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LEXINGTONIANS GOING TO THE DERBY Lexington Ky May 7 A large crowd of rac ng devotees will go from Lexington and other points in the blue grass regioi to Louisville to ¬ morrow to witness the running of the Kentucky Derby As u matter of sentiment many persons bore will back Leo Ray and Kmerson Cochran botli locally owned but there seems to be no very definite idea as to what horse may win the race Messrs H K Knapp F R Hitchcock John San ford Preston Burch Gifford A Cochran Phil Diwer Prire MeKinney E C Cowdln P A Claffc and other wellknown eastern turfmen left litre today for Louisville lames P Ross today sold Kilcren to P A lark and she will be shipped to New York to ¬ morrow to 1 P t to Meeplechasing MeeplechasingJohn John Sanford bought Pins and Needles from W f Scullv and will brood her to one of Ilio Hur rl rlnna nna stud stallions John E Madden has bought n yeirllnc brown filt by Marta Santa Divination from John I Carr Tun Browns MHNsa has a chestnut filly by MrUie and she will bo mated with Ivan the Ter ¬ rible