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SECOND R CE 5 12 Furlongs 3ycarolds Selling 17000 107 J B HARRELL ch g 3 104 By Bonnie Joe Lady Lee R E Watkins 19967 Bowie G f loSfast 3 3 2 A P Louder 0 JoeKniglit ElMabdi PGannon 19162 NOrl1 ns SA f 107 fast 32 101 3 3ISI29 1 15 J Smyth 11 Sureget Arcene Serenata ISI29 NOrlns 5A f lOSmud 4 102 3 5 G W Lilley G BandMortar Mlicka AKrutei 18911 NOrlns 51 f l07fast 710 101 3 31S793 25 3 = 1 J Smyth 9 Anavri Barette Nimbus 1S793 Char en 5J f 109 slop C 100 5 5 5t2JF Hopkins 5 Simeeler Kncore Yorkville 18720 Char en 5 f 110 slow 1 106 3 31SGS3 ji 2h W Hinphy S Pennyrock Carlone Fair Helen 1SGS3 Char en 5S l01fast 75 115 4 21 2l S Davis Pierrot MrsCmpbell Estimable 18619 Char en 5 f l07fast 910 101 2 H 21 E Pool T A N Akin Valas Pierrot 18594 Char en 51 f l07fast 2 102 1 11S54G 1 1 = E Pool 7 Reflection Encore A N Aikin 1S54G Char en SS 102 fast 31 101 J 1 1CELEBRITY 1 I5 E Pool 12 IteUectn MrsCmpbell Bamboo BambooBy CELEBRITY b f 3 107 107Ii955 By Celt Sister Anna W Carr Ii955 Bowie 34 116 fast lo 98 3 43 W Lilley 8 Toddling Kayderoseros Castara 19323 NOr ns 34 l13V fast 30 103 H lll lliVW McKziel2 Nobleman F Helen Blackthorn 19221 NOr ns 1 l40fast C 105 1 C G1S1E Ambrose S LadySpirituelle FHom IlKiug 19141 NOr ns 34 l13fast G 107 5 3i 3 = E Ambrose 10 Estimable M Fannie Cot Tot 19127 NOr ns Im20y l44slow 6 9S 2 3i C11 J Smyth 11 J Louise Mallard LSpirituelle 18931 NOr ns Im20y 144 mud S 86 5 51SS7S G2 C R Urquhrt S J Deibold Hof Savoy Orpertb 1SS7S NOr NOrlns ns 1 145 mud S 96 5 o 25 1 W Lilley 7 GoldcrestGirl Mallard P Piper 18338 Pimlico 5J f 108 fast 13 10S 12 121KCS G1 712 A Schugrl2 Mamie K Boxer Fair Helen 1KCS Pimlico 5i f l07fast 130 115 3 31S299 510 510 Schugr Between Us He Will Amans 1S299 Pimlico 5i f 1OS fast fid 107 S S1S142 9l 925A Schugrll Stalwart Helen Eagle Gaelic 1S142 Laurel 34 114 fast 101 102 4 31 33 A Schugr 9 Mallard Meclicka Surgeon Surgeonlll 17971 Laurel 5J f 1OS fast 17 95 13 13SUNNO lll 11 P Louder 14 Eagle Lvdia A Ella Jennings JenningsBy SUNNO b f 3 102 By Solitaire II Alma Dale H J Morris 19401 NOrlns 34 l13goocl o 9 3 2 = 2b W Lilley 11 Serenata Joe D MBarnHarbor 19330 NOrlns 34 l12fast 10 I9 9 9 W Lilley 10 Coy Birka ISertodano 19218 NOrlns C f l07fast 4 109 1 S 8iA Nicklaus 8 A Kruter Meelicka M Fannie 1901 NOrlns 51 f l07good SI 97 5 51S9S2 1 1 W Lilley S Iteqniram Jezail Prospero Son 1S9S2 NOrlns 55 f 106 last 2 104 2 41 5U A Nicklaus 9 Estimable Fly Home Phil T 18710 Charlen 5i f 