Third Race [3rd Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-19

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THIRD RACE 34 Mile Texas Higlnvcight Handicap 3yearolds and upward SKI TOP 0 TH MORNING cb c 3 By Peep oDay Lady Balfrowan F Johnson 20114 Jamaica 51 f 107 slow 41 2 = 2 M ruxton fi HlIi Noon Ilicsphor 1ixy iOSl Hclmont 34 st lll = fast 4i 5i 45 M Huxton 7 Andrew Ileslryniie Y Notions yitll Bclmont 34 st l03fast 3J 51 71 M liuxtou a HNiNMi Stromboli YauNotiona 20I 58 Uelmont 5J f st l0rislov 1C5 Il I1 M Huxton C The Finn Gloaming KasUaskla 20295 Iimlico 31 l15fast 25 I1 1s M Buxton Anxiety Primary Gammon 1C5S7 Saratoga 34 113 fast 15 1i 2l V nlitmirelu Tby Jury L Harbary Comely ComelyBy SURPRISING b c 4 By Marta Santa Strathlou R F Carman 20321 Iimlico 34 l155 niud 2i 21 33l M Kuxton 0 Montrcsor AVLsuly HCnnarder 20107 HdeGco GJ f lOfiKood 2l 3 = G Corey r Andrew Montrcsor Horron SHTO ILdeOco 34 ll2frast 40 51 5 ° 13 Ambrose SIuniberlL AVaterhass Kcwessa 20031 IIdeGce 34 lllslow 4J 3 312 C Turner 3 Slumber II Ioniette Hleu fi15 Unlmont 34 st 112 fast G 3J 33i M Hnxton Comely Forum Garbage 1G870 liclmont 1 l3Gfast SJ SJI 43 513 M Huxton 7 Stromtioli Gainer Figinny I Saratoga 1 31G 23livy 15 10 10I3JA SchuKrK Star Gaze Lahore San Aesa J Saratoga 1 l3Sgood G5 4s 4 i M ruxton Strnniholi Punch Howl Gainer 1GD02 Saratoga 1 1S l54slnw C 2 k 35 M Huxton 7 Pandean Flying Fairy Andes 1G1G2 Saratoga 1 14 201 fast 2 2s 210 M Euxton 7 Koainer Gainer Stromboll StrombollBy NORSE KING b c 3 By Fair Play Nineveh F B Lemaire 20W1 Jamaica 1 11G 147 fast 1S3 I1 I1 L Allen 5 Double Kagle Topllat Pandean Lfl735 Iteliuont 1 11S lllfast 32 2 21 J McCalioj Short Grass 2oril Uelmont 1 110 l4Cfast 32 I3 I1 1 Lowdcr i Top Hat Addie M Hedge 2 i322 Iimlico 1 1S 15S mud 135 6 5 = T Ilice UhineMuIdcn Half Hock Hunes 10227 Churchill 1 11 207fast 40 15 151AV J OBnlC Regret Pebbles Sharpsliooter 2 Ct57 IIdeGce Ci f lOGfast 3J 33 2l A Schuter 8 Cello LadyTcresa Her Temple K027 HdcGce OJ f l07 fast 2 11 l J McCahey 7 Celto Protector Dinah Do 20017 HdeGce 6S uDfast C 1J I1 T McTagti Protector NSimplcx Sarsenet SarsenetBy FIGINNY b c 4 By Disguise Homespun G A Cocliran 2CK35 Jamaica 31 113 fast 15 5nt su AV Lillev 8 C Miticttc Harinoiiicon HPrynne 20S01 IipItk Ali34 l13ffast 2 3 = 2J AV AVauMon 7 Hhinu Maiden Holiday Hazzano 17SM l iurcl 1 110 l45fast M5 11 101 1 McCaheyll LitNearer M ontresor Kxecutor 172S9 IJelmont 1 l37fast 2i 2i1707C 3 33 7 McCahey 4 Garbage Thornldll G M Miller 1707C Ilolmont 7S 124 fast 10 G fiUJ McCahey r Stromboli Comely Frederick L 1GS70 Hclinont 1 l3fifast 41 41FENKOUSE 3 3i J McCahcy 7 Stromboli Gainer Uncle Muu MuuBy FENKOUSE b f 3 320S2S By Rock Sand Flittermouso A Bclmont 20S2S Belmont 1 139 fast 11G I1 31 P Loxvder 4 AVooden Shis Hac Stouehenge 20754 lielmont 34 J 14 fast 115 115l0OO 1 = 1s P Lowder Azyiiide Lily Ornio l0OO Belmont C f l20good 2 410 4sx o Turner TiiikleUell DistShore SamSlick 2034S BclTer AU5S fast 85 85HANOVIA 1 = U Uiignn 10 Mr Specs Otto Floto Culvert CulvertBy HANOVIA ch f 3 By Fair Play Miss Hanover Quincy Stable 20937 Jamaica 34 l157ifast SG SGPOLARIUS I1 1 C Ilgamu 7 FtiTay Wuzzy Ycdeles S Marsh MarshBy POLARIUS br jr 3 3IXMfiS By Astronomer Her Majesty D Gideon IXMfiS Helinont 01 f st l05 = j slow 13 G1 P Lowdcr ToMliMorninjr TFinn Jlining 20157 Pimlico 34113 fast 23 5U 531 P Louder I Hunes Andrew Protector 20103 HdeGco Tl f l07 fast 34 342i0r V 11 C Kbther K Singsg MMcGigglc Nonreddin 2i0r 7 HdeGce 51 f l0lifast 1W 1WJ3 2 5 C Flither 8 Celto Norse King Lady Teresa J3 Kinplre Cl f 109 slow 0 G GK 5 Fbther 5 Trust Mo Razzano Huucs 15032 Aqueduct 5S 59fast 15 41 G10 C Fbther 5 Polish Cnpra Kncoro 15050 Aqueduct 5S l00fast 20 51 713 C Fbther S Gaelic Lampoon Doublet

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Local Identifier: drf1915061901_6_2
Library of Congress Record: