Third Race [3rd Douglas Park, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-02

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THIRD RACE 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling S01S 141 3 105 105FLYING FLYING FEET b g 7 112 By AVoolstborpe Winged Sandals W G Yanke 20608 Douglas 118153 good C5 106 1 1 1 1 2s 2 i AA J OHn C Gold Color Conlie F Goldy L0213 GoldyL0213 Churchill 1 1 16 147 last 1710 110 1 2 3 4 9 9SA AV J OBn l Old Hen Guide Post Hrickiev 18245 Lutonia 1 11G l4Gsfast SSlO 110 222 2 31 21 A Neylon 0 La Alo le Ask Ala llowdyllowdy 1S151 Latonia 1 1lC 146 fast 9320 107 1 G G C C5 Csi F Murphy Injury Venghee Hrooktitld 17909 Churchl 114208 mud 1320 105 111 1 I2 I2 F Aliirphy Alarshou AlaryAmiK Milton B 17S91 Churchl 1 IS l55 imud 2120 102 211 1 1s I5 F Aliirphy 8 Alarshon Alilton H Phil Mohr 17M9 Mohr17M9 Douglas 1 116 l4U4ifast 3110 104 222 4 4 4J F Aliirphy 10 Impression H Chance Hermuda 17455 Douglas 1 116 l4Cysfast 7120 107 1 3 3 5 5 5 J AlcCube La Mode Cstophine Impression MALLARD ch f 3 92 By Star Shoot Lizzie Dixon W R Mizell 20605 Douglas 1 116 147 good 51 181 332 1 1 22 K Alartin Cniaiinlta Lovehmd LJGrey 20M2 LJGrey20M2 Douglas 34 l144 mud 54 loo i 5 C 3 G J Alalur 7 Hobllensley DCannen HFditli 3431 Douglas 341l7hvy 29 103 G G G 2 2s AV MeehanIO Amazon Alledo Commanretta 20374 Churchill 34 l13sgood fld 100 9 10 10 10 118U Alaher 1 1 The Norman Izzelbey Hilly Joe 20061 Lexgtoa 34 115 slow GO i6 12 12 12 12 125 J Alaher 12 Hilly lo Droll Salon 193 NOrrns 1 141 fast 95 105 476 G s 4s AV Lilley 12 Flyllome AVCAVest PageAVhlte 192oG PageAVhlte192oG NOrlns 1 l40fast G 95 244 5 3 2it J Alaher t StickPin TLouise LSnirituelle 19250 NOrlns Im20y 146 hvy 95 97 4 3 4 G 6s 2 AV Lilley 8 Jacob Humi Joe D Rodondo GEORGE STOLL ch g 5 107 By Nasturtiu1S371 Nasturtium Lucy Locket F Gcring Jr 1S371 atonia 1 116 l4Cfast 51 107 S S 10 10 10 10 C AanC AanCISSlf AaiiDunlo Indolence Florin Robert Kay ISSlf pol1S2S6 atonia 1 116 116 fast 2i 102 233 2 Ink 2 h K pol i CnidiPost Ikdianza Louiselaul 1S2S6 atonia 1 116 116 fast 12 107 123 3 4 4i 3 31 C AanC AranDunl2 Sun Queen Ilermnda LColonist 18245 jitoilla 1 116 1 46fast 71 107 444 G 5 Gi AV AV Tlor 1 La Alode Flying Feet Ask Ala 18121 jatonia 1 18 l52fast 4110 107 422 2 li Il J Collln1WI43 Collln 10 AI Ann K JDockery PiiilAlohr 1WI43 itonia Ini70y I44good3110 99 6 4 4 3 2 24 2i F Alurp Aliirphy S Bonanza Fellowman Hig Dipper 17248 exgton 1 116 147 fast 12 109 S 6 3 1 Ink In E AIcKv AIcKweu 11 Rust Krass Hula AVelsh Oreen 17012 Lexgton Iin70yl50hvy 145 1121 Oreen112i 222 3 3U 48 G Horel Horel152S5 7 Gold Color Holy Hill AVeyanoke 152S5 Latonia 1 11G Il64ifast 215 109 742 1 1 G C Dish Dishmon Camellia Carpathla Prospect 15159 Latonia 1 11G l45fast 9 104 G 3 3 4 42 3 AV AV Tlor 1 11SOSO 7 JcnnyGeddes TAIGreen Gabrio 1SOSO Latonia 34 115 mud 10 110 8 G G 4 4J E Alarti Alartin 8 Royal Tea Alerrick Rio Hrazos LADY JANE GREY b f 3 97 By AVatercrc Sister Jeanie Wl H Harris 20605 Douglas 111G 117 good 4i 1001 2 211 1124 2 4 = 412 A Alott Cmauretta Mallard Loveland 0531 Douglas 1 116 liUmud Cl10 100 2 2 2 3 3 3 A Alott Alledo Hank Hill J Kavauaugti 20400 Douglas 34 l12fast 215 98 4 333 3 A Alott Hetterton CarOrme AVIld Hear 20316 Churchill 1 11G 14G fast G 98 4 422 2 2 3 33 3 J A Mott 10 Aliss Thorpe Reno Loveland 20051 Smyt19G52 Lexgton 34 l16V hvy 38 103 2 3 C GI h 4 J Smyt Smyth AVblossom AnKrnter P Alald 19G52 Havana 5i f l07fast 2 96 G 3 3b Alald3U 2 in i w y Ural S Chilla Miss JJrush Gltana 19611 Havana GI f lOSfast 2 108 4 6 6 69J T Koen KoenIlifSS Koerner StCharlcote KrPrlnee Alinstrcl IlifSS Havana 51 f lOSfast G5 96 41 311 Alinstrcl3U 2 oil F Robii Robinsn 7 Jahot Kramlywine Malik MalikBy JACK KAVANAUGH br g 5 112 By Marathoj205S3 Marathon Queen a Day Mrs R McMillan 205S3 Douglas 1 116 l52 livy 5310 108 5 S 8 G G McMillanr 42 L Gent Gentry S K Dipper IJIJill Commauretta 0531 Douglas 1 1 16 l515mud 2 110 456 G 4 4l Commauretta4l 4 4J E Pool Allcdo lank Hill Lady J Grey 20437 Douglas 1 1S l55hvy IS 1031 4 3 G 2 2 E Pool 7 Marshon Falcada Hank Kill 20379 Cliurchill 1 18 155 good 13 105 5 5 G 5 4 5 1 K Pool 10 Consoler Goldv Commauretta 10359 Cliurcliill liu70yl4Gslow 81 107 C G G C 6 63JB Ott 8 AIDulweber Hrkthorn GalKoy 1S074 GalKoy1S074 Latonia 1 11G l47fast fld 111 10 13 13 13 13 13J E AIcEwenlH Jim Gill ToeUelbohl HonElolM 179i7 HonElolM179i7 Church 1 1 116 151 hvy 12 li9 7 8 S S S S E AIcMwen 8 J Deibold Marshon CAIcFerran 17473 Douglas 1 1 16 l4Sffast 98 109 10 10 10 10 10 10 JE AIcKwenlG PcessCallaway JSteln AVauder FORT SUMTER blk g 5 112 By Star Shoot Maribel J N Mmmce 20437 Douglas 1 18 l5hvy 149 107 5 G 6 6 5 5 = ° L Gentry 7 Alarshon J Kavana ijrli Faleada 0379 Churchill 1 18155 good fld 110 999 S 72 GJA Neylon 10 Consoler Goldy C mmauivtta 0359 Churchill Iui70yl46slow 166 112 S 7 7 7 7 7 D Stirling 8 AIDulweber Hlktl jrn GalHoy V 290 Churchill 1 116 l47fast fld 112 12 12 12 12 12 12 JAV AA TlorlS PrEugeue AI Duh elier S Pin 057 Churchill 1 116 l4Gfast 445 110 8 9 9 S S 7iD Stirling J Threiider HKeeno i IGenman 20 0t I exgton 1 18 fast 115 111 4 6 6 7 S 85iD Stirling 10 IT Howdy OlgaSlar AVWonder 01G7 AVWonder01G7 I exgton 1 116 l4S slow 120 110 7 S S 7 G2 C = 1L Gentry Alarshon Jes Ixiuise Hank Hill 0140 Lexgton 1 18 l52fast rid 107 7 S S S 6 C iC Uurgmel2 Kuek Keenon Goldy Kilcrca WIG KilcrcaWIG Lexgton Im70yl45 good 77 112 10 10 10 8 72 6 JC Hurgmell Transit Reqiiiram Wryneck I9SS6 WryneckI9SS6 Juarez 1 18 l5fast 4 98 1 7 7 7 7 7 = 1AI Garner 7 Cordie F Spindle Dalstou 19759 Juarez 1 139 fast 7 7WANDER S S S 8 82UW Ormes S JoImReardon AnKeed Chevron WANDER ch g 9 By Peep oDay Strayaway O E Hamilton OG52 Douglas 34 l12fast tld 110 12 13 13 13 13 = R Small lit Casey Jones Edith W Colic 05S3 Colic05S3 Douglas 1 11G l52fast 11 108 1 2 4 7 7 7 R Goose 8 H Dipper HHill Commauretta 0401 Douglas 1 116 l4Smud 18 101 2 3 4 5 G 632iH Ott 7 Alarshon Acis Hard Hall 0314 Churchill 1 116 147 fast G7 105 9 9 9 9 9 9 H Ott 10 1 Ixiiise Editli AV Blackthorn r074 Churchill 1 116 l4Sslow 17 112 10 6 8 S 81 7 R Goose 10 Requiram Impression Lovcland 19SOO Havana 58 110 hvy 2 112 2 2197SS 2 2 2i AV Obert 7 Ktinice C AlcFerran AV Lad 197SS Havana 34131 hvy 21 111 1 6 45 2 ° k H Snyder S Tiger Jim Cooster AVatcr Lad 19732 Havana 5J f l16hvy 1 110 5 4 4 31 E Taplin i E Harwood Tiger Jim Cooster 1693 Havana 5J f 121 hvy 95 111 3 3JUSTICE 3 3 ° 3 D Connelly 7 A N Akin Tiger Jim B Belle BelleBy JUSTICE GOEBEL b c 4 112 By McGee Mago J Umensetter 057 Douglas 34 l15mud 111 114 5 5LOS12 7 4 4 = 4 T AIcTagtll Royal Meteor Greville Alanners LOS12 Churchill 34 l12fast fid 106 8 81XS4 Lost rider AV Aleehan 14 Undaunted Alex Grasmere 1XS4 Churchill 34 113 fast 025 108 4 4P91 4 3 7 S8 B Ott 12 DejMJsit Acis Cash on Delivery 1SP91 P91 Latonia 34 l13V fast 120 106 5 9 9 4i G8 J Howard i Charmense AIKruter JLonlse 1S15S Latonia 84112 fast 80 109 9 89 10 10 J Howard 12 Aliss Declare Droll Charmeus 1S017 Churchl 34 llChvy 9 105 1 7s 7 AV AV Tlor S KateK GalleySlave DaisyPlaif 17108 Church 1 3i l13good fid 105 4 It 4 = AAr AV Tloria Daisy Platt Oakland TAIGreen

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Local Identifier: drf1915060201_5_2
Library of Congress Record: