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FOURTH RACE 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 15112 12 5 110 SENECA br g 8 105 By Disguise Swiftfoot Tigue Cunningham 19771 Juarez 34 lll fast C 100 1 2i 2nt U Shilling 5 Pan Xiiruta Kootenay Lit Will 19745 Juarez 5J t l03fast 4 102 7 5K 5 A Mott 7 PZareta Kootenay Manganose 19700 Juarez 51 f l061Sfast 3 109 1 11M01 I1 2 U Shilling S Imperator Halgee Mater 1M01 Juarez 34 lllfast So 110 2 15 2s T Rice M aneso Lackrose Hermudian 19537 Juarez 34 lllfast 1 110 5 51915G 33 21 J McCabe Grapeshot Kootenay Lackrose 1915G Juarez 34 l14good S5 111 5 li 2 J M cCabe i Kootenay Osaple Iterinudlan 19413 Juarez 34 l12Vffast 4G 109 1 119r lot iu J McCabe S Mganese Thcodorita HaPennj 19r Juarez o I 103 fast 2 110 3 IS in J Kederis 5 Mimorioso HaJsee Flor Robert 19267 Juarez 5S lOU fast 2 110 3 31S992 3s 3J II Stearns Mhnorioso PotLismore Hdfori 1S992 Juarez 5S l00fast 4 109 3 15 I4 J Kederis 12 Imperator Behnudiun WildBea 17710 Vcbuver 12 50 mud 160 117 5 51G917 221 2s C Warren 5 Joe Blair Dotty Francla 1G917 Vcouver 58 100 fast 1310 113 4 416S01 12 1 = G Warren fi Pride ot Lismore Dotty Francis 16S01 Vcouver 12 4714fast 1110 114 0 01C436 I1 I1 O Warren 7 Lackrose Ann Tilly Francis 1C436 Vcouver 7S l3fast 265 10S 3 31G3S4 21 23 G Warren n TBusybody LPchita Lackros 1G3S4 Vcouver 34 113 fast 113 118 5 51G139 2 331 G Warren 5 LadyPanchita Delanej Lackrose 1G139 Vcouver 34 l12fast 115 11G G 21 1J G Warren 7 Brlgliouse LPanchita Lackrosf LackrosfBy KOOTENAY ch g 7 7ir By Ben Strome My Beauty F T Shortell ir 74 Judrez 4 lllfast 3 = 331 T Hice Pan Xareta Seneca Little Will 19745 Juarez 55 f l0 l0T5fast T5fast T5fastliifiSS 2 2J1 T Rice 7 PanXareta Manganese Jpeslioi liifiSS Juarez 34 l14fcfast 13 15 T Rice 5 Tory Maid Little Will Blarney 1599 Juarez 7S l2tfast l2tfast1955S a 107 S 3 lii T Rice 1J Pan Zaretu Hash Miss Fieldei 1955S Juarez 34 llSlivy 7 104 3 15 I1 C Gross 4 Grover Hughes Blarney Ilocnli 19337 Juarez 34 lllfast 2 112 1 2 31 C Gross r Graposhot Senega Lackrose 19456 Juarez 34 l14good 21 111 2 3SJ Lackrose3SJ 1 C Gross Seneca Osaple Hermudiau 19237 Juarez 34 lllfast 6 105 2 2J 565 C Gross r KiiiR Worth Othello Executor 1GCG9 Anacda 34 l13fast 21 120 7 7 7l4JH Paidey 7 Barsac New Ilaven Bermudlan 1G53S Anacda 5 f l077sfast 3 11G 1 2s 1 D Boland 4 Imperator Barsac Or Blossom 164S3 Anacda 34 l154 fast 75 113 1 1 = I1 I Boland NHaven Chstophine OBlpsspin 16377 Anacda 5 f l07sfast 41 HG 2 3 t 31 1 AVasher 5 NHaven Imperator OrIilossoib 16049 Butte 117SI 34 l12fast 7 117 21 1 Washer 7 New Haven PayStreak IIShaX 15929 Butte SI f 107 fast 95 119 31 D