110 hvy 4 112 3 gnu 2s A NicklauslO Kopje GoldcrestGirl EasterBoy 18494 IIdeGce 55 f lOSfast 135 107 3 3IS 22 74 J McCaheyl4 Valas Surgeon Encore Encore3i IS 148 IIdeGce 58 l02 ffast S 108 5 3i 2 J McCaheyll Meelicka MrsCpell JBIIarll 17809 Bowie 5J f 108 fast 1 108 2 2LADY 1J 23 M Nathan 8 Isebgabiuble OsMaid JMariow JMariowBy LADY SPIRITUELLE br f 3 102 10219i71 By Ildrim Servila S Louis 19i71 Bowie lmlOyl4Gfast 2 Uf 4 3i 551 P Louder 1 Ietelns Col Cook Peacock 19914 Bowie 5 f l105sood 10 ICO S S1910G 51 2U P Louder 10 Videt Page White Thrill ThrillG 1910G NOrlns 1 11G l47good 15 9T 1 119nr G 59J R Urquhrt S Stick Pill Reno Mary Ann K 19nr NOrlns 1 l40fast Li 100 1 4 = 44j J McTagrt 9 StickPin Mallard Jessie Louise 19221 NOrlns 1 l40fast 7 99 3 3191ffi 1 = I1 J McTagrt S Fly Home Uiver King Joe I 191ffi NOrleans 1 Ii0iffnst 5 10S 2 5nu 5ju Goose 7 Flyllome Blackthorn Nobleman 19127 NOrlns Iin2fly l41fcslow 10 90 3 2 3J R Urquhrtll Jes Louise Mallard M Ann K 1WGS NOrlns 34 114 fast C 105 2 32 C i E Pool 0 F Helen MMontgomy FHome 1S993 NOrlns 51 f lOG fast 3 95J 4 I2 1 W Lilley 10 Tiara Juaquin Yemasscc YemassccBy MEELICKA ch f 3 105 By Meelick Glassweed W P Fine 19907 Bowie f 1 08fast 2 25J 23 1001 7 52 S33 E Haynes 9 JoeKnigbt ElMahdi PGannon 19941 Bowie 5J llfi fast i ir1 15 103 4 2 GUJ E Haynes 8 StLazorian FHclen Ponrocls liS35 Bowie r1 f lOSfast 8 107 5 ii1 o B Haynes Ida Claire Videt Linda Payne 193C3 NOrlns 34 l13fast 7 99 3 5nt s3 J Smyth 12 Oakland Sir Dyke Altamaha 13323 NOrlns 115 108 S 5 5 J J Smyth 12 Nobleman F Helen Blackthorn JW1I3 NOrlns 51 f lHjfast 8 iZJS1 J Smyth 9 Gabrio New Haven Salon 19218 NOrlns 5J f l07sfast 4 109 4 21 2f J Smyth S AKruter M Fannie HapsbglL 19195 NOrlns 3 4 l17livy S 89 3 75 77J J Smyth 11 StickPin BlueJay TNigbtmare 1902 NOrlns R f lOSVfcgood 2 97 2 21S9S3 li I2 J Smyth S Tlser Bethel Priwer JesLouise 1S9S3 NOrlns 55 f l07V fast 4J 108 2 21S929 2S 23 J Smyth MMontgomery BJoe MFannis 1S929 NOrlns 55 f lOS7smud 12 104 1 23 25 J Smyth G BandMortar AKruter BWing NORUS h c 3 107 107JWtM By Dr Leggo The Peeress J C Milam Milam2s JWtM Bowie 1 l43fast 7 97 4 2s 2 A Collins 8 Tamerlane Primary L Butterfly 19928 Bowie C f l22fast 18 105 5 32 31 W Lilley 7 Pied Piper Chaser J Hanover 18092 laurel 5i f l07fast fid 111J11 10 9 T Davis 15 Dervish Carlnne Leonnine 17989 Laurel 55 f l07fast fid 112 9 5 510 H Wolfe 13 Tudor King KeyMar UneleBryn 17880 Bowie 5i f 1ftSfefast r 112 4 3 G II Troxler 10 Harlequin Ladv Bryn Cnrlonc 17775 Bowie 51 