Juarez Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-03-31


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JUAREZ FORM CHART JUAREZ MEX TUESDAY MARCH 30 1915 One hundred and eleventh day Jockey Club Juarez AViii tr Meeting of 123 days S books on Weather clear liiB starts at 230 p ni Chic I QO I 1 FIRST RACK 34 Mile 121 G 1OS 0 115 Purse 2 X 3yearolds nnd up JL tlO JL J ward Selling Not value to winner 150 second 35 tliird 15 lidex Horses AWtPPStVi i i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 10805 FRED T wu 3 103 11 5 1s in 1 = 1 I1 R Shilling C r Sargent 10 10 10 4 2 2Ji Ji 772 AUSTRI wn 4 103 1 3 2 = 2X 2s1 2l E Hayes B AV Dorman 10 10 10 4 1 1735 QUICK TRIP wn 9 113 3 11 = C 4 3 AV Ornies AV H Bradford 4 C 15 2 1 11591 EVRAN ws 11 115 10 S sl 35 31 4 = 1 G MolesthP Maguire S 10 10 4 2 19761 SMUGGLER w 3 104 94 41 4s G3 5i D Stirling A Aoiland 04 2 1 19755 FLOSSIE wn 3 100 610 7l 61 6T W F Stevens J F Ferguson 06521 19783 I5UXXY w 3 100 S 6 Sk 9 = 7s 73 A Mott I F Jeanette 21 4 4 u 10 19415 C J HARATEY ws S 115 12 1 65 8 = 1 l l Sl R Feeney M T Piper 20 20 20 8 4 10779 EMELDA w 3 100 4 9 11 10 Si 9ll G AV CarllAV H Dupee 3 3 2i 1 Aa 19805 HIMYAR LASS 3 96 512 12 11 11 101 J Mulhare I Striker 20 20 20 S 4 19772 GLEAM ODAAVX w 4 112 1 2 5h 7i 10 113 T Murphy J Durkec la 20 20 S 4 19540 PROSPOS GIRL w 3 100 2 7 10 12 12 12 13 Marco J L Beckham 15 20 20 S 4 4Time fastWinner Time 23V 48l5 114 Track fast Winner ShieldsAVent Ch g by Atkins Chickadee trained by M Shields AVent to post at 2211 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv Jig FRED T rushed into a quick lead and soiling the pace to the end won easing up ACSTRI raced in nearest pursuit and made a game finish QUICK TRIP closed a big gap into a close up and gaining tnlrd iVRAX raced forwardly throughout SMUGGLER ran a fairly good race FLOSSIE finished well Pl XXY ran oorly and so did EMELDA The winner was entered for 200 no bid1 bid1Scratched Scratched 19007 Hannis 110 110Overweights Overweights Fred T 1 nmind Himyar Lass 1 Smuggler 4 OQT 4 SECOND HACK 34 Mile 129 i 100 115 Purse 200 3yearolds and up JL 7O JL J ward Selling Xet value to winner 150 second 35 third 15 lidex Horses AWtPPSt 4 V Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H u i s 10773 COXCHA w 3 104 95 li 1i 1i 1 = 1 D Stirling Lytle Henry 6 C G 2 1 i833 WAP w 10 110 2 S 10 9 61 21 AV Brazel L Stone G G 2 1 50 GALAR wii 4 112 3 4 32 2 21 Z R Carter P Sheridan 3 3 3 1 12 1210755FORT 10755FORT JOHXSOX wn 10 110 1 7 GJ 61 42 4 = H Clark A E Morgan S S S 3 So 10433 MERRY TWINKLEw 3 102 4 3 71 aj 3t a G AV CarllH T Batchler 10 10 10 4 2 I07X3CLOUD CHIEF vu G 110 5 2 1 3 u 71 cj A Green T Hatfield 33521 10773 AVOCADO wu 3 101 S 4 4l 51 7 = 1 AV Ormes J P Keezek 3 3 1 12 12107G1 107G1 MISS TEMPO WSB 4 110 G 9 S S S 8 J Murphy J X Mounce 10 10 10 4 2 10521 YPRESS w 3 100 10 10 9 10 10 9J A Mott C AV Clark 15 15 12 G 3 10740 MAXDADERO ws G llf 7 1 sib 7 t 9 10 J Howard L E Bird G G G 2 1 1Time Time 234J 48 