B61and i O Blossom NHaven FitzaefalO 15770 Butte 5 f 107 fast S5 116 U D Bolarid 4 Pay Streak OrBlossom HObnoB 15371 Butte 51 f l07fast 5 5EXECUTOR I1 1 Boland C Pay Streak Mlmorioso NHavcri EXECUTOR b e 4 41973S By Fatherless Network W H Tulley 1973S Juarez 1139 fast 3 31SC99 13 1 R Hoffman I ChfUtophlnv He Injury 1SC99 Juarez 1 1S l54fast 4 35 1 R Hoffman ii Beulah S Hash Bu I9G29 Juarez 7S l30slop 6 98 G Gi9625 4s Bu4s 3 = P Louder f Christophine OrIIngbes Maznik i9625 Juarez 1 l4Gmud 5 111 3 35 3J J Metcalf i Durin Hermudian Bonanza 19399 Juarez 7S l24fast S 103 1 11 II1 J Metcalf 1 Kootenay Pan Xareta Hash 19336 Juarez 1 138 fast 2 10S 1 1 T Rice 7 Florin Mild Sill Mex Mexo 19323 Juarez 7S l25fast 32 103 7 o 2 P Louder 7 Bonanza Bcnndian AlWormwd 19491 Juarez 1 l37fast 5 100 4 1 35 G Bezansn U Hash Transact Col Marchmont 19458 Juarez 1 l41 good 15 107 5 G5J 4T G Bezansn 7 PZareta KMinasttT UMmont 19424 Juarez 1 138 last 1 90 3 14 I4 G Bezansn 4 Be Nannie MeDee Claribel 19412 Juarez 7S 125 fast 3 S3 2 2 = 1 21 P Louder 7 Othello Hdmaster GMarmont I93S2 Juarez 1 138 fast 8 103 10 9 = 9 A Mott 11 ColMarchmoiit Hash Brooktield 1937 Juarez 34 lIlfast 4 90 5 5 33 P Louder 5 King Worth Othello Blarney 192C6 Juarez 1 l3Sifast 5 S3 5 I1 li I Louder G Transact Christophine Hingling 19113 Juarez 34 l13godd 40 10S 4 41 6U II Stearns i K AVorth Furlong AlWmwood 1S377 Pimlico 1 142 fast 20 108 7 74 6J J Callahanll Ambrose Armament CHIT Field 18228 Laurel 1116146 fast 3110 1 4 1 S4 24 D Steward 4 Thoniliill Cliff Field Fascinating FascinatingBy TORY MAID ch f 3 100 By Yankee Lady Bedford S M Henderson rjiol Juarez 7a l23fast 32 w 1 l t 25 it Hoffman Hussell Lukemae M Fielder 11721 Juarez 3 f l05fast 65 108 I1 lu T Hice 7 Mex Inez Casaba 19CSS Juarez 34 l14Vfcfast 5 90 1 2 = 5 25 T Henry Kootenay Littlo Will Blarncv 19364 Juarez 55 f lllhvy 4 108 1 42 42 T Rice i Maznik Lnkemae Hex Beach 19400 Juarez 34 lllT fast 3 112 2 2 t 35 j Kederis 4 Mox Lukemae Katharine G 19319 Juarez 51 f l00fast 3 105 2 1 15 J Kederis 0 Type Lukemae Katharine G 19284 Juarez 34 lllfast S 104 5 75 7 i W V Tlor 8 Channelise Pay Streak Osaple 19118 Juarez 5S l00good 21 107 2 5s 25 R Small 7 CarOnne Gertrude MFielde 19003 Juarez 55 f 107 fast 12 103 4 T 3s J Collins 7 Tokay Miss Fielder Dismiss 18333 Latonla 34 inS fast 265 10S 4 6 = 6 1 R Goose 14 Cardigan Dortch Hesign 18160 Latonia 1 l40fast 1720 106 7 2h 4 i F Murphy 11 Leo Hay McAdoo Sandstone 18146 Latonia 34 l13fast 3 104 3 21 25 F Murphy AuntJosie Connnensia Type 18100 Latonia 51 f l07fast 32 108 1 3i 33 F Murphy S Miss Fielder Sunset Pan Maid 1S02S Churchl 51 f lOShvy 8710 100 3 4s 