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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Handicap 15014 111 1 113 PAN ZARETA cb m 5 By Abe Frank Caddie Griffith J F H S New Newman man 20S42 BIueBon 34 l13fast 4T 134 11 I1 G Burns Carbide Deposit Sir Edgar 20551 WMbine 34 ll2fast 2120 129 is 11 rr ince i Kewessa Back Bay South Maid 20430 WMbine 34 113 fast 110 123 1s I2 T Rice G Recoil Shyness Bessie Latimer 19774 Jua ez 31 iiifast 4r 1IG IJ int j Loftus fi Seneca Kootenay Little Will 19745 Jua ez 51 f 0 fast 710 140 1407S 11 121 J Loftus 7 Kooteiiay Manranrse Grapesht 19599 Jua ez 7S l24fast 75 135 ink 2 J Loftus la Kootonay Rash Miss Fielder I941S Jua ez 1 l41good 710 IOS IOS5S 121 I1 T Rice 7 Rdmaster GMmont Executor 193IS Jua ez 5S 57ifast 12 120 120El 2 I2 J Loftug 2 Joe Blair 19033 Jua ez El f lOCfast 18 13C 12 I3 J Loftus 4 LitWill N Haven KathneG 1SG31 Jua ez 34 iniVfcfast 710 132 I2 I J Loftus 4 Hociiir Sir Dyke Flitaway 17SSS Clu chl 34 113 mud 2G 112 I2 FlitawayI2 Il J Loftus 7 Boii Hcnsley Korfhage Glint GlintBy BACK BAY b e 7 By Rubicon Genna P Sheridan 20920 BIueBon 34 114 fast 2320 119 21 4i J Metcalf G WaterLady Proctor KingWorth 20721 Dorval 31 l14V fast 1 117 1 1i J Metcalf G Deposit Briar Path Kewessa 20551 WMbine 34 l12fast 3 117 33 3 J Metcalf G PanZareta Kewessa South Maid 20392 WMbine 34 113 good2320 114 11 2J J Metcalf 7 Kewessa WLady Commouaad 201G1 Lexgton 34 l141 hvy 1920 109 2 12 I2 R Carter Pars and Stars Wilhite 200SS Lexgton 34 l12fast 13J 111 111IS34S 21 461 It Carter 8 Chalmers Benanet Bringlmrst IS34S Latonia 34 l11fast 425 115 115182C5 G fJJ Metcalf G Leochares ISrlnghrst HUarbee 182C5 Latouia 31 lllfast 8310 117 117IS04G 551 J Melcalf 8 Bringhst Leoohares Casnarlna IS04G Latonia 34 112 fast 3 113 113174SI 5 fi8A J Metcalf 5 Liochares Lady Moonet Hocnlr 174SI WMbino 34 lllfast 75 117 117WATER ink ink j Metcalf 5 PanZareta SonthMald HofOak HofOakBy WATER LADY b f 4 110 110209G1 By Waterboy Duchess of Towers Mrs J Arthur 209G1 BlueBoh 1 l42mud 1110 94 I2 I2 L McAfee G Spiecler Anxiety Harbard 20910 BIueBon 34 114 fast 2 1 5 520S22 32 I3 W Obcrt G Proctor King Worth Back Bay 20S22 BluoBon 1 l39fast 1910 10G 10G20GI4 2 3s W Ohert r Cmonada B Ciinarder Shvness 20GI4 Dorval 34 l13fast 75 104 44 I R Shilling G BveCnnarder Kewessa Deposit 20392 WMbine 34 113 good 1C 101 51 3 R Shilling 7 Kewessa It Bay Conimonada 20321 Pimllco 34 lin mud 10 101 31 2J H Shilling 0 Montresor Snrprisg BCnarder 20233 Pimlico 34 l13fast 4310 103 103RECOIL 3k ink i Shilling S Wanda Pitzer Corsican TField TFieldBy RECOIL br f 4 90 9020SI3 By Ogden Hammerless Thorncliffe Stable 20SI3 BIueBon 1 l41fast 2120 102 7 7 A Claver 7 StalIIelen Busliyllead Martian 20430 WMbine 34 113 fast 12 113 21 22 A Claver G Pan Xaretn Shyness ILatimer 17148 Wdhine 1 l40good 81 98 3t 51 R Shilling 11 Inkle Astrologer Privet Petal 1738 WMbine 34 I13sl6p IS 99 991C223 23 2 J Callahan G Vreeland Ilarliard Useelt 1C223 FortErie 1 l44mud 12 100 100IG114 420 4 = 1 K Ambrose 7 Polly II Pn hit brush Martian IG114 FortKrie 1 lT9iffast G 102 Bi BJ E Ambrose G Paintbrush Indolence Ilarliard 153G1 FortKflc 1 11G I47i4fast 4 100 22 2s A Claver n Polly II Runway Ray o Light IC203 Ham ton 1 11G 147 fast 4 100 4s 5 1 A Claver G Tippecanoe INillylL R o Light 14983 Conght 1 18 l5Sslow 1SC 105 21 33 A Claver 5 Waterbass Sandbar PrlvelPetal