i 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner HenryWent Cli f by Albuln Miss Freda trained by C Henry Went to post at 300 At iM st 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily seccxnd and third driving CONCHA sprinted to the front quickly and won all the way never fully extended WAP began slowly but found an opening on the lower turn and coming fast next to the rail outgauied GALAK in the last strides for second place GALAIt raced prominently all the way and Unified gamely hut tirUig FORT JOHNSON mad up ground and finished well MEURY TWINKLE tired after closing i gap CLOUD CHIEF and AVOCADO ran well for a half mile and quit The winner was entered for 200 no bid bidScratched Scratched 11ISOG George Oxnard 118 10701 Kathleen S 113 113Overweights Overweights Concha 4 nounds Avocado 4 T f Q 1 THIRD RACE 78 Mile 13412 123 = 5 110 Purse 200 4ycarolds and up JL J O JL O ward Selling Net value to winner 150 second 35 third 15 Index Horses AAVtPPStA Vs i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 19782 PANHACHAPI 4 10S 9 4 3 I1 I5 I4 1 G AV CarllR Holcomb 4 4 4 5 5o o 4u 19737 NO QUARTER w 11 ia 5 10 10 10 9 4 2n A Mott L Abel S S 8 3 S5 19743 HIGH STREET w9 107 2 l G4 Gt 41 3 = J S3 A Green T Hatlield I G 6 3 Sa 710 71019GD8 19GD8 ROOSTER wi 5 105 S 2 3J 2h 2 43 K Carter AV C Clancy 3 3 3 G5 35 3519792MISS 19792MISS EDITH w 5 IIS 4 7 71 S1 Si fi = l 5J E Hayes AVhite AViison 10 10 10 4 2 219722D 19722D MONTGOMERYwsr S 100 1 11 11 11 11 f GJ R Shilling F F Borland S S S3 S3 19793 LADY MINT wsu li 10 U 1 9 9 7t Gi 7J R Feeney M M Pirker 15 15 15 G 3 19782 HLACKSHEEP 10 10S 10 3 S3 C 6l SJ S4 1 Howard I N Womach G 6 C 2 1 119757KEAUMONT 19757KEAUMONT WR 100 C 5 1 2ai h 7 = 9 J Mulhare McColmBhrst 10 10 10 4 2 219782CALIK 19782CALIK JACK WSR 4 100 7 fi 5i 4l 3 10 10i AV Brazel J E Dwyer C fi C 2 1 19773 GOLF BALL w 11 103 S 2 43 7J 10 11 11 AV Ormes J X Mounce 10 10 10 4 2 2Time Time 23 i 47 ItlSVs 127 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner Ch f bv Abe Frank Panquita trained by I F Jeanette JeanetteWwit Wwit to post at 324 At ost li minutes Start good and slow AVon ridden out second and tliird driving PANHACHAPI sprinted right out to the front and making the pace fast opened quite a gap but ws tiring fast at the end NO QUARTER closed a great gap in the last quarter and finishing fast next to the rail was overhauling the winner HIGH STREET nn well and made a fast fin hh ROOSTER raced well up to the homestretch but tired in the final drive MISS EDITH finished fast and so did DAVE MONTGOMERY ISEAUMONT showed speed hut quit The winner was entered for S200 no bid bidOverweights Overweights lliirh Street 2 pounds Klacksheep U Lady Mint 3 1O Q 1 i FOURTH RACE 78 Mile J3411 123 ii 110 Purse 300 3ycarolds and up if O 1 tt ward Handicap Net value to winner 225 second 50 third 525 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 19751 COL MARCHMONT w 7 110 2 5 5 f 5 4 = 12 A Mott J W Fuller 3331 out out197743KOOTENAY 197743KOOTENAY w 7 112 1 4 3 = A 2 23 li 2J H CavanhF T Shorten 2J 25 2 710out 19774 = SENECA WSB S 105 3 3 1 l = i 13 2 3 ° t G MolesthTigueCunham 3331 out 19751 = TORY MAID w 3 100 4 1 2 3s 31 3 4 = J G AV CarlIS M Henderson S5 2 2 710out 710out19744TYPE 19744TYPE WB 3 92 2 4 4s 4ni 3 3 B Marco F D AVeir 4441 out outTinio Tinio 23 46Vs 111 1241J Track fast fastAVinner AVinner CampbellWent 15 y bv Marchmont II Nina F trained by G AV Campbell Went to post at 353 At post 1 minute Start gocd and fast AVon driving second and third the same COLOXEL MARCHMONT was far hack in the early running but began to move up on the turn for Itiinu and answering his riders urging resolutely won drawing clear KOOTENAY raced SENECA into defeat but tired a trifle right at the eiid SENECA set a great pace to the stretch and held on gamely in the final tiringScratched drive TORY MAID ran a good race and finished close up TYPE finished resolutely but tiring Scratched 1973S Executor 112 19815 1 if O 1 fJ m Selling Xet value to winner 150 second 533 tliird 10 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U V Si Str Fin Jockeys Owners H 197583R A JOXKS ws IOS 7 4 I3 Il 1 = 1 I3 J Howard B A Jones J a 1 1J 1J19784MARIK 19784MARIK OBIUEX ws 107 C 3 22 23 2J 2 AV Ornies B D Freeman 4 3 5 SC 43 19752 LAXGI1ORXK w 110 21 41 4 31 3 G MolesthS M Henderson 21 21 21 1 12 1219623MABKL 19623MABKL DULWKBER 107 4 2 65 64 64 43 11 Feeney Umensr Scott 15 15 15 6 3 19740 = JOSKFIXA KARATE 103 3 3 51 03 5t A Mott JFHSNewman 3 t 21 1 12 1219744CARIUi 19744CARIUi ORMK ws 103 36 3J 3 4 6 G AV CarIlD J OConnell 333112 19630 MOSCOWA w i 103 17 7 7 7 7 J Morys Cloher Keene 30 SO 30 12 6 6Time Time 23yit 47 3 101 107 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Blues Xelia Knight trained by B A Tones TonesAVent AVent to post at 418 At post t minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing B A JOXKS cut across from the outside to the inside right after the start and gained an advantage that was hard to overcome winning off by himself JIARIE OBRIKX quickly raced into closest pursuit and outstayed LAXGHORXE for second place in a game finish LAXGHORNE came through the home ¬ stretch with a rush MABEL DULWEBKR finished fast JOSEFIXA ZARATE ran poorly CARRIE I RME showed speed but tired The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidOverweights Overweights B A Jones 1 pound Q I J SIXTH RACE 78 Mile 13412 123 5 11 M Purse 200 4yearolds and up Tf O I O ward Selling Xet value to winner 150 second 33 third 15 Index Horses AWtPPStU Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S 1971G LOXE STAR wsli 6 103 3 1 4J 4 4nt 2 I3 G MoIesthA Efitabrook Efitabrook19742SHAR 75 S5 S 5 3j 13 132J 19742SHAR KXIGHT wn 3 109 1 4 S S 1 41 2n J Murphy M C Keefe El 2J Zfi 25 6 b5 3 35 13 10705 CAXAPA 3 J Bobbins A E Patterson 6 S S 2 1 19777 SBXTA DAXA w5 88 4 G 5l 5s 52 52 4 AAr Brazel Buchanan Bros 4 4 4 C5 710 107G5 HARDY w G 106 2 S GJ 6 = J 6i R Feeney ScttoAVickham 3 G G 2 1 1o 107433BOB LYXCH