4tuJE Pool 0 LitString Nobleman BBrothei 17909 Church 1 34 l14 good 34 104 4 GZ 53 B Ott 14 Gold Girl Bs Brother BillyIot 17S33 Churchl 55 f l07mud 121 1Q81 3 4l BillyIot4l 44J R Goose 0 Pit Jr Hank ODay BookerBill BookerBillBy TYPE b c 3 92 By Singleton Typical F D Weir 19744 jua Juarez 7S I26y5fast 2 j f S3 i1 1 Metcalf JO CnrOrinc 11 Davids VirgField 19333 Jua Juarez G f l03fast 105 2 3 4 = J McCabe 7 Yallaha Sinai Langhorne 19195 Jua Juarez 55 f 106 fast 4 10S 7 G3 43J J McCabe S Sinai Mazuik Marie OBrien 19371 Jua Juarez 05 f lOGfast S5 10S 1 41 02 AV AV TIor Sinli iCummings KatharineG 19319 Jua Juarez 55 f l05 4fast 3 108 6 3 = 2 = 1 T Rice i ToryMaid Lukemae Kath G 19251 Jua Juarez 5J f l064ifast 21 107 5 53 IS J McCabe y Laughorne C Onne Kalhne G 191 19145 4S Jua Juarez 05 f 106 fast S 106 9 41 4 J McCabe 0 Yallaha Lnkemae I Cummlngs 19061 Jua 34 l13fast 95 108 7 25 21 J McCabe 7 Planetary Sinai Bogy Johnson 19013 Jua 5 f l07fast 10 107 1 4 453 J McCabe S Lukemae Inez Carrie Orme 18922 Jua 55 f 103 fast 3 109 3 3J Orme3J 44 J McCabe G Stolen Ante Category Obplus 1SG6G Jua 51 f 106 fast 15 108 1 15J 2J 21 J McCabe G Vallalia Carrie Orme BiMy Joe 1SK29 Jua 5J f 10ffast 30 WS 5 51 461 J McCabe S Inez Carrie Orme R Brothel BrothelBy COLONEL MARCHMONT b g 7 By Marchmont II Nina F J W Fuller 19731 Juarez 7S litifast 2 115 3 2 5i 5 J Metcalf 0 OorHusscll Tory Maid Lukemae 1S19I Juarez 1 l37fast 21 113 1 9 7 4t R Small Hash Transact Executor 19382 Juarez 1 138 fast 65 111 1 7 77S 25 1 W W Tlorll Hash Brookiield Mud Sill 1S31P Juarez 7S l24Jfast 21 110 2 5 2J 2 R Small C Tower M Fielder Lackrose 1916V Juarez 34 l10fast 6 110 2 27S 5 4 JR Small 5 Kl Palomar King Worth Inez 19045 Juarez 7S 126 fast 45 114 2 4 ii ij n Small 4 Al Wormwood Be Paw 1S991 Juarez 34 ll4fast 21 108 3 37S G PawG 33J R Small Florence Hoberts Othello Be 18949 Juarez 7S 127 fast 0 109 5 4 44 4 = 1 R Small r Fathom Chnrmse BofBMawr 1S2C6 Latonia 1 l3Sfast 121 111 5 G a10 GS W Andress i BofHHMawr Chrisine Lther 18101 Latonia 34 112 fast 27 108 5 7 7iH Small 10 Lit Father FPark Morristown 17C07 Douglas Im70y l4J 4fast 245 109 I3 Il W Andress M Ann K Morrtetown Raveua 17338 Douglas Ini70y l43ifast 137 109J 54 SJW Andress n Grosvenor Pco Heruiis Old Ben 14436 AVdblne 34 113 fast G9 110 11 11 Il iT Collins 11 Cabaret Marjorie A PauZarctn I35S6 Juarez 1 139 fast 75 113 1 6 C W W Tlor G BofBMawr Truly Cousin Puw 13466 Juarez 1 138 fast 3 113 6 67S Ink in v W Tlor 0 7 Heardon New Haven Cantern 1X170 Juarez 7S 126 fast 95 108 3 21 11 W OBrien 5 Royal Dollv Truly Pay Sfrpnk 13309 Juarez 1 l3S fast 3J 110 1 4s 2i C Gross G BofBMawr Cantem JReardon