f l09fast 15 112 5 517G5S 3 l 32i V Uhtmirell BetweenUs Isbgabibblo LBryn 17G5S Bowie 5i f lOSfast S 110 9 85 812JE Ambrose 9 Alston Iscbsabibble Emelda 17531 HdeGce 58 l01ffast 7 107 4 31 3 J McTagrt 9 Protector KeyMar MissFrance 1747 IIdeGce 5S l01fast 12 107 9 9TIIRILL 1 52 M Buxton 10 Siinno Protoctor Babe BabeBy TIIRILL ch f 3 105 1051WI14 By McGee Royal Tina J M Black 1WI14 Bowii TJ f llfgood 7 10S 2 2ISrlO 1U 431 T McTagMO Videt LSpirituelle PagcWbite ISrlO HdcGce 55 f l07fast 40 100 4 41S1GG 3 S10 W Ilinphy 8 Egnionr Sunset Capt Parr 1S1GG HdcGce 31 l14fast 25 10911 109111SI47 S1 9 J Dreyer 12 Mamie K Mtelicka Pennyrock 1SI47 ILOcGcc 5 f 1 08good 8 10S 3 31Ji22 1 li F Keogh 15 Uiver King Volant Emelda 1Ji22 HcleGce 5J f 110 hvy 4 109 4 8 8 F Keogh O Hoscoe Goose Anxiety Deviltry 18105 HdeGce 5S 1 01ifast 12 108 4 4S353 42 3 F Keogh 15 Reflection Dinah Do Emolda S353 Pimlico r f 108 fast 25 107 3 31S307 G2 G5 M Nathan S Gloaming Eagle Sarsenet SarsenetI 1S307 Pimlico 51 f lOSfast 23 110 1 I 2t M Nathan 11 Herbert Temple Kazan Vifir 17 37 HileGce 58 lfllslow 150 107 fi G5 79 M Nathan 7 Coquette B Flower Watertown 1739 HdcGce 5S l01fast 30 10S 10 10142SC II1 Ss II Burns 14 Disillusion Cant Parr Voluspa 142SC Pimlico 41 f 5rfast 325 110 4 4H1S7 33 E Taplin 10 Garbage Disillusion Kopje Kopje2J H1S7 Pimlico 4 f Cu4ifast 29 lit 5 5NELLIE 2J 2i C Jackson 7 Hecuan Stalwart Helen Dixie NELLIE C ch f 3 105 By Peep oDay Hattie Walker H Rufficr Itnl4 Howie 1 110KOO1 23 3 31CI2 4 y3ij J MeTagtlO Videt LSpirituello PageWhito 1CI2 NOrlns f1 f lllV hvy S 101 S S1SSM 7l 7UJW Lilley 9 BBTuckcr JelTerson Kewnlc 1SSM NOrlns CJ f l07good 15 104 S SI8S24 7J 7 J C VanDunl2 TBetbel Llieach MMontgry I8S24 NOrlns 34 l13fast 10 108 3 37S39 7 7 C VanDun S Kneelot Mallard Too D 7S39 TSowIe SJ f l09 fast 20 112 5 41 32 II Watts 7 Encore Ilafiz Almee Leslie 7734 Bowie fi f l Sfast 23 105 7 77oG3 HnV 4j jj Ambrose 9 Carrie Orme Snnno IIarciiiln 7oG3 Bowie 51 f 1OS fast TO 103 3 4nk 3lftJE Ambrose 7 Encore Mamlo 1C Palermo Palermofi2 7443 WObire fS l01KOod fhl 117 7 fi2 4J E Ambroscll COnne LCapricions BBrotbcr 7327 Wdbine 34 l14ffast 19 105 S S72GS 73 S11 Campbell S SofLove Don Cortex Commensla 72GS Unfferin fii f l2J rast 85 112 7 45 3 i II Watts S D Moran PrinyDiep Eiderdown 703 DnlTerlti Al 58 l02fast 4 114 S S1C71C PullcduiiJ Hovvd 8 BWing LCpriiious LoniseMny 1C71C HIHcrest AbaS l01tfast 2J 113 5 21 1J M Griner 8 BlueWinj SandGarter DMorab LOIS V ch f 3 102 By Reformation i Motto J J Timmcrman 18471 IIdeGce 5 f 108 fast 20 109 12 11 = 12F Keogh 12 Volant Shrewsbury Estimable 1S332 Latoula 5 f lOS Sfast fid HO 7 7i 13 1311 W Obert it GiltEdgc AVWitih GertrudelJ 1S075 Latonia i f 108 fast fid 110 3 3l ii1 4 i W Obert ObertII 2 MissFannie WWiUh FCrocket 179 Church I l f lOSniud fid 100 9 II 10 I Smyth SmythIII IS Martha Lee Amazon Sunset 11JOS9 Saratoga 1 f l07vifast 20 101 9 9J III 12iB Marco 12 It First CliniitiMisc Corsican 16327 Saratoga J f 108 fast 20 101 7 75J U1 713 It Mat co 7 Fenrock BandMortar Canteuse 1GOG3 Saratoga 5J f lOGtfast 30 94 9 G1 S = 5H Marco 10 Luxury Fairllelcii BandMortar 15983 Saratoga 55 f l06fast 30 94 13 135J 13 13 B Marco i Dismiss M Montgomery Outlook 15S92 Empire 5J f 100 mud 20 102 5 3 5 J J McCabe 5 MMontgeryv Dist Shore Dixie 15761 Empire 58 l00fast 30 107 5 8 G = B Marco 7 Pierrot Mamie K Runes 153G6 Aqueduct 58 l00fast 7 95 4 410 4 B Marco 5 Al Reeves Frill Chauteusc MARGARET G ch f 3 By Stalwart Christmas C A Matlock Matlock9J 19915 15owle 34 l15good 40 9J 912JP Louder 10 Star Gilt Brandywliip UnMnn 17734 Hillcrest Ab3S l00tast 7 711iL Meripole 7 lilne Wins Mona G LouiseM 17312 Dufferin AU3S 102 fast 10 ell W Hcrdge 8 L Capricious B Wing ColF J J5Z 17240 Dufferin Ab5S l02fast 5Z 45 A Walsh 8 Santa Maria Col Fred Lou MI 17136 Dufferin Ab58 01 fast C C1703G 4l 5 D McCthy S Uteliis Blue Wing Ormead OrmeadG3 1703G Duflerin Ab58 l02fast 3 G3 G85 I McCthy S BWing LCpricious LoiiiseMay 16738 Hillcrest Ab3S 103 slop 2 62 7 D McCthy S IotiiscMay BlneWing DMoran DMoran1s 16563 Hillcrest Ab58 l03hvy 2 1s I4 D McCthy S BlueWing Louise May ColFred 16461 KingEd AbSS 59slow 3 31G410 6 9 5V Adams 10 Col Fred Kacy Daisy Stevens 1G410 KingEd 34 125 hvy 3 31G306 35 712 V Adams 8 Kacy Col Fred Louise May 1G306 KingEd 41 f 57 fast 4 1 12J V Adams C Col Fred Racy Daisy Stevens 16241 Dufferin AbuS l01fast 4 7 G13 V Adams 7 JiMoscs BlucWiug Demi Moran 16175 Dufferin AboS l02 fast 32 32ONAR u 5i J Howard 7 Blue Wing Ormead Electrician ElectricianBy ONAR b f 3 3199G3 By Solitaire II Bremerhafen E Utterback 199G3 Bowie 34 116 fast 20 72 S12 E Forehd 8 Toddling Kdcroscros Celebty 19836 Bowie 55 f 118 fast 5 2i 3 A Nicklaus S Pied Piper Italic Ingomar 18049 Laurel 55 f l09good 88 71 C5 A Scliugrl4 Fly Home Reflection Dr Cann 17809 Bowie 5 f 108 fast 12 51 5 H Hammer 8 IschgalnbM Sjmno OssanMaU 17597 Bowie 58 l01fast 95 25 23 V Uhtmire G Cardigan Elasticity St Heleno 17514 HdeGce 58 101 fast 35 45 59 J McTagrt 11 Tiara Babe ItiverKing 17390 HdeGce 5S 101 fast 13 131G3S9 35 441 M Buxton 10 Videt Emelda Voluspa 1G3S9 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 15 151650G Si 9 M Buxton 12 B First Clianteuse Corslcnn 1650G Saratoga 5 f 111 hvy 8 81G3G2 55 9225G Byrne 10 Change Peg Fidget 1G3G2 Saratoga 5J f 1OS good 20 3l 3 G Byrne 14 Busy Edith Planetary Inez InezBy SCHNAPPS b f 3 By Burgomaster Irish Reel Mrs T Francis 18236 Laurel 34 l13fast 4S mfi G G5J 10 9 A Schugr 10 Mcellcka Mamie K Fair Heen 17807 Laurel 5J f 108 fast 22 108 5 Gh GTJ J Butwell 9 Corsican Carlaverock Dr rmn 17689 Laurel 55 f l07fast fid 104 7 75S 71 85 J Collins i MMgomory Mallard TaveroH 17214 Dorval 5S l04fast 710 102 4 I1 J Callahan G Brookcress A Rose Habcrdash 16838 BlueBon 55 f l077ifast 20 108 R R7S S 7 25r Callahan S in Del J B Harrell Cardigan 16324 Windsor 7S 103 hvy S 105 G G5S G fi J Callahan S Gold Girl F Crocket A mm Ho a 1G649 Windsor 5S l00fast GO 96 S SJ S2 J Metcalf 10 Vogue Aunt Josie Katharine G GBv REBECCA MOSES ch f 3 Bv Mexican or Johnny Harris Rose Thorpe Mrs E MrsE Maloney MaloneyHJCUT 19941 Bowie 34 115 fast 30 111 HJCUT McTagt S SrLnzerian FHcIen IVnrock 19914 Bowie 5 f l10 good 30 112 7 S = i W WartonlO VIdot LSpirituelle PageWfiite 17645 Douglas 5 f 107 fast 17 108 S1 8 ° F Keogh 10 Amazon Ceo Hoescb Lh Strim 175CO Douglas 34 lifast 41 103 G1 5 J Maloney 12 Don Cortez One Stop Amizon 17450 Douglas 55 f l07goo l fid 107 2 55 t J Maloney 12 Martinns Type Talebearer IC753 Conght 34 llS = Mivy 30 109 55 7IS1J Maloney 8 KatharineC Sof Love D Cortez 16G53 Conght 55 f l08fast 100 107 41 3 3 J Maloney 9 Casaba Ziu Del Alston 16399 Windsor uj f l07Vfast 0 110 9 9 R Noauder 9 Aunt Josie KatliarineG ZlnDel 1G324 Windsor 58 103 hvy 13 7 = 7 = = D IIofTman 8 Cold Girl F Crocket Annaltoe 16241 Dufferin Ab5S lQlfast 1 112 1121G079 I3 I3 A Wnspen 7 BlWing DoniMoran I Stevens 1G079 Dufferin Ab5S 104 slow 32 115 23 li A Wrispen 8 Blue Wins Lit Pete DoniMoran DoniMoranBy EARLY RISER b s 3 104 By Peep oDay Sweet Marjorie Palace Stable 19929 Bowie f f 122 fast 12 105 1051SS5G 2i 4 5A Schufer S Cliff Haven Primary DTMaster 1SS5G Bowie 55 f 109 fast 6 109 109INGOMAR ai 51 A Schufer S Pied Piper Babe Onar OnarBy INGOMAR ch g 3 104 By Alvcscot Bonnie Kate J Bloomer 19929 Bowie fil fl22 fast 10 102 10219S5G S S 1H Bresch S Clirr Haven Primary I Mastor 19S5G Bowie 55 f 109 fast 8 109 109REGULAR 43 4 = J J Metcalf S Pied Piper Babe Onar Ulster UlsterBy REGULAR br f 3 102 102First By Bryn Mawr Consistent Mrs E W Walden First start