 S5 710 19G98ALCO ws wsn l 3 94 4 4 76 f = J r = 7 7J AV Brazel A H AVilkerson 30 30 3D 10 3 18993 FORT SUMTER wsn 5 105 S 5 S S S S S AV Ormes J N Mounce 7 7 7 21 fastAVinnor Time 24y5 4S l13ii 139 Track fast AVinnor MartinWent Ch g by Silverdalo Ethelii e trained by R G Martin Went to jKist at 500 At post 1 mill ite Start good and slow AVon cantering second and third driv ing JOHN REARDON showed decided improvement over ids last race and was saved close up to the homestretch then Inok the lead with a ri sli and won iu a canter ANNA REED was strongly ridden and alter making the pace to the last elghtl outstayed CHEVRON for third place CHEVRON Kin a good race and finished resolutely SPINDLE II ilshed well AVILD HORSE showed speed but quit The winner was entered for 3flO no bid bidScratched Scratched OtiloOverwoizhts 10719 Pay Streak 112 1900S3Petit Bleu 94 10059 Lady Mint 102 10722 Otilo Overwoizhts Alice Teresa 2 iiouuds AVild Horse 3