wsn S ICO G 2 2 = i 23 lt 1 6nU O Gentry J Randolph o 20 20 s 4 10777FLYIXG w S 100 7 3 1 7 t 8 S 71 T Dealy S H Berg 30 30 30 12 C C10795s 10795s MARS AXD w 7 103 S 5 lt 1 23 6J S A Mott J H Adams 5 S S 3 S5 S5Time Time 23 46 112 126 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner CooperAVent Ch g by Sam Phillips De Bonne Grace trained by 7 M Cooper AVent to post at 448 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing LONE STAR was saved lo e up behind tle loaders to the last eighth then drew away at the pad dcek gate and won easing tip SHARPER KNIGHT was shut off in the stretch when ho tried to get through and finished with a rush into a game second CANAPA laced forwardly all the way and finished gamely SENO1MTA DANA and HARDY finished fast and close np BOB LYNCH tired after racing into tlc lead in the stretch MARSAND set the early pace to the last turn and quit The winner was entered for 20 no hid hidScratched Scratched 1975S La Cazadora 102 107UO Lady Young 107 19182 Prince Conrad 103 103Overweights Overweights Sharper Knight 4 pounds Hardy 1 19817 SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 13724 130 3 102 Purse 200 3yearolds and up ¬ ward Selliui Net value to winner 150 second 33 third 15 s S 105 3 8 9 SJ 3 2 R Carter H Foss 19749MARY EMILY w i 104 5 5 1 1 l = i 1 2 = AV Ormes J Pelter 2J 21 2 1 12 1219777SS1NGLETOE 19777SS1NGLETOE ws 3 90 11 2 2h 3h 4s 3s 3l AV Braael A A Gregg 6 G 6 2 1 19793 ANNA REED wr 5 103 8 1 GJ Cut 2 44 4 G W CarllK Spence 2J 21 2J 1 12 19777 THOMAS HARE s 4 102 7 11 11 11 Sh 51 3J J Mulhare I Striker 10 10 10 4 2 19600 MELTS w 7 103 4 W 10 10 9 7i G G MoIesthAV A McKinney 10 10 10 4 2 10739 SWEDE SAM WB 10 103 C G 31 G1 fii 6J 7t A Mott Mrs H Armstrongl5 15 15 5 3 19722 OTIIO wn 9 IOC 9 3 72 72 h 10 S i R Feeney C Timberiake 15 15 15 G 3 19793 KREEZEK WP 3 SS 1 9 r Si 11 11 9h O Gentry J D English 20 20 10 S 4 19777 THE CINDER wit 5 110 2 7 SI 9 10 9 10 = 1 Murphy J Lowe S S 8 3 S5 19753 MARIE COGHILL w C 104 10 4 4 4J 5 S1 D Stirling F AAallhauser 20 20 20 S 4 Time 24 47 113 139 Track fast fastAVinner AVinner B g bv Canopus Trim trained by J W Murphy AVent to post at 517 At pest 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the sninc CANTEM began slowly but raced into contention on the baekstreteh and being saved to the home ¬ stretch finished fast and won drawing clear MARY EMILY set a good pac to the last sixteenth and tired ill the filial drive SIXOLETOE raced in close attendance throughout and made a game finish ANNA REED iuit after being well up in the early racing THOMAS HARE and MELTS closed big gaps In the lit half The winner was entered ffcr 200 no bid bidScratched Scratched 1978 Falcada 105 19793 Stolen Ante SS SSOverweights Overweights Marv Emily 1 jyonnd Otilo 1 Breezer 3 Marie Coghill 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915033101/drf1915033101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